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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) From the Reference Manual: ================================================= Working with track templates You can create an unlimited number of track templates for quickly recalling your most often used track settings including the following: Track type (MIDI or Audio) Mute, Solo and Record state Hardware input Output destination Bus send settings Track parameters Track icons Effects and their settings Instrument and Bank/Patch Track name Mix Scenes Patch points ================================================= Mix Scenes are not saved with Track Templates, doesn't matter if you save them with "whole project" or "selected tracks" I worked with mixscenes years ago I think, perhaps the bakers delete this for any purposes..... If so, I would like to have this feature back:) Can someone confirm? Also the Drag and drop mixscenes into a new project doesn't recall ProChannel settings like EQ or Comp! Can anybody confirm this too? Thanks a lot;) Bassman.
  2. Hi:) 1. Can I use a mixscene in another project? Can I import it per Drag and Drop? Tried that and it shows the "+" icon but nothing happens. The Tracks are the same, only the recording is different, it's another song! 2. Can I save the added visible control elements from a synth and use it in a different program? Track templates doesn't save these controls, but I can make a project template which saves the added controls.. Normally I delete all clips and import the stems from the next song into that mixed project, but wanted to try another workflow and can't find out how..... Thanks;) Bassman. To 2. I can reload the controls when I open a new instance of the synth, but the controls are not save with a track template. To 1. I have to select the desired tracks before drag and drop a mixscene, but EQ Settings f.e. are not adopted with the mixscene, I can see some mute switches changing but nothing more....tried "whole project as well", doesn't work with EQ and Comp in Pro Channel either.....
  3. HI:) ACT doesn't work correctly in Cakewalk. I do it manually and copy the "genericparams.xml" always before the start of Cakewalk to the desired directory. My Batch: Del "C:\Users\Heinz\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\ACT Data\genericpluginparams.xml" XCopy "G:\Cakewalk Content\genericpluginparams.xml" "C:\Users\Heinz\AppData\roaming\Cakewalk\ACT Data\" You should also set the "sonaract.xml" file to zero, I have it attached to the post. First of all make a genericpluginparams.xml file with just the header and the footage: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <plugin_params> <fileinfo schema="0">Generic Plugin Params</fileinfo> <plugins> </plugins> </plugin_params> If you want to set ACT for a plugin, start Cakewalk, open the Plugin and press ACT Learn, change a few knobs and stop ACT Learn. In the next window press OK and save your project and exit Cakewalk. In the params file you should now have the parameters for your ACT Data for that plugin (maybe for some others too) Perhaps it looks like this: <C_141AC902-704C-3130-506C-757331306462 name="Plus 10 db"> <param paramindex="0" controltype="switch" paramname="eq enable"></param> <param paramindex="15" controltype="switch" paramname="comp enable"></param> <param paramindex="28" controltype="switch" paramname="master power"></param> <param paramindex="1" controltype="slider" paramname="eq input volume"></param> <param paramindex="29" controltype="slider" paramname="dry passthrough"></param> <param paramindex="14" controltype="slider" paramname="eq sidechain mode"></param> <param paramindex="30" controltype="slider" paramname="meter mode"></param> <param paramindex="2" controltype="knob" paramname="band 1 gain"></param> <param paramindex="5" controltype="knob" paramname="band 2 gain"></param> <param paramindex="8" controltype="knob" paramname="band 3 gain"></param> <param paramindex="11" controltype="knob" paramname="band 4 gain"></param> <param paramindex="16" controltype="knob" paramname="comp input gain"></param> <param paramindex="23" controltype="knob" paramname="exp release"></param> <param paramindex="24" controltype="knob" paramname="exp thresh"></param> <param paramindex="25" controltype="knob" paramname="exp range"></param> <param paramindex="3" controltype="knob" paramname="band 1 mode"></param> <param paramindex="6" controltype="knob" paramname="band 2 mode"></param> <param paramindex="9" controltype="knob" paramname="band 3 mode"></param> <param paramindex="12" controltype="knob" paramname="band 4 mode"></param> <param paramindex="18" controltype="knob" paramname="comp attack"></param> <param paramindex="22" controltype="knob" paramname="peak limiter enable"></param> <param paramindex="27" controltype="knob" paramname="exp mode"></param> <param paramindex="26" controltype="knob" paramname="exp attack"></param> <param paramindex="4" controltype="knob" paramname="band 1 frequency"></param> <param paramindex="7" controltype="knob" paramname="band 2 frequency"></param> <param paramindex="10" controltype="knob" paramname="band 3 frequency"></param> <param paramindex="13" controltype="knob" paramname="band 4 frequency"></param> <param paramindex="17" controltype="knob" paramname="comp output gain"></param> <param paramindex="19" controltype="knob" paramname="comp release"></param> <param paramindex="20" controltype="knob" paramname="comp threshold"></param> <param paramindex="21" controltype="knob" paramname="comp ratio"></param> </C_141AC902-704C-3130-506C-757331306462> Now copy this to your empty new pluginparams file between the words plugin. Now just change the order for switches, sliders and knobs as you want it to have. Save it and before starting Cakewalk copy this file to C:\Users\{Your name}\AppData\roaming\Cakewalk\ACT Data\ Delete the other before. Now after start your ACT Controller should have the order you wrote into the file! I do this for every new Plugin I need often, I attached mine, but you can not use it for your purposes, cause the numbers don't match with yours: <C_141AC902-704C-3130-506C-757331306462 name="Plus 10 db"> the other way is to go to AZSlows page and download the ACT Fix Utility: http://www.azslow.com/index.php?topic=13.0 Hope that helps..... Bassman. sonaract.xml genericpluginparams.xml
  4. HI:) @jesse g If you have switched the track window to fullscreen, it's a bit tricky to get it back for resizing: 1. Look that the Browser is docked on the right (second monitor) 2. Click on the 2-window icon on the upper right and choose "undock" 3. Now click on the upper left edge in the undocked window and choose "disable floating" Now you can resize your track window again to just one monitor if you wish! Greetz;) Bassman.
