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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) You have to make an ins file and name the note numbers like your keyswitches. I'll try to explain the whole process: 1. Take an existing ins file and copy and rename it. In the ins file the note names should have the names of the articulations. Delete all of the rest note numbers or just let the numbers exist. Save it. Important is the name and the instrument definition names. (Just an example) .Note Names [Session Strings Pro] 0=Sustain 1=Staccato .Instrument Definitions [Session Strings Pro] Control=Session Strings Pro Patch[*]=1..128 Key[*,*]=Session Strings Pro 2. In the midi track select the correct output and go to the PRV 3. Right click in the keyboard at the left and choose configure 4. Choose define and then import 5. Choose your saved file and open it 6. Click on your saved instrument definition name and then on OK 7. Close the next window 8. Now you can choose your file in the instrument list. Doesn' matter which Midi Port you use. 9. In the last opened window choose "use this note names" and search the list for your file. 10. Click on OK and your articulations should appear on the left side instead of the keyboard. Sometimes it needs to open some windows twice to make CbB recognize your file. Works for me! Bassman;)
  2. OK, got it, I've only look in the Global Area for Keybindings. After switching to Track Area I can see it. Never switched the aereas.....???? Amazing:) Thank you Scook;) Bassman.
  3. @Scook No! It's not there, I've searched the entire list of commands, please look at my Photo in the 2nd post! Bassman.
  4. @Scook So no possibility to switch it per Shortcut anymore? I have no access to the track menu per keyboard either, weird to must use the mouse to switch Auto Track Zoom:( I'll make an Autohotkey Mouse Click then! Thanks;) Bassman. P.S. Not there anymore: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmcpAF-iapBqEpx-qHw?e=bIuyjq
  5. HI there:) >>>SHIFT+Z shortcut is no longer assigned to the Track view View > Auto Track Zoom command by default. >>>The Auto Track Zoom command can be assigned to any shortcut in >>>Edit Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts. Does anybody miss the Auto Track Zoom Function too? I do switch it very often, but after Update I can't find the Keybinding anymore. Perhaps a new name? Please confirm..... Thanks;) Bassman.
  6. HI:) @Starship Krupa Thank you a lot! Very good Sounds..... Bassman.
  7. @JoseC If you can live with 2 Tabs Open in the dock, Ctrl+TAB works to Switch to TV and Ctrl+Shift+Right(2x) to Switch Focus to PRV. If you want, you can make Ctrl+1 as a hotkey for (Next Tab) If you don't use Screensets copying. Bassman. P.S. There's another possibility to change Focus. Install Autohotkey. In the "AHK" File you write: (For 1920x1080 Resolution) =================================== #IfWinActive, ahk_exe Cakewalk.exe ^1:: Click 2000,100,1 Return #IfWinActive =================================== With pressing Ctrl+1 this does a mouseclick on the second monitor if you have resolution 1920x1080. Change it for others. Don't know why this was not my first thought! You can move notes with NUMPAD 2,4,6,8 but how do you select notes? You have to go back to TV and use 0-3-Alt 4 and 6 to select them(TAB to move to the next or previous note). Isn't it better to do all that in the Inline PRV? You don't have to switch to PRV! Greetz;) Bassman.
  8. @David Baay D doesn't work if the PRV is undocked, so the only way at the moment is to use 2 Tabs and Ctrl+TAB and Ctrl+Shift+Left or Right to switch between them. But a solution for those who work with the docked PRV. Since last week I have 3 42" 4K Screens (before I had just 2) , so Space enough to fill with windows:) Don't know why this guy just want to use the Keyboard, to edit you have to use the mouse, so why? Doesn't matter! Bassman
  9. Hi there: Normally you can't switch between TV and PRV, but I found a way: 1. Open PRV in Multidock Now you have Focus in PRV and you can Zoom with Ctrl+(L,R,U,D). 2. Press Ctrl+TAB Now you can Zoom in the TV, but you have no possibility to get the Focus back to PRV 3. Open a second TAB in the Multidock(Staff View), so that you have 2 Multidock TABs. Now you can switch with Ctrl+TAB to the Track View and Zoom TV, switch to the Multidock with Ctrl+Shift+(Left or right) to the Multidock and can Zoom in the Multidock. Just press Left or right twice to come to the PRV. Doesn't matter if the Multidock is in the first Window or undocked in a second Monitor. No mouse click needed!! Works for me and hope it helps some others:) Bassman.
