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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. My friend Jami posted a picture of her new puppy. The image failed to load and the caption read: "May contain image of dog".
  2. My brother the programmer had a 1974 Mazda RX 4 station wagon. In the early '80s, it began not starting. He took it to the dealer and they replaced the battery, saying everything else was fine. After a few days, it failed to start again. The dealer checked it out and installed a new battery, saying everything else was fine. Happened again. Tired of the runaround, and wanting a new car anyway, he parked it. I needed a car. My brother said if I could get it running, I could have the Mazda. I opened the hood, looked around and saw that the battery was connected backwards. Bought a new battery, hooked it up right and drove it for the next 2-3 years. Sorry for the hijack.
  3. Bass Am Players Unite!
  4. As a temporary solution while arranging and mixing, I would Bounce to Tracks all the BGV into 1 clip and copy/paste that. You would then mute or archive the original BGV tracks until you need to work on them again. If the Bounced clip is where you want it, sound-wise, it could even be permanent.
  5. Paul is playing a right-handed piano!
  6. Top is on! And not leaking, yet. I had to finish in a hurry since there were severe thunderstorms approaching. The rain started just minutes after I came inside. It's a '92 I've owned for 14 years. Over 241,000 miles, 188,000 of them mine..
  7. On another note (Am), I don't know how you folks who use laptops do it. I went to the beach the first week of May and bought a cheap HP laptop for communicating with the outside world. While there, I downloaded CbB to try out. It recorded fine through the camera mike with the Wasapi driver, everything in sync. This week, I pulled out my back-up HD and backed up to it, then loaded those projects into the new computer. Everything is so small! And if I was to begin using it regularly, I would definitely need to plug in a mouse. Those track pads suck!
  8. Spent the day attempting to put a new top on my Miata. Hot, mosquitoes, poorly-written instructions, dodging rain storms. But, it's 83% complete. Back at it in the morning.
  9. You have a wife and a guitar? Man, how do you do that?
  10. Back in 2000, I got a little inheritance and bought a TASCAM Portastudio and a Yamaha PSR-GX 65 keyboard with the goal of writing and recording songs. When I moved back to NC from TX in 2002, I was living with my brother the programmer and mentioned how I was limited by the number of tracks I could use (4) with the TASCAM and wanted to get a digital mutitracker and which one I should buy. He suggested getting a program for my computer instead. So, I went to Circuit City and checked out what they had. Music Creator 2003 was what I bought, because it had a cute girl on the cover of the box ?. That was MC 2 with a MIDI-to-MPU-401 cable. The rest is history.
  11. My old guitar player used to wipe his strings with a cloth he had sprayed with WD-40. He claimed it made them last longer without getting dull. I don't know; I couldn't stand its odor.
  12. What's wrong with that? XX says it's wrong.
  13. Since 1967. All 3 of my older brothers played and each one taught the next one how to play. It started with my oldest brother Carl getting a Trutone electric for Christmas in, oh, '65 I think. Bought at Western Auto. I started when my next-older brother Mike started teaching me bass lines he could play along to. By then we had the Trutone and a Framus.
  14. Didn't we do this last year?
  15. Something we sang when I was kid (to the tune of The Star Spangled Banner, sorta): Oh say can you see Any red bugs on me? If you do, pick a few, And we'll all have red bug stew.
  16. If the take you don't want is that bad, ctrl z and start over. You won't hear it then.
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