  5. Hi:) @jesse g You only have to switch full screen mode and/or resize your track window and save it as your template. For me it's good news, cause now full screen mode is save with the screensets. Thanks Cakewalk:) For your older projects: Try to open CbB and resize your program windows, but avoid letting windows snap to full screen or any edges in the window. (Deactivate "Dock on " Windows on edges or sides in the windows settings) Then close cakewalk without opening a project. Now it should remain as your standard main window size.. I've attached a template with 8 different screensets (2 monitors, 1920x1080), screenset 1 is a large track view over both monitors. (If you need, I have the same template with resolution 4096x2160) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmdZPGt9dP2IoRkV7GA?e=x737z7 (a few pictures) Change older projects: Load the old project (in the settings set not to open only 1 project), make a new project from your template, switch to your old project and import the screensets from the new project and save it. But first you have to resize your cakewalk window, I have the main window llarged on both monitors and the track window just on the first, except in the 1. screenset, there the track window is enlarged over both monitors . Hope that helps... Bassman. 2 Monitore OKT 2019 - B.cwt
  6. HI:) I've set Ctrl+7,8,9,0 to Global Hotkey "No action", but with switching workspaces these settings are gone, I have to import Hotkeys on every switch! Can't save this to a workspace... Everyone else? Thanks;) Bassman. P.S. Sorry, you can delete this post, my fault, now that I've tried again, I must have not saved all workspaces with my hotkeys......None is working too.
  7. @msmcleod It has to do with clip gain! As soon I delete the envelope, the nudge hotkeys work as they should work with Lanes! Is it necessary to make a Bug report for that? Thanks? Bassman.
  8. @David Baay Thanks for this! I have not mentioned that it can be automation. It is a 6 minutes piece for a Karneval Dancing group with a few different short pieces of different songs, self sung pieces of the group and some speech, so I have to equal RMS of the pieces and I'm doing it with lanes and clip gain... Tomorrow morning I'm testing automation and splitting and make a report if necessary! Thank you for pointing me in this direction? Bassman.
  9. OK:) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmdV9qd4TY1rwZUlFlg?e=i5BgiE Here's the project "rar" with deleted everything but this 1 Track with 1 Lane with only 1 Song splitted 4-5 times and the behaviour still exist on my PC. New track and this file over Mediabrowser works. Copying directly into another track nudging with hotkeys doesn't work properly. Greetz:) Bassman.
  10. Copied this particular file and a simple song into the Mediabrowser I made a new song and copied single clips from the MB into an audio track ..........OK Copied clips from the MB into some lanes of a new track........OK Loaded the original song and copied this track into a new track into the new file........not OK! Made a new audio track and copied this file into the new audio track.........not OK Copied the file into lanes into a new track .......not OK Hm......must have to do with this particular file: Just a bought Wavefile and cutted at a few points fopr a carneval session, nothing special! As soon I go over the Mediabrowser, it works, if I copy it directly from the track lane into a new audiotrack, it doesn't work! Bassman
  11. Yes, I'm pretty sure! I have copied a clip to the very end of my work to test it and then splitted it! Now I tested it again and a new behaviour occured: I do select all splitted clips and hit "del" , but only 2 clips are deleted, I select the rest and hit "del", again only 2 clips are deleted and then I can delete the rest clip. Let me test it with a completely new Song and other clips... Bassman.
