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Everything posted by Astraios
Keyboard shortcut for "Minimise Strip" and "Restore Strip Size"
Astraios replied to synkrotron's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi, you might find the stuff you need in ''console view'' keybinding-editor: 1062 ? Widen All Strrips 1063 ? Narrow All Strips -
Hi, have you also checked the vertical-zoom-bindings in the global-area? Is the assignment made to the same keys there? Another issue could be lenses. Try lenses off... Cheers
Weird ProChannel EQ Behavior
Astraios replied to William W. Saunders, Jr.'s topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi and hello, I once had terrible mess with ProChan QuadCurve EQ. Then I realized, Cakewalk doesn't save ProCha EQ adjustments within a projekt. It should be saved under: Cakewalk core/ProChannel presets/ but only if you had saved each EQ Adjustment apart. After this bad experience I save all my EQ s with designated files in ProCha Presets. -
My idea (and concept) about a Shortcut-Workpad: (started this a few years ago in Berlin Germany) - 1 keyboard for normal use (mostly text-editing) - 1 modified keyboard (Shortcut-Workpad) dedicated to shortcuts only - 1 programmable mouse, containing at least 5 or 6 buttons, whereat the extra buttons are directed to ctrl, alt, shift... The use of two keyboards in this way, requires a software allowing you to switch between both easily (like e.g. ATNsoft 'keyremapper') The combination of mouse and shortcut-keyboard allows me to avoid the conventional handling of shortcuts, twisting your fingers all over your workpad (as for example "ctrl+alt+U" - what needs two hands for and is defenetly a workflow-killer) This way it's possible to use hundreds of shortcuts with one left finger only and the bottons of your right-hand mouse. For example: - U without mouse - U within combi of mousebuttons (ctrl+U, shift+U, alt+U, alt+shift+U. ctrl+shift+U, ctrl+alt+U) = 7 commands produce with only one button (one left finger) on the shortcut-keyboard and mouse (right hand). I removed some buttons for a better overview and organisation of the workpad, as you can see on the pictures. (there's no need for that many buttons) This helps choosing commands easily and quickly. The colored stickers give me an exact hint to get my intended actions. The right section (NumPad) is for transportation, loop and marker issues. The arrow area is for window regulations like left/rigt - up/down - scaling up/down/left/right - choose one/all track - undo/redo etc. Main or left area is for all kinds of commands. In this area seven buttons are dedicated for controlling the HUD-funktion. It is another great adventure to devide the use of shortcuts and editing text. I found this reduces the rate of accidents by wrongly pressed keyboard- combinations, leaving a horrible mess in your project sometimes. With this solution I'm be able to control my sequencer more laxly, and it gives me room to slow down my right-hand mouse-jerking activities. For achieving a better and harmonical workfow I tent to devide my activities to both hands. ATNsoft KeyRemapper As I pointed out in other mailings, this should give you the powerto regulate about 700 shortcuts, but.. Cakewalk once decided to bind many commands (about 340) in their own 'default keyboard' context. This makes the situation quite complicated. The rudimentaly created keybinding-editor gives everybody a hard time to realize what I try to set up. Shortcut-Workspacemin.pdf
sorry SeaDude ?- I'm tired - it's around midnight and my bed is calling...
take a look here - from the old forum; http://forum.cakewalk.com/Default-Key-bindings-m45528.aspx I hope, I did translate right...
? Hey SeaDude - you're genius!!! Great job done, wow ?? And do you know what? - I've found out 2004 or so, a list of all keybindings existed in a cakewalk help file
In ATC tool (options) you'll find the only total summery of all keybindings inside of CbB. It is a complete list not devided in groups or Areas. All in one, but also not editable (no copy) At the beginnning the list also contains some commands refering to ATC only How would you describe the difference between shortcuts and keybindings? There's a keybinding, but not a shortcut editor. Cakewalk offers a list of all shortcuts, but this isn't syncro to the keybindings...
