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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Or David Gates who sang "Baby I'ma Want You"
  2. Oh yes I remember that now. Spice or spike or something like that?
  3. Pianoteq 6 wins over Ivory 2 any day in my opinion. I own both, bought both years ago, 10 years ago maybe? I ran with Ivory for a while but could not escape its two dimensional quality, albeit a well-sampled two dimensions. I stopped using Ivory when Pearl came out. I've also demoed every version of Pianoteq, without excitement. Until version 6 . This most recent version is amazing. Petrov especially. So playable. Plus with pianoteq they have other cool instruments that use the platform. Pianos are an extremely subjective category. You can easily demo pianoteq, wheras you can't demo any sample library. Those you buy with your fingers crossed!
  4. Who is this character, and what have you done with Yoropal? Just chiming in to say you have been one of my favorite musical pleasures in the past ten years. I've listened the hell out of a lot of your Soundcloud tunes over the years. Highly recommended! So send me your dodgy lowdowns and I'll be happy to tune 'em!
  5. @David Sprouse- like that Alien covered in slime that came for Sigourney Weaver? Yes, I see it now. Thanks! @Bajan Blue- thanks! hearing your comment is the crowning achievement. @SteveC - many thanks for the listen! I'm trying to be more different these days because I know, without trying, I can be very, very normal. Glad you liked it!
  6. PhonoBrainer


    Friggin great, like a Christian version of Rush or heavier!!! Loved the mix choices and the guitar tones were awesome! Was that a Kemper or something? Great vocals! cheers, -Tom
  7. Yes, I agree, longer! I really like the originality you bring to every piece.
  8. That was a quality listen. Hi fidelity Jesse is a serious threat, and a serious treat. -Tom
  9. That multi-camera vid was really great to watch, thanks! You were giving a lesson in vibrato, really excellent. So those guitar tones are 100% from the Kemper unit, and not also sent to a mic'd amp? Loved the doubled lead towards the end. Thanks for sharing your excellent work! cheers, -Tom
  10. Another winner! Nice job and good luck with the album! -Tom
  11. that's a catchy melody for sure! You might start the file with a tad of silence, instead of the music starting immediately. You don't by chance have one of them pedal steel guitars, do ya? That could fit in there somewhere . . . cheers, -Tom
  12. Yep, the guitars are magic in that mix, and I can hear the drums breathe. Great great stuff! You have an 8 measure intro, it could be 4. at 1:02 you have a four measure interlude, it could be 2. Overall the bass guitar - what's the plan there? I think I heard one but it's pretty soft in the mix. I know it's not rock, so subdued bass is fine, but dude that's pretty subdued such a great mix - I hope the Nashville committees don't double the tempo and add the crossover hiphop du jour. cheers, and good luck with it! -Tom
  13. Great voice!!! It starts with a guitar note right when you hit the play button, maybe add a little space. In the intro the acoustic arpegg guitar has a little too much upper eq bite to it, but it seems fine in the main body of the song. The toms that announce the snare - they are kind of tubby toms, almost tympanic . . . very up front toms - but the snare is a bit muffled, the kick is barely there. I'd say your main mixing issue might be the drums. I'd also get more reverb on the strings so you can't hear the stops. Look this seems like a crit list, but it's a very cool song, I like the parts, the vocal is really great as well. What a fun project!!! cheers, -Tom
  14. Yeah, I have older EZ libraries, they are all 16bit with effects baked in. Funkmaster, etc. They don't sound great in SD3 and aren't very editable. So I was wondering if this new Cuban thing is any better in that regard . . .
  15. Are the EZDrummrrr audio files 16 bit with full effects baked in? If I try to load these into SD 3, what am I gone get?
  16. Thank you for not putting a comma after "hobby"
  17. So that's what all the fuss is about . . Who knew architecture could be so divisive
  18. Here's a song if you like Johnny Cash, quarantines, parody, simplistic arrangements, good sangin', a sense of humor, and 2:20 is all you can spare at the moment:
  19. The mix is great and I especially liked the treatment of the bgv's!!! They fit perfectly - it helps to have a great vocalist as well! Nice work and good luck with the lockdown - super great of you to share these efforts! -Tom
  20. Color me relaxed! I liked the second part and the unpredictability of the different instruments coming in. Nice! cheers, -Tom
  21. That slide dobro seems very authentic, love it!!! I really like the instrumentation choices. I'm thinking the wide-panned 12 string? acoustic might be creating a mix issue? I don't know what effects you have on those? Listen to the beat at 1:11, and I'm thinking something is dragging the tuning of that acoustic a bit flat? I can't tell. It's pretty close, could just be my ears today. The drums are another highlight, great performance / programming and I think they are mixed well. Your vocals are ver solid as well! cheers, -Tom
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