  12. HI:) @msmcleod I forgot to say that it's in a lane from a track with 3 lanes. Tried it with hitting"s" and Alt + click, doesn't matter. Now that you say it, I tried a "normal" Track, and it works, so it has to do with the lanes..... Pressed "T" and deselected Comp and then one by one until still move is selected but same behaviour. So a normal track without lanes work, lanes not... thanks;) Bassman. P.S. newest Early Access, but I switched back to German, so the new functions doesn't work
  13. HI:) I have a clip split 4 times. When I nudge it left or right within the menu, everything is as expected. But with using the shortcuts I get this: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmdV8n5W6SVnfGGIWSw?e=sAcUMv All I do is pressing nudge left (7), undo, nudge right (9) a few times 1. nudge left, only the four right clips stay selected --> undo 2. nudge left, only the last one stay selected--> undo 3. nudge left, only the second stays selected--> undo 4. nudge left, the middle 3 stay selected--> undo 5. nudge right, same as 4--> undo 6. nudge right, the second stays selected--> undo 7. nudge right, now something around the middle 3 in the time line is selected--> undo 8. nudge right, the last one stays selected--> undo 9. nudge right, something in the timeline around clip 3 and 4 stays selected, not the clips......... and so on, everytime I do nudge, something new happened. Is this just me?? Nudging from the menu works fine. Nudging with a no-split clip with the numpads work too! Restart of CbB and Restart of Win10 doesn't help and I don't know when I nudged split clips the last time..... For sure I can bounce to clips before but that is not a solution.....OK I have a new keyboard and mouse, but it works with 1 clip, why shouldn't it work with splitted clips? Thanks;) Bassman.
  14. HI:) Is it possible to open (dialog) windows, especially the settings (P) window not in the middle of the screen, but with 2 monitors on the first or the second monitor? Always have to move it left or right to see the contents better, cause exactly in the middle are the edges of the screens..... Perhaps in the ini file?? Thanks;) Bassman.
  15. Hi:) Nowadays I do a lot more with Melodyne and it is very comfortable to work with the keyboard instead of the mouse. I can navigate, play, zoom, select, move notes a.s.o. but there are no keys for scrolling, just auto scrolling, which only works horizontally, not vertically. Am I missing something? I've googled, youtubed but no solution or any key to scroll vertically.... With Zooming in some notes are hidden up or down, and to see them the only way is to zoom out! Thanks;) Bassman.
  16. Hi? @scook I know there's an app, that can make a "map" file Out of an "ins" file! Do you know any possibility to do the opposite? Making an instrument file from a map? Don't know the Syntax of a map file but it should be possible in any way..... Thanks? Bassman
  17. Always difficult to find the right keywords, sometimes too much, sometimes none results...... Thanks?
  18. @scook Great! It's like having a board in front of your head? Searched the entire Pluginboutique page and googled xpand and second PC and similar but I had no idea to search for iLok and activation? Thank you very much? Bassman.
  19. Hi? In the Email from Plugin Boutique is written that you can have XPand on 2 PCs! Has anybody installed it on two? I can't find any instruction how to install it on my other PC . Don't wanna loose my activation, so would be nice if somebody can explain howto before I get in trouble! Do I have to deactivate it first or just install with the Software and iLok. I remember installing the first time was a bit tricky.... Thanks? Bassman
  20. @promidi Lenses was my first thought, but I don't work with lenses, for me 10 Screensets are more than OK. You're right, I want to use Shift + (0-9), Ctrl+(0-9) and Ctrl+Shift+(0-9). Not the Numpad Numbers! After searching Windows for used Hotkeys with "Hotkeyslist" I can't find any conflicts on these keys. Then I looked in my Autohotkey File, but found only Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+(7-0). Deleted Ctrl+1 in AHK File, the others are OK, I use them for AudioGain(-3dB,-1dB,+1dB,+3dB)(In Conjunction with AHK). Now I tried with not running AHK, but no effort, Ctrl+2 remains on Copy to Screenset 2. After some other tries I deleted all my Personal Hotkeys from the list and did it from scratch. I think it was a total mess with my Hotkeys, after deleting ,new start and setting the keys almost everything's fine, but Ctrl+Shift+(Zero). Can't assign this key to anything. Now I have Ctrl+Shift+O assigned. Perhaps this can't be assigned to anything......? Finally tried it with started AHK and it works too:) I'm marking as solved, This only Key doesn't matter! Thank you very much! Bassman.
  21. @promidi Thanks for your answer! I have to figure out why this doesn‘t work for me..... Bassman
  22. HI:) Normally Ctrl + (0-9) are used for copying Screensets. I don't use this and I wanted to set them to some other functions! So my process: Set Ctrl+0 to "No Action" (Don't know how it is called in English, but the very first after Help) Set Ctrl+1 to "No Action" ....... Then I set Ctrl + (0-9) to different functions. Ctrl +2 is then again set to copy Screenset 2, Ctrl 5 has now the function I set to Ctrl+2 , Ctrl+6 has a very different function which I do not set. So, I looked again in the settings and all these keys which I have set to "no action" have lost these lines. I can't get Ctrl+2 and some others to work with my settings! The same with some of the Ctrl+Shift + (0-9) . Just some of them. Can somebody confirm and try please with Ctrl+2? Thanks;) Bassman. Heinz NOV 2019.kbn
  23. Hi? I have not tried out but Instrument Definitions are for sure necessary! It's perhaps enough to just Write the Note names section for articulations, but just try it out.....I'll do this tomorrow! Bassman.
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