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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. I see these are versions of earlier BFD kits made for the new player. I suspect this means player will never open old BFD kits, and IF there is a BFD4 it won't be backwards compatable.
  2. Installed and I have had a quick look. While OB-E is a real beast but it takes a little while to get your head around the architecture, OB-EZ is a sort of pre-set player with basic controls, the sound is fantastic, I suspect we may see preset packs issued in the future. OB-EZ patches can be exported for further tweaking in OB-E (assuming you own it) if you want to be more adventurous. I am not sure is its possible to do it the other way around It certainly would be a big advantage if you could,
  3. Just bought Alicia's Keys. Sounds good from breif initial auditions of the presets. I also got UAD's Polymax as a freebie and 50p back in virtual cash. No brainer.
  4. Further to this, automation of drawbars is possible in the grid editor in EZKeys. MIDI dragged out of EZKeys seems to correctly affect the drawbars in BX-3. Other things can also be automated, I tried the scanner vibrato, but this requires manual assignment in BX-3.
  5. A quick test for those wanting to use export MIDI to use in IK Hammond B-3X I selected MIDI in EZ Keys that used both upper and lower manuals. When the MIDI is dragged into Studio One two tracks are created, one for each manual. This can then be routed to the corresponding manuals in B3-X. Both Leslie speed and expression CC 11 are transferred to the upper manual track. Leslie speed is via the modulation controller and works well unless there is a Leslie break. Brake is midway value on the modulation cc from Session Organ which B3-X does not recognise. Theoretically you would need to manually insert CC93 value to brake the Leslie on BX-3 but I have not managed to make that work yet, probably user error. I does not appear that any other continuous controller data is generated by EZ keys. There are preset keys in Session Organ (the black keys on the lowest octave) I have not tested if these are transferred in the MIDI but in any case to work properly it would need the drawbar presets to be setup identically in both instruments. In conclusion the data from Session Organ will be usable in B3-X with some minor edits.
  6. Installed (I have the subscription), a very quick listen to some of the presets and a bit of tweaking and I think its going to be a winner.
  7. $69 later. https://cherryaudio.com/products/cr-78 I cant get excited about this one I am afraid.
  8. Looks like I had this version already. I did find updates for Ampire High Density Pack, Channel Strip Collection and FAT Channel Collection when I logged in so the heads up was very useful.
  9. I did a quick test with three tracks. Tape as a mix effect on the master and an instance of tape as an insert on each track and while it wasnt light on the CPU it should be usable on my system. If anything it was better than the IK tape effects. The acid test will come on a bigger project.
  10. I see £24.95 including VAT so it probably varies depending on your location. I may finally get this as the integration with Studio One sets it apart.
  11. Well is based on a very basic mono synth. (I had one back in the day) so of course it is pretty basic, BUT you get to use the modules in Modular if you have it which really opens up possibilities.
  12. Unless the MIDI contains controller data like expression pedal, rotary speed, drawbar etc that do not translate?
  13. I bit and got the new AXXESS and the Soundust M-Tron Pro library I had my eye on. I had a bit of a drama installing the library, probably caused by me not realising I did not have the latest M-Tron Pro installed. It looks like it needs 1.02. Its an interesting, quirky library as you might expect from Pendle, probably not one you would use every day but I am sure the sounds will be put to a good use. I think AXXESS is very nice for what it is, a one oscillator subtractive synth but some of the pre-sets indicate its far more capable than its simple architecture may suggest. Probably not an essential id you already have Oddity and a Berringer hardware Oddessy clone - but that didn't stop me!
  14. I got "coupon code does not exist" - then I noticed TOMORROW in the post title. I hoping to get the Soundust expansion pack for M-Tron Pro
  15. I am waiting on Toll as I need some decent cathedral bells. I like the ostinato libraries but EW Holywood and Fantasy Orchestrators are more versatile and intuitive.
  16. In Studio One's performance meter with one instance loaded in UVI workstation it shows +/- 25%, about double Pigments load. Four instances of HX-20 in UVI workstation do cause an overload. If I load four instances of Workstation, each with one instance of HX-20 CPU load stays at around +/- 25% Where Workstation's own CPU meter showed 5% in standalone in the DAW it shows +/- 25% when running in the DAW with one instance of HX-20.
  17. I opened Musio and then Connect and updated the catalog and there they were.
  18. CPU is not something I usually monitor as I seldom have problems. CPU hits shows as around 6% in the according to UVI Workstation's display, but in windows task manager +/- 0.5% I suspect the CPU meter in Workstation refers to one core. in contrast GForce's SEM is +/- 0.3% and Arturia's Pigments from 1.5 to 2.0% CPU hit in Falcon is a little higher but remains below 1% in task manager All the samples are in a monolithic *.UFS file. While some have recognisable names like "Harpischord" they are not realistic but do provide useful sound sources. In factory presets they are often layered with the conventional oscillator. EDIT - I should add these figures refer to the standalone versions.
  19. Installed. (I have the Sonic Pass sub) . Its an interesting architecture with two oscillators with a conventional choice of waveforms and a sample layer with a good choice of samples. The Oscillators and the sample have separate filters both HP and LP with individual resonance. Its very programable and way beyond rompler territory and I was very quickly creating sounds far from the initial patch. First impressions are its probably one of the most versatile of UVI synth libraries.
  20. Ha - its here https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/69566-⚡get-ready-apd-enchanted-black-friday-18-epic-deals/ I knew Larry must have been there before me!
  21. I am pretty sure this must have been posted here before by someone, but I could not find it. Anyway the deal expires tomorrow. Virtuoso Ensembles by Kirk Hunter Studios
  22. Interesting, ARA should help the currently clunky workflow.
  23. What I figured, a time saver, as I could get it for $33 including the dreaded VAT from Best Service I decided to buy it. I will hold fire on expansions for the moment. I am also hoping for occasional "happy accidents" applying random patches to sounds to see what transpires.
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