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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Lynn's comment nailed it! I'd bring the vocals up in the mix. I'm not sure you need that big puffy sub kick on the one. It's a bit of a distraction. Just a thought. I like your voice, and the mix of it, so let it be heard more! cheers, -Tom
  2. Great playing! I found myself wanting the strings gone, just to hear the piano. What does that sound like? The strings do make it swooshy and romantic, however. Nice one! cheers, -Tom
  3. Way good! Those Teslas have really come a long way. When she says the guy is "switching genres" . . . you could have switched the background music to a skiffle polka. Anyway, to be serious, I liked the dark brooding tone and the percussion builds the tension very well. I don't think there is any really criticizing your compositional choices because there is no right answer . . . I do like your choices! You must be totally sick of watching this clip, I bet? cheers, -Tom
  4. That's a good performance for sure! The woodiness of the guitar comes through wonderfully. You might consider a slight volume boost of the vocals, and if you haven't yet done so, dip the volume just a smidge on the guitar when a vocal line is happening? Your guitar has a wonderful percussive strum transient, but that also helps wipe out the vocal just a little. My .02 Kroners on your lovely effort! cheers, -Tom
  5. Consistently great productions in my opinion . . . this one has the 1980's / 2020 mashup down. Love it! cheers, -Tom
  6. I could totally see this used in a movie scene. It's brilliant and very evocative. On headphones I heard some digital clipping artifacts occasionally? Like where two abutting files weren't crossfaded. One example @ :42. It might juist be a Soundcloud think, I dunno. Might be worth a check for those. super cool piece, sorry to hear the movie didn't work out. cheers, -Tom
  7. Actually we don't all know that. But I do now, many thanks! Rogue on the Unix server had absolutely no sound at all, and was the best computer game ever invented !
  8. So even though it appears like a fraud, a scam, a ripoff . . . . I'm still feeling pissed that Spaghetti Western is $59 . . .
  9. That's how I got Portal, from BF, for $29, although it took exactly 6 months afterwards. Still MF followed through on it, kudos! I
  10. Some of these are so old, the dinosaurs posted them on MySpace.
  11. Can't believe you bypassed the box office gold that is Areefa Plankton
  12. Just in time for Father's Day . . . Spaces I owners can upgrade to Spaces II for $184 . . . that's a whopping 116% ON!!! Or you can buy Spaces II outright for a 60% discount, just $149. But what fun is that, Dads? Seriously, this continues to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen in plug-in pricing. Happy Father's Day to the Dads out there!
  13. Which bear is the most condescending? Pan. DUH!!!!!
  14. Fun fact! Byrnjolfur Sveinsson of Iceland is a huge fan of the band R.E.M. , and likes to sing along!!! "That's me on the Kronur . . ."
  15. Yeah but they spelled crazy with a "k" and it's all caps, so you gotta respect that.
  16. If they can't figure it out, they shouldn't breed!
  17. If it were me, I'd only bother to reinstall those plugins as they presented themselves in the projects I was working on. Spread the pain. But if you are a commercial operation or working with other people, that doesn't really work . . .
  18. Alas no, but I bought Taupe and it's a good master bus eq . . .
  19. Elephant Man, far right? Just wondering . . . and Tom Russell appears to be The Most Interesting Man in the World? and there's a huge-***** sailfish on the wall in a diner? and they drink Mexi beers but he's having a Roy Rogers or a melonball? and of course, an accordion??? and it's "Haley's" not the correct "Halley's" ? Exactly what the Haley is going on here??!!?
  20. well what is the one Acustica plugin that I could use on the master bus to make a jazz funk electro mix sound like magic?
  21. I really love the groove and the chord progression! Mix-wise, the bass is right up front . The drums are way back. So you might take the reverb distance down on the drums, and see how that sits better? Worth a shot. that's a cool production, nice job!!! -Tom
  22. @David Sprouse - Ah, two great references! I was aiming for Caravan Palace! But I could not ever be that cool or techie slick. But that was the target. I'd love to watch whoever edits the Caravan Palace songs . . . highly recommended! @DeeringAmps - I appreciate it, many thanks! @MBGantt - thanks so much, glad it was fun! And behind fun is a little bit of self-indulgence! @Lynn - thanks Lynn, I'm so glad you liked it . . . perhaps a bit much going on in spots? . . . there could be pruning I think. @Old Joad - thanks for the comment, and old Berlin avant-garde music sounds good to me, are there any recommendations I could check out? thanks again!
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