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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Look for the option button , its in different places on each synth, there you will find the UI scaling options. I think 125% and 150% depending on the synth work best for me but you can go up to 200% The preset management seems to be too tightly tied to the hardware band/patch structure. Korg improved some of their VST synths, like the Polysix and MonoPoly in a recent update by adding a decent modern patch browser. So far my fear that if i tried the demos I would be hooked into the ultimate subscription looks like it will be unfounded, not that any of them are bad they just don't add that much to the party when I look at my existing options. I was keen to look at the SH101 for nostalgic reasons. I had one along with the MC202 sequencer version back in the early 80's. Truth is its good for what it was but then comes the realization you had a SH101 because you could not afford anything else. I would have preferred a Sequential Pro 1 or a Korg Monopoly. I am working through the rest of the collection I quite like the JX-3P and would buy it if the price was right. I have yet to compare the Jupiter 8 to the Arturia version. I think I will keep the Core subscription running for a while and see where they take Zenology, apparently there are developments afoot. I like it as quick source of good sounds for sketching but I feel it does need some extra editing ability. However I do wonder how many of the sounds would make it to a final track and not be replaced by something better? I think its the hardware link that is the strength here. Having those sounds organized and loaded up on a hardware synth for live use would be excellent.
  2. Am - Asus2 - Em- Asus4- Dm
  3. There seems to some sort of resolution with some people being able to upload their mixes.
  4. I must say the free version of Zenology is is pretty decent on first impressions. It appears to be a synth that acts like a ROMplier with lots of presets and limited editing facilities. The preset browser is pretty good so finding sounds is a lot better than most. The sounds them self are good without jumping in your face, which probably means they will sit well in a mix. I would say grabbing the basic player with its factory patches is a no-brainer. I suspect $3 / Month for the expansions will be worthwhile if you like lots of presets.
  5. I have often looked at it but for most of the stuff I would be interested in It would have to be the ultimate, I don't need it for $199 a year. I may check out this Zenology thing and may give it a go depending on the commitment on subscription length.
  6. I started to watch this Richard Thompson last night as a live stream but the audio and video was totally out of sync so I will watch this on demand version later which seems to be fine.
  7. Musicians are finding new ways to play live and there are a lot of these "virtual" concerts cropping up. There is some great stuff in here.
  8. I had a slight issue importing and I started this thread upstairs.
  9. Steven Wilson is currently running a remix competition for his track "Personal Shopper" I downloaded the stems here http://thefuturebites.com/remix/ The format of the tracks is PCM Broadcast WAV 48000 HZ 24 Bit Stereo. Importing the files into Cakewalk using Import - Audio causes them to be placed in positions way down the time line. In the Broadcast wave info box it says the Time Code is 01:05:22.08 (for the drums) which is exactly the time it imports at, which is logical. Initially I re-saved all the stems in Audacity as non broadcast WAV and all import into Cakewalk and sync properly. Once realized what was happening with the Broadcast WAV time code I imported all the stems into a different project and deleted the empty space before 01:05:22.08 and everything is properly in sync. So all the WAV files start at the same place and the timecode is not required to synchronize the tracks. Both methods are a bit long winded so my question; Is there a more straightforward way of importing the data. I don't see any options in the Import function.
  10. http://thefuturebites.com/remix/ I will be downloading the stems at least, I am sure I can learn something. Incidentally I have heard that Soundcloud have taken down some entries for copyright infringment. Looks like a communication problem and hopefully it will be resolved.
  11. I am looking forward to the upgrade. I tend to gravitate to Softube Modular but Cherry Audio is every bit as good and has a wider range of modules available. I should use it more.
  12. King Crimson made the isolated Melotron parts from Starless available. It's quite an eye opener and support you view on context absolutely.
  13. There may be some people here who have their music on Bandcamp so it would be a good time to generate a bit of interest or its a good time to buy and support artists in this difficult environment. For those who don't know Bandcamp they are generally regarded as the good guys of the digital music industry for independent artists with low fees. https://bandcamp.com/fair_trade_music_policy From a fans perspective the options to down load MP3s at different bit rates or FLAC or WAV files means you can have both compact versions for you phone and lossless versions for HQ listening.
  14. Note - the link goes to the individual instrument page for the stage piano - That's what's £21 If you want the bundle go here https://www.kontakthub.com/bundle/vintage-keys-collection-kontakt But at £59.80 its not the deal I thought it was going to be.
  15. I just bumped the thread upstairs as I have heard nothing more on this issue from Softube or cakewalk support. Safe mode will recover your projects and remove the offending modules from the Prochannel, They appear to behave correctly in the FX bin but of course you have lost all your settings.
  16. Just a bump on this. I have not received any further replies from Softube support and was wondering if anyone else had heard anything. I can confirm that projects can be opened in safe mode and the offending Prochannel modules removed. It should then be possible to replace the Prochannel versions with VSTs in the FX bin. A bit of a pain if you mix was well advanced.
  17. A +1 for Realivox "The Ladies" its streets ahead of anything else I have tried.
  18. The newish "Tangled Dreams" for sure and there is also a Vangelis Tribute II now. Probably good to try the demo sounds in Analog Lab to get an idea of each pack, I have found sometimes the less obvious ones are useful outside the intended genre.
  19. Arturia presets are 50% off. Go to the store in Analog Lab. There is some stuff here! There is an earlier thread discounts on the synths which mentioned this in passing in one of the replies.
  20. Did you just run the latest Softube update? It's broken their Prochannel modules. See this thread and the one linked in it.
  21. Yes they do and in the Riffer function you specify which string to use for each note and any MIDI created will reflect this on multiple channels. It is also possible to switch modes to a single channel where string selection is automatic.
  22. Their response lists Sonar as supported, but not Cakewalk by Bandlab. As Scook has confirmed the problem exists in Platinum maybe there is a glimmer of hope. I dont think I have any existing projects with TSAR-1R in the Prochannel (I do use it a bit inside Modular) so I may have dodged the bullet of not having critical projects open, but this could be serious if you use Softube Prochannel modules a lot. I started a thread upstairs.
  23. There is a thread in the deals forum Basically since the most recent Softube update prochannel modules are not functioning correctly and attempting to open a project with them in will cause Cakewalk to crash to the desktop. I reported this to Softube who say in their initial response. I have now contacted Cakewalk support with a crash dump in case they can help. For the time being I would recommend against updating Softube products if yo use them in the Pro Channel. Also I would tend to use the VST versions in the FX bin until some clarification or solution is found. Do Softube support Cakewalk by Bandlab particularly with regard to Prochannel? Their list mentions Sonar but scook says the problem also occurs in Platinum. It maybe the particular service person at Softube was unaware of the link between Sonar and Cakewalk?
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