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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I've been comparing this one recently to Efimov's older Nylon at $99, or $149 with a strummer. https://www.ilyaefimov.com/products/acoustic-guitars/nylon-complete.html Or a newer one by Sketch, which is $49. https://sketchsamples.com/product/sketch-nylon/ Any opinions?
  2. Ask ChatGPT?? I have it but I don't remember it featuring the "playback through different speakers" thing. Maybe that's in a newer version than the one I have? However it's a super useful tool to have.
  3. Hold on their a second, I speak to my colleagues about they're concerns and there not too bothered by it. There saying their is no they're they're.
  4. Before you can update, you have to update the update button. Thx for the heads up on this, Bit.
  5. They forgot to make the "right" an "alright" Bonus points would have been "porpoises"
  6. It's got the basic ideas and bones of something powerful, and I agree with the above comments re: dynamics building, and the addition of a rhythm guitar. It could even be a reggae groove element, guitar or organ or ep? You might consider employing the limited-eq "telephone" effect on the vocals? Even intermittently? It might help tame the amount of space your vocals are currently occupying in the mix? Just a thought. For me, the vocals are just a bit dominant in the mix. Things are in pretty good shape, I think all you have from here on are refinements! Nice one! cheers, -Tom
  7. That must have been fun as hell to put together, Mark! Completely awesome guitars, clean and crisp when the funk is popping in the wonderful stereo field your panning choices have created. Craig Chaquico didn't need lyrics. Keller Williams usually adds lyrics. These are the two excellent artists I immediately thought of when hearing . . . so I think it's fine with or without, 'cause it's got snap and sparkle. It might be just me but I could hear the bass maybe 1db louder in the mix? Might be worth a go . . . You are so good at creating this type of guitar weave - when things are layered like this, they can get mushy. Just not when you mix them! cheers, -Tom
  8. You have made your own lane, and it's great. Major points for coolness of musical ideas. So because the mix elements are so (wonderfully) diverse and so eclectic perhaps traditional mix comments may not always land successfully? But for me, the elements in the right speaker (guitar lead, and the synthy stuff) occasionally overpowered the vocals. And, again just me, but the kick drum as a super dry "click" drum, I found myself wanting something more traditional with an attack and sustain. Great lyrics, loved how you delivered them, and I really respect your musicality and the choices you make! cheers, -Tom
  9. Got 20 voucher in email, applied to Percussion Thingie, 79 out the door, not too shabby.
  10. Like if Joe Walsh was in the Beatles for the White Album??? I liked those quirky chord changes, and your lead vocals, and the little extra lead vocal that piggyback. Very Inventive! Cheers, -Tom
  11. I liked the sparse creepiness that wasn't too creepy. For me, the vocals could have come in sooner. In the intro buildup, there's a bit of crackle in the left side with the acoustic guitar, and for me the bass guitar could have a bit more presence, maybe the bass notes sustaining longer when they are short? Very cool lyrics, excellent vocals, and the mix (apart from the bass being too low?) has excellent separation. Your drums punch and the cymbals sould clear and fresh! very original and inventive! cheers, -Tom
  12. So it's not sliding anywhere. I guess I'm hearing the latest mix. The word that pops into my head is "soundstage" as in "incredible soundstage" . . . such a pleasure to listen to this mix and it's well-conceived and executed separations. I can't offer any mix ideas where none are needed! But I did find a perhaps checkable moment where a vocal edit or something may be leading to a clip or a pop. 1:13 going into 1:14. That's it. That's all I could find, and it might even be just this particular render, or how it streamed to me. The song itself is poetic, heart rending, and beautiful in the extreme. Vocally you give it a treatment reminiscent of Gordon Lightfoot or Ron Hynes. so thanks for that listen! cheers, -Tom
  13. Love this song, and what a great respectful mix you have here. The pitch of your vocal is splendid!!! But for me the timbre is just a bit thin. You must have considered doubling the lead vocal with another take, and adding a splash of microshift? It could be your mic of choice did the thinning, hard to tell. But the performance is super solid. Love your cover and I'll definitely check back to catch where it ends up. Nice one! cheers, -Tom
  14. I don't think there's too much wrong with the vocal. There ends up being 1 billion choices of how to process vocals, and I've used Nectar to get a start on things before. But more and more I find less is more, and less Nectar for me ends up being more. I listened to the first (compressed) mix, and I liked the vocal very much. But for me it's being killed by the loudness of the piano. You might duck or volume automate the piano down maybe 1.5 db when the vocals are vocalling. I bet your loud piano (which sounds quite nicely compressed and full ) is really masking your vocal. The vocal should pop when the piano is moved a bit lower. Just a thought. cool song and I respect your chops on this one! cheers, -Tom
  15. Lots to like here, but particularly ther BGV's, sweetly hard panned? Lovely chorus effects? Care to dish the secrets of the smoooooth bgv?? As advertised, toes were tapping. And I loved the mix, nothing poked up and out of place. The lead vocal was clean and crisp without being crispy. Well done! cheers, -Tom
  16. That was fun, very cool setup to say the least! Must be hard to leave the house. That keyboard, or whatever patch it was controlling, in the 3:20's area, very floaty! What is that patch? Thanks for sharing your good time! cheers, -Tom
  17. This is my favorite one of yours yet. Video hits the phone on the head. Great vocalist and vocal mixing. Loved the panned electric crunchiness of the guitars. So good! cheers, -Tom
  18. You've got a great voice! And the heavy chops surrounding it are killer! I couldn't help but notice your video had copious areas of black background all the time, and I thought maybe a fertile field for chromakeying other visuals supportive of the song's concepts. ? Heavy ain't my go to for a listen, and I still found that well sung, well mixed, well done! cheers, -Tom
  19. PhonoBrainer

    Sad Day

    The sparkly chime melody is a pleasant happy wisp, which fades away as swells of lower register bassy synths come to overwhelm it. Yours is a tone poem built of musical language, and the first reference I thought of was J.S. Bach. Best of luck to you and yours, sir.
  20. A quality voice and hand at work. I wish it were longer! Well done! I agree with Bjorn's comment about your chords having a recognizable signature of sorts. That was a pleasure. cheers, -Tom
  21. Thanks Jesse! I never had an Ensoniq to fill the hours with back in the day, too spendy. Now I've got nearly every synth ever made on a hard drive palette, for cheap, but hardly any time. Cruel trick, if you think about it.
  22. Yup. thanks for that acknowledgement, I'm sure you know how the video is a time beast. I think I started this one back in 2018 or 19, and I just kept at it. I think audio editing is actually more painstaking and difficult than video editing. It's easier to see what works! many thanks again!
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