So you say I'm just a grumbler nerving other people. ? No I'm not! Don't you see my creativity thinking about a tool, that could be so much better by changing a few parameters? For example, I'd counted all 340 default keybindings in keybinding Editor ☠️. Was checking out for weeks and months what the hack went so terribly wrong with that section. Rack my brain to find solotions ? Sitting for hours trying to describe in a foreign language my discomfort and you recommend me to light a candle by listening foreigners 'I wanna know what love is' to calm down with "Thank god a millionaire saved the live of Cakewalk" in my mind? ? Maybe you are the one who lost some respect
trigger stop and go with your spacebar (I guess you use and many others too) is such a Operation, isn't it?
.. but Ableton (for one exemple) has another point of view… and that is maybe the smell of success. But anyway, thx for your responding ☺️
Just for you to know, John. This OP you're talking about is operating cakewalk or sonar since the days the files were saved as .wrk s... ☺️
This is exactly the way of argumentation sonar drove the last 10 years and is now for 'free'.
And why? What's the sence in offering such a funktion, if I shoundn't use it? Why not to find your statement in the manual or help?
10 years ago… do you remember that? I guess, you just don't like shortcuts, and I doubt you're deep into this theme. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Key-binding-m1370714.aspx
Oh sorry Sir - I understand… you're right
howdy ? what do you mean with that, I can't grab it? can you please concrete this? nice to meet you Uwo
And what about last year; was almost finally goodbye of Cakewalk? What was the reason of this situation?
What about using a programmable 4-button mouse together with your pc-keyboard? (that's what everybody is doing allready, he he) Assign ctrl, shift, alt and ctrl+alt to the mouse buttons and you should have 700 shortcut possibilities right at your fingertips in combination with the keyboard. (that's the concept) Then you will be free of nerving fingercombinations on your Keyboard producing shortcuts... This way you can drive down your mouse-jerking actions and start a better workflow.
Hi again, please let me try to discuss cakewalks concept and blueprint of keybindings (not shortcuts) again. The following is neither my interpretation nor is it my point of view; it is just what Cakewalk brought on the table by themselves. Take a look. In the preferences --> keybinding editor (left small window) you'll find all possible symbols to hang on a command. These are the following: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' - = \ [] ; ` . / ~ _ + | {} : " ? F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 paste delete pos1 end pageup pagedown up down left right back tab empty enter plus *NUM block* / - + enter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 num roll break lock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lets add all together = about 100 (should be enough for everybody) Furthermore almost every single symbol is possible to combine with: - ctrl - shift - alt - ctrl+shift . ctrl+alt - alt+shift lets say... hmmm all together = 700 !!! possibilities for keybinding sessions. That's how Cakewalk lays it out for the OP's (users) - don't blame me for this description... Cakewalk requires about 340 keybindings by their own definition (these are the bolt and fat black ones) and some of them are badly concreted. So you might have a real problem, changing the order of commands using those in your own way or style. The two small editor-windows integrated into the preferences suite is far too small and gives no summery about what is going on. There is no print or copy&paste solution to review my selfmade connections. Shall I notice every keybinding-event with a pencil aside? I think it is about workflow - this is a part of the center to control my actions. It would be great to see that a bit better structured in the future. Thanks for taking a look to that. Best wishes from Berlin ?️
I was dreaming about this feature for years. great job done! Fumbling around with envelopes and shift the whole stuff one or two measures to the right (left?) seems to come to an end...
Hello CbB-Team, I would very happy if CbB could release an (text) editable dokument about all default keybindings and their allocation to the different areas. I counted 320 (bold marked commands) or so... To do it by myself might take me some days without the absence of copy&paste. Shortcuts have a total different arrangement than keybindings. In my CbB setup there are 100 keybindings defined by myself and I have a hard time to retain control about my assignments inside the editor. Small edit-window, no copy&paste, no print... Thx for reading... Cheers from Berlin January 2004 somebody asked for this: RE: Default Key bindings. January 27, 04 4:54 AM (permalink) the list is in sonar options-key bindings used by sonar BOLD reserved RSVD http://forum.cakewalk.com/Default-Key-bindings-m45528.aspx this means 2004 such a list existed once
Hi, do you see any chance to highlight or jump to a synth in multidock when working in the mixer window? I haven't found a way yet. C U soon ?