  10. Hi? Ctrl + TAB switches the Focus between opened docks, you can see that the Titel lines of the Windows are changing to black instead of grey, but it is not really switching, Scrolling stays in TV? Bassman.
  11. HI:) Here is a Link to a PDF what Marko and I have done with the BCR2000: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,301.0.html In the second post you can download the pdf! Bassman.
  12. HI:) I've had yesterday the problem with dettaching controller on a lane. It showed the right controller but was not attached to it. I was not able to record automation after reloading a project. After selecting it again in the drop down menu of the lane, all worked fine again. Now that I'm loading the project, the problem exists again. After loading the controllers of the automation lanes are greyed out and when I switch Write Mode there's no red angle around, instead a green. Hmmmm making a screenshot! No, after loading second and third time all is OK, looking after it tomorrow, the wheather is very fine here, I'm going out today for a long bycicle ride. Try to select the automation controller again (should be marked with a *) in the drop down menu of the lane and try moving or copying again. Bassman.
  13. HI:) If I want to write an automation with an external controller I have to right click on an automation lane and by learning Midi attach an external controller to the specific automation parameter. As soon it is attached, it is always attached, doesn't matter if I disable writing or selecting another track or lane, the synth or parameter is reacting to my external rotor. So I first have to disable writing on that lane and right click "disable remote control" It's a bit circumstational. Isn't there a global controller setup for that purpose and it changes the writing and reacting on that external controller on selecting another lane or track? Perhaps you know any other workaround for that...... Thanks;) Bassman
  14. @Noel Borthwick,@scook Ah OK, I did not know that. Thank you:) Bassman.
  15. HI:) Great Update!! >>>To respect the current Snap to Grid settings, go to Edit > Preferences > Customization - Editing and select Use Current Snap Settings on Duplicate Selected Clip(s). I can't find this in the German Version..... Thanks;) Bassman.
  16. HI:) In the Track View look at options and (don't know in english) "mark automation with clips" perhaps. Works fine here! Bassman.
  17. Hi:) @John Maar Thank you for leading me in the right direction! I thought it's possible insight Rewire to send Midi from a Notation Program to CbB, but now since I have googled? I know why it is not possible: A Rewire Host can only send MIDI and receive Audio. A Rewire Device(Slave) can only receive MIDI and send Audio. CbB can only work als a Host but not as a Slave, so the only way is to send Midi over a Virtual Midi Cable. That will work! Thanks? Bassman
  18. Hi:) Does anybody know how to Rewire MidiData from Notion or Ouverture to CbB?? I can't get it to work! Audio over Rewire works but not Midi. I want to write staff in Notion or Ouverture and have the Sounds in CbB over Midi, but it seems to be difficult, there are no Midiports from these Programs. Notion to Studio One work well and relatively easy to set up..... Thanks:) Bassman.
  19. HI:) I've attached the Standard AD2 Drum Map. Don't know if you can download it, but here in addition a OneDrive Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmZti7SWesA5BgJjE5Q?e=MNdd4X Greetz, Bassman. AD2 Standard.map
  20. Superb! Thank you very much for this overview! Bassman.
  21. Hi:) Not to forget setting Midi Echo On on both, Ripchord Midi Track and! Synth Midi Track. It happened to me that I searched for a long while till I get the solution to get it to work. Very nice VST3, that's what Cakewalk should have;) Bassman.
  22. @folge622 Thanks:) This Shortcut only switches FullScreen and that does switch my long track view back to just 1 monitor. Greetz:) Bassman.
  23. @msmcleod Thanks for the video! I have this concept already with 3 monitors: 3. monitor, only an analyser 2. monitor (screensets 2-6) (2) Console (3) Browser, Inspector, Synthrack and a small Console (4) Piano Roll View (my most used screenset) (5) Matrix View (6) Synth Rack (for automations) 1. Monitor, Mainly the Track window, sometimes with Browser and/or Inspector Screenset 1 is the large Track view. I have set all screensets without Full Screen, now after this Barline spectacle all with FS, but not number 1. I'll try a problem report, maybe 4k monitors are not implemented yet? Thanks, Bassman.
  24. @msmcleod I have tried these setting, but then all FS Windows are spread over 2 monitors, so if I have Track Window left and Console right, with this setting the console is spread over both screens, not what I want. I need a 2 monitor Full Screen just for only 1 Screenset, where I have a long track view over both monitors. Without FS I get those Barline jumps...... I think this will not be possible:(
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