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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. sorry may I add I really liked the vid!
  2. Larry uses The Force to sense a disturbance in the retail universe. . .he is our Jampoints Jedi
  3. Ok Boomer!!! Actually I wanted one but I couldn't afford the $399.95 or whatever the hades it was. But I did have a couple of daisy chained cassette players to degrade stereo tracks with. ?
  4. Thanks Michael! The Soothe plugin tends to knock out any upper eq sharpies that the compressor shards out, if that makes any since. Appreciate the listen and the comment.
  5. Thanks Paul. In isolation there is madness. I think we all know that now.
  6. plus 1 on that chorused and phasey guitar. Maybe the lead vocal solo is a little dry, just a bit of delay or rvb? You probably already have a bit on them. Your bgv oooohs seem spot on! Is your lead vocal panned a bit left? Maybe bring that back to center? I dunno, I've never known for sure but I like the lead vocal downtown, particularly in a sparse mix like this. YMMV. good stuff bro cheers, -Tom
  7. really cool, thanks for the morning jazz wake-up! -Tom
  8. PhonoBrainer


    Am I hearing a Wavestation patch? "chik -chik zhaaaaa" love it. Part whatever. Super chill. got the squid off of the sewer vent btw, thanks for asking . . . cheers, -Tom
  9. you can friggin write a song. Love the arrangement choices. I'm pretty sure your rhythm guitars in the first part of the song are out just ahead the beat of the snare. The drums and bass seem locked, but you might check to see if those guitars are anticipating the drums just a tad. The lead guitar seems in the pocket, tho. excellent as usual! cheers, -Tom
  10. Alex's page is not available . . .
  11. I tried to pull my credit card out of my wallet, but it wouldn't budge. I'm not worthy.
  12. . . . about 20% of the Southern Hemisphere, and is covered in ice that represents 70% of the planet's fresh water. http://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/antarctica/
  13. Great vocal on this! I'm sure the art of mixery will flatten out the wrinkles in time, but it starts with cool lyrics and a pleasant voice to listen to, and this has both . . . I'm sorry you are essential! Stay safe!!! cheers, -Tom
  14. Top notch sound quality and chops! Brought me back to some of the early Joe Walsh instrumentals which I loved and still do. thanks for all your effort on that, very cool outcome.
  15. This song has a lot of great performance in it and emotion as well, so you are good there! If I get a mix vote, I'd move those cymbal crashes from their extreme panning on the edges to something more towards center. They way they kept splashing hard left / hard right for me detracted from the song, and I was not wearing headphones. good song hombre! cheers, -Tom
  16. Good thing I had my piano up when I listened! Thanks for the jam! I like your blues piano improv choices. Bueno mix. The very very end could have a sustain to let the last notes fing out and fade. It just chops off. that was fun, thanks! -Tom
  17. Thanks Fleer, I'm in! <whispering>
  18. expectations were not unmet, enjoyment was had, and unconventions were marvelled at. cheers, -Tom
  19. "Trying" is my favorite part. No bacon was actually stolen. And you're still gonna get new cans out of the deal. Well done! Any thoughts on Massdrop knock offs? I have not bought from them but they purport to be quality versions for less money. Anyone have experience?
  20. So very nice of you to deliver us food! About when should I expect it? You may have sent out a master schedule to the group, I may have missed it. To make things easier for you, I am ok with pineapples on pizza.
  21. Having bought a coronaload of plugins for mixing, here's the ones I actually always use. . . EQ = Fabfilter ProQ3, Maag 4, Oeksound Soothe Comp = Waves API2500, the Glue, Softube Drawmer s73. (Limiter = Fabfilter pro-L 2) Specializers = Softube Tape, Zynaptiq intensity Modulaters = Waves Brauer motion, Soundtoys echoboy and filterfreak and Microshift Reverb = Seventh Heaven, Breeze 2, Spaces What am I missing out on???
  22. Andy! Stranger things are yet to come for us all, I'm afraid . . . many thanks for the listens, I hope you and yours are faring well through this . . . in future vids, no more dentists without prior disclaimer!
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