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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Is anyone else having issues with the latest Analog Lab pro update version. On running in stand alone for the first time after the update the GIU is scaled up to the maximum extent. Not a show stopper. In Standalone I cant get anything to sound with the same settings as before the update. Sonar's VST scan hangs on Analog Lab but it dose launch with the huge GIU, again no sound is produced. Other Arturia synths work correctly. Studio One won't even launch the plugin. Cubase VST scan fails when scanning Analog Lab and its added to the block list.
  2. Wouldn't it be good if any chord tools could sync to the chord track in ****************** Too much to ask?
  3. I foolishly did the upgrade before reading the release notes and before I saw this thread. Everything I have tried works in version 7.6. The information in the bottom of the window indicates the instruments were created in 7.6. Of course I have bit tried every NKI so its possible there may be some that won't load. If you have already installed the update I would not start panicking, but I would advise holding fire if you haven't.
  4. It been running for a while now. Great value at this price.
  5. Installed. (It in the Sonicpass sub.) It's a similar format WS2. On a quick preview there are some nice sounds that supplement rather than replace the earlier version.
  6. That's what I have been doing. I actually have forgotten my password! For some reason the reset emails are not coming through.
  7. Has anyone else had issues receiving password reset emails from 8Dio? I have tried the obvious things like checking SPAM folders. 8Dio support have sent a reset email manually at their end and this has not arrived either. I am now awaiting for their next reply. I am hoping they can send to an alternative email address,
  8. I have this via the Sonic Pass subscription but never tried it until today after reading this thread. It's really rather good.
  9. I weakened and purchased the Antiquity Music Kontakt library I mentioned in the original post because I have the sound in mind for a song I am currently working on. Antiquity Music Electric Harpsichord - Samples I like it, the four pickups have individual volume and pan controls so you can freely mix the front and back pickups to sculpt the sound. Front and back also have bass and treble sections with a configurable split point so you can set up a split keyboard. You can select undamped, lightly and fully damped articulations. The undamped is reminiscent of the Beatles "Because" and the damped Floyd's "See Emily Play" The sound is quite bright but a bit of EQ would mellow it if that's what your required. There are a range of built in Kontakt effects but no amp sim but I would probably prefer to add one in the DAW in most cases. If you want to apply different effects to the different pickups you will need to do some routing to the stereo output in a DAW. I used Studio One's splitter as a test and it worked well.
  10. Thanks Simeon. I already have this and like it a lot, but its a acoustic so a fair bit different to the Baldwin which is solid bodied with pickups like an electric guitar.
  11. I saw those but I had assumed you would need Reason. Like you I know very little about Reason.
  12. Not a deal but If anyone knows they are likely to be here. I am trying to find a VSTi or Kontakt library of a 1960s Baldwin Electric Harpsichord as used by the Beatles, Pink Floyd and many others. I have the "Because I am a Harpsichord" patch in EastWest's Fab Four which is nice but a tad limited. I found this one which looks very good but its a little on the expensive side for something that will only get occasional use. https://antiquitymusic.com/samples/electric-harpsichord I did not see anything in my UVI subscription of Sampletank 4
  13. I am trying the demo. It's certainly interesting and powerful but probably not something I would find that useful for my music. It's worth giving the demo a spin to see if it works for you.
  14. The new one from Korg is pretty good too. I never got on with the original Timewarp and I am not sure if I will upgrade.
  15. There are quite a few other updates too since the last time I logged in. Including the Augmented instruments and MiniFreak V
  16. It may be a bit late for them to claw back some of the lead Toontrack have built up. I may be interested in a new BFD version IF, unlike the player, it can use older content as I have a fair bit.
  17. Previously I could not get any discounts for the four older products I own because they were bought individually , not as a bundle. This time they are offering $150 off. Is it enough to tempt me? Jury is out.
  18. New library added to the Musio subscription https://musio.com/
  19. Installed. (I have the Sonic Pass sub). I have a quick look, I ran through some presets and and played with the controls. It sounds pretty good, but its not really ARP Odyssey emulation. I have the Behringer Odyssey hardware clone and this is quite different (possibly more versatile in a non authentic way with its sample layer in addition to two oscillators.) Some of the samples certainly sound like a Odyssey. If you want a more authentic VSTi Odyssey emulation look at GForce of Korg but this is a nice addition to the UVI synths and despite having the Behringer I will probably use it on occasion.
  20. That was my guess. An alternative suggestion was a large spring with a pickup, but why? A sort of resonator like a spring reverb? A controller seems more likely.
  21. Oops. I meant to post this in the coffee house. But here someone here will probably post a link to a VST version on sale. ?
  22. Does anyone know what the "electronic slinky" played by Patrick Moraz on Relayer and some of his solo albums was? The best description I have found was it was something he had developed and he would not divulge any details.
  23. I use it mainly for writing and find it very useful in fitting words and melody together, I am not singer and it helps me realise what is in my head a lot faster. I get it to the point where I can produce a guide vocal to send to a singer and leave it at that. One of my singers finds that useful. One could go deeper and improve the result but I don't have the need. Most words come out OK and some need phonetic spelling. The odd word just won't come out right, but I think there are some tools to address this if you dig deep. A bit of niggle for me is if I export MIDI and import into a track on Studio One the notes and lyrics are offset. I like to have a track with notes and lyrics to send with other selected parts to Notion to produce lead sheets so more editing is needed.
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