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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Those are some tasty synths and rises! I'd vote for vocals and drums up - let us feel the power of vocals and drums, to match the heady synths. This is one of my favs of yours thus far. Cool beans!!! cheers, -Tom
  2. Wonderful interplay of vocal/guitar/cello/accordion/ and mandolin? !!! Is it a mandolin? Link: Mix-wise, I'd say that awesome vocal could come up just a hair.
  3. Mix was really clean, and the vid was certainly easy on the eyes! Super project, this! cheers, -Tom
  4. Damn, Kenny, fastest Photoshop in the West. I liked the Hamilton-esque one best! Major skills.
  5. On a dead upside-down shark? ?
  6. Emin to Amaj, there and back again x infinity. Moderate tempo. Garage band staple. The drummer drifts and slows down, annoying the keyboard player. The bass player is someone's nerdy friend, just picked it up last week. The guitar player is the boss but plays WAAAAAY TOOOOO LOUDDDD because he is going deaf. None of them can sing, much less sing and play at the same time. Somebody's sister knows a hot chick. She can't sing, either, but her hotness keeps the band together for two more weeks until she picks the drummer, who leaves the following week and that's when they all look at each other and realize it's time to read the next post.
  7. Notes. The first place to open up will probably be Mar el Lago, so sniff out a gig there?
  8. @noynekker - boy you hit the nail on the head about the video! I've started it, and I agree "theatre of the mind" is difficulto translate visually, especially with a budget of near zero! But I like my chances, we'll see. Thanks so very much for the comments! @vechung - make mine a gin and tonic, thanks! And thanks for the listen! @Lynn - hopefully face masks and tin foil hats have differing levels of efficacy! Maybe not! Thanks for the comments . . . @Douglas Kirby - yeah, original is important, like your stuff is! I dunno I just can't get fired up about covering another's song, maybe because I was in a cover band for 15 years. Yeah, that's it. thanks very much! @Bajan Blue - thanks Nigel very much for giving this weird little song a listen!
  9. Thanks!!! @bjornpdx - ah yes now you see why I do a lot of instrumentals! I actually wrote and recorded most of this in 2014, and it took me six years to get the guts to do three little background vocal parts!!! Many thanks for the listen . . . @AndyB01 - thanks, you are too kind, so glad you enjoyed it. It's a quirky little song so not to everyone's tastes perhaps! You are very musically open minded and beyond considerate! Thanks again! @DeeringAmps - thanks man!!! It was really fun to stew on this for six years. Total back burner. You know how it is. And the "page turning" is recorded tin foil ripping, believe it or not! Thanks for the comments, much obliged . . . @daryl1968- Thanks! I think I found the key to a successful mix - only have piano and voice! Two inputs, so easy to manage! And it still took me a while! Glad you dug it.
  10. Hi Steve! This was an education for me, I wasn't really familiar with this song, but you seem to have pulled it off nicely! That's a creditably McCartney vocal! I'd offer an idea, maybe boost the vocal a tad, in spots in really needs to come above the level of the competing piano and synthstrings. For me, everything clicked in the mix better when it was full bass accompaniament, but I get the song must have the dynamics of stripped-down sections. Otherwise, the mix had great separation between the instruments, and I agree it's a pleasant and interesting song! Nice job on it! cheers, -Tom
  11. Hi Doug! I listened to the full mix. Excellent song, love the parts, love how they come together. What would you identify as the chorus in this song? I'm hearing verse / prechorus / chorus ? I think one thing you might consider is adding an element that really boosts the chorus, like a backing pad or doubled vocal or something, a ha! An organ pad!!! just to get the arena really rocking! Very Tom Petty, awesome! cheers, -Tom
  12. Sorry, I should have checked the name. "Aidan O'Driscoll" plenty of hints on offer, a fine Irish name it is. I'll check out that site because I'm a big Thomas Dolby fan, and that's what we do.
  13. Has the patriarch taken into full consideration any unwanted psychological remnants this might produce in the boy holding the shears? Could be a bit traumatic for a six year old who is expressing reluctance. Now, if he could do it with a light saber, that's another story ?
  14. The last game I really enjoyed was Rogue, on the Unix platform or server or whatchamacallit. Or, "Canyon Defense" at miniclips.com. Wish they had either of those on android. As you can see, I'm nOtagAmer4LiFe Ok boomer out.
  15. @vechung- disgusting? agreed! It creeps me out just to think about it! Thanks for the listen! @Makke - many thanks! please watch out for the flies . . . @freddy j - wow that's very kind, thank you! It's such a silly idea and I ought to know better. Glad you got a chuckle out of it! @Max Arwood - yes without the vid, it's elevator music! I'm very glad you liked it, thanks for the listen!
  16. Killer delay on that lead vocal in the intro! The whole thing is a bit depressing, isn't it! Your musical treatment is very listenable and very solidly produced. Honestly, though, I'm just not in the mood for musical explorations of this! I'm sure others are, and hopefully you get some good charity rolling from it. No faulting your song, it's well done for sure. cheers, -Tom
  17. Loved it, I saw all the edits and comping, wow great project! I liked the spirit of costuming as well, big fun. See you on Reddit! -Tom
  18. Parboiled! will be her Empty schemes . . . a Fraud! to a venerated Meme! thanks for the listens and I appreciate crits and feedback, oh yes indeedy!
  19. That would be the Radio Silence. Bummer, I can't see it either, gotta be a Brit I reckon. One more reason to envy them!
  20. Beautiful vocal over cool chord changes. Guitar is liquid, supportive, alive. One crit FWIW I'd drop a little more ambience on the sidestick and the hihats/cymbals, they're hecka dry compared to the guitars. cheers, -Tom
  21. Indeed, having heard your voice, I conjured it in my head whilst I was reading, and it works! But I'd also vote for your real vocals if you can, but if not it's a fun little adventure as is. -Tom
  22. I love that clean guitar tone, it's the highlight of the mix! I also like your vocals which convey that 80's sophisticated alley vibe. Cool bends of that lead guitar as well! Mixwise, the drums are pretty far back, maybe scootch them forward a tad, particularly when there's no vocals. Maybe go full 80's reverb snare? I dunno. Just drums louder would be an improvement. I also was missing the bass guitar, but in this song it's not a feature. The main parts, vocal and guitar, are very strong. Well done you night ranger! cheers, -Tom
  23. Stray cats to sharday, huh? I don't get that one. Because I'm
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