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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Looks like I could get upgrade from Komplete 14 to ultimate for £180. I probably won't, but......
  2. I look forward to installing this tomorrow!
  3. First impressions. There are some nice sounds in here, while the default interface screen is a bit naf, clicking on the instrument illustration beings up the editing parameters for that layer which are on a par with a lot of sample bases synths with volume and filter envelopes, filter types and filter cutoff, resonance and drive etc. so there is scope for sound shaping but sounds will of course be limited to the original sample. Where as SA3 has a second simple bass layer here we have two full layers with separate editable parameters. As far as this type of sample based synth goes it is pretty versatile. IK Syntronic is the obvious comparison. SA4s browser is easier and Syntronic requires you to layer in a multi, which sounds best will be a matter of personal taste. SA3 has some nice touches if you are looking for "happy accidents" A downside for me with most libraries of this type is browsing through a zillion presets looking for a start point. NKS compatibility or at least NKS style audio previews would be useful.
  4. I am getting this too. I have Sonic Pass and have everything installed and upto date so its not like its looking for something in an uninstalled library. I am also seeing the same problem in Falcon.
  5. Mine downloaded in a few minutes, faster than most commercial libraries of that sort of size.
  6. That's some pretty ancient stuff! I recall mapping some of the samples into soundfonts to use in the built in memory of a Soundblaster card.
  7. I had a 303, a 606 and an 505, I was glad to move on, as particularly with drums, I prefer acoustic kit sounds. I can't ever see me using any samples or emulations of this generation of drum sounds. They are not attractive to me, but good on anyone who wants to use them.
  8. I suppose its inevitable they would do this one at some stage. I used to have the original hardware and sold it when the second hand price was at its rock bottom. If I had waited a bit I could have made a fair bit of cash. I have a couple of emulations I never use so I am in no hurry to jump on this one.
  9. A further advantage of player libraries is the can be NKS compatable. This one is, sound previews mean you can get an idea what a patch will sound like before loading it. And if you have an NI keyboard many controls are ready mapped.
  10. I tried the demo a while back. It's a beast with a price tag to match. It sounds great but I think it's for a real organist with the hardware and chops to do it justice. Most of us mortals are probably better with some of the Kontakt pipe organs.
  11. Brings the sub in line with a WUPed perpetual licence. If you are WUPed you get a second licence. I use a dongle, much less likely to go wrong than a hard drive. Before I retired I managed around 50 dongle based licences (not music, eack licence $7.5K) used in locations around the world. These were moved from location to location frequently. We lost two in ten years, one we knew was stolen and another lost in international shipping. So I don't consider them that vulnerable.
  12. It a very versatile instrument. Yes it can do the 70 quiz sound but so much more. A staple of jazz, soul and prog rock. Jon Lord of Deep Purple used it very effectivly for heavy rock. You do hear it on current records occasionally but I see no reason it can't be used in almost any genre. I think the appeal is in the organic ( no pun intended) sound of the electro mechanical tone wheels, something that has not been perfectly emulated until recently along with the mechanical rotary Leslie speaker. IK have got the closest yet.
  13. It depends on your workflow. I work differently in that I write in the DAW, either recording MIDI or in the piano roll or score editor. I then send tracks to Notion to create a score for colaborators. I find it excellent as chords from the chord track and any lyrics are transfered across seamlessly. I have not really looked into transferring in the opposite direction.
  14. Same here. IF I really wanted the extra plugins it would make more sense to go for the subscription.
  15. Installed. Just waiting for the Orchestrator to be released now.
  16. One subscription that is really worth considering.
  17. Orange Tree's Famous E is absolutely superb. Works in Kontakt Player too. Waves Rhodes and Wurlie are very good and will probably be $29 each again at some point.
  18. Nice freebie. Edit, oops I missed it was the session version. Still useful though.
  19. Musio have just added another title to their subscription service, "Men of the North" and it sounds pretty good! https://musio.com/catalog/ They have also updated the Musio UI. This update is mostly cosmetic, no keyswitches yet, but does improve access to instrument parameters.
  20. UK customers (others may avoid the VAT too) its £39 at Plugin Boutique with £1.63 back in virtual cash plus part of a token, and Comeback Kid free. And us can use any existing virtual cash and cash in any tokens.
  21. I have had it for ages, I have rarely used the vst but use it as a module in Softube Modular a lot.
  22. The update I did not know I needed! But its good and I am glad to have it. The new browser certainly makes it easier to find things across the various expansions. The A/B fader is a nice addition. The LFO fade in is a very welcome feature but I am not sure how much I will use the extra LFO waveforms but they are a nice to add . The Wow and Flutter could be interesting, I will need to have a play with those to see how useful they will be. The reverb is good for improving "straight out the box" sounds but I think I will be adding reverb in the DAW mixer in most cases. The amp effect is useful for adding a bit of grit. Incidentally the upgrade price did not show up until I had it in the cart, VAT was added to the £29 bringing it to £35.99
  23. As I bought piecemeal there is no upgrade option. I may have been tempted by the Oddessy but I recently got the Behringer hardware recreation so I will pass.
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