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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) Important for not to reset Controller when playback stop. In the preferences-->Midi-->Instruments-->Port/All Channels of the Controller-->Define--> Import LaunchControlXL.ins (Download from OneDrive Link) Now this Controller is not resetted on Settings--> Project-->More Midi-->"Reset Controller when playback stop" enabled. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?topic=521.msg3018#msg3018 Always the newest Files: Latest Version 10-05-2021 (Tested all Normal Actions on Track/Bus. Everything works as expected! Tested all Modes, all is fine! https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al2mKojzOW0MqY4VS1H1hUK06uVe0A?e=9OFgHt I use Userpresets 1-4 from LaunchControl XL MK II (Novation-2.0-LC_Preset 1-4.syx) and Preset „AZC - Nov-2.0-LC 01-27-2021.spp“ for AZControl 0.5r9 (newest release) SHIFT, CTRL, DOUBLE_PRESS and LONG_PRESS Buttons for additional possibilities GainAccess Mode: All "Normal" Parameter, Gain, Pan, Volume, Send 1-6, Send 1-6 Pan, Solo, Mute, Inp. Echo, Phase, Auto.Write, Rec Arm. Normal Mode: Moving to Bars, Markers, Sections, Next/Previous 8/1 Track(s), Zoom (Hor/Ver), Snap Settings on Rotor , Note Length on Rotor, Prev/Next TAB, Loop On/Off. Goto From, Select Active Track, Select None, Exit Cakewalk, Do Nothing (for some Rotors and Sliders), Open Control Bar/Multidock, Fit Project Ver/Hor, Select Clips Left/Right, Move Data Cursor Left/Right, with Shift Up/Down, Select in Timeline (snap), Narrow/Widen Selection, Move Selection, Zoom In on Selection, Audio Selection +- 2 dB(more to come) Record Mode: Same as in Normal Mode plus some Record specific commands and functions. Level Mode: Shows Level of selected Clip or Track on the Buttons (Green, Yellow, Red over -2 dB, Gain, Pan, Volume WAI Track 1-8, Move to Next/Previous Bar/Marker/Section, Select Clip Left/Right/Up/down, Zoom Ver/Hor, goto From/Thru, Select From/To Now Time, Reset WAI to Track 1/57, Loop On/Off, Set Loop to Selection, Show Arranger, Play Selection, Select Clip Left/Right/Up/Down on Buttons, Solo Selected Track, Select None, Selection +- 2 dB, CTRL+Z (Undo), Do nothing, Open Control Bar, Open Multidock, Fit Tracks Vertical, Fit Project, more to come…… Pro Channel 1 Track Mode: All Pro Channel Standard Parameter on Rotors, Sliders and Buttons! (See 1-TrPCMode.docx) Pro Channel 8 Track Mode: All Pro Channel Standard Parameter of 8 Tracks simultaniously, Bank 1 Bass, Bank 2 LoMid Parameter, Bank 3 HiMid Parameter and Bank 4 Hi Parameter for 8 Tracks, for sure not to forget Compressor, Tube and Console Emulation 8 Tracks. ACT Mode (Synth and Plugins): 96 Rotors, 32 Sliders and 64 Buttons for ACT, more with Shift on 4 Banks. 24 Track Mode: 24 Tracks Volume on Rotors, 24 Tracks Pan on Rotors with Shift, 8 Tracks WAI Bus Volume on Sliders and 8 Track Pan on Sliders, Mute and Solo for 8 WAI Buses. Piano Roll View Mode (Inline): Snap Settings on Rotor, Note Length on Rotor, Zoom Hor at Now Time, Zoom Ver at Now Time, Zoom Ver/Hor at Data Cursor, Next/Prev Marker/Bar, Select Left/right, Move Data Cursor Left/Right/Up/down, Open PRV, Length of selected Note(s) +- 10 Ticks (Repeat of Key will come), Nudge Left/Right/Up/Down selected Note(s), Nudge Octave Up/down of selected Note(s), Next/Prev Note select,Note Velocity +- 1/5, Toggle Edit View, Do nothing, Snap to/By….more to come… Extended Keyboard Edit: Snap Settings on Rotor, Note Length on Rotor, Buttons „1“ Scroll/Zoom Mode, „3“ Select Mode, „9“ Edit Mode, Select None, „-„, „+“, „8“ Up, „Alt+8“, „Ctrl+8“, „4“ Left, „6“ Right, „2“ Down, „Alt+4“, „Alt+6“, „Alt+2“, „Ctrl+2“, „Ctrl+4“, „Ctrl+6“, „Ctrl+8“, Enable/disable Extended Edit Mode. Up/Down/Left/right on Rotor 23 and 24 for faster working…. Midi Mode: C1, C#1, D1, E1, F1, F#1, G1,G#1, A1, A#1, B1 and C2 on the Buttons for to record Midi…..(LEDs with different Colors) Have fun and please give feedback;) Bassman
  2. Hi:) The Photo took my son and more than 2 families are aloud to sit together without masks! So why have one at a walk? Bassman.
  3. HI:) I've made a long bycicle tour to my son in Hemsbach and on the way I took a stop to meet AZSlow in Heidelberg. Here a picture from the Philosophers' Walk and the "All Knowing" Guide Alexey at 33°C. It was a pleasure to drink some beer with him and was happy that he didn't find any Vodka? (I would have lost the game) Greetings Bassman.
  4. I'm making a new AZController preset and for selecting between markers and select sections it was not possible to do marker selections. Thank you very much;) In the Attachment you can see 1. Moving selection between markers and 2. moving selection of sections With your setting it works as expected! Bassman. NovationNew Preset Test - Cakewalk 2020-07-29 10-49-20.mov
  5. Hi:) Great work!! Just one thing, but I don't know if this is perhaps Version 05 related: Goto next marker is now "Next Marker" OR "Next Section" Wouldn't it be better to keep it clear? Next Marker is Next Marker as it means it and Next Section is Next Section? Don't know how to get to next marker if a section end/start is in between markers.... Not a problem for Shortcut, I just press twice, but Midi Controllers can't see if it is a marker or a section! If I do selections with Controller it is impossible to select the region between 2 markers! Thanks;) Bassman.
  6. HI:) When both controllers have the same CCs, it would be better to have 2 Instances of AZControl and lead the different Midiports to them. You cannot assign the same CCs twice to functions! With 2 Instances and different Ports it should work I think.... http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,384.msg2262.html#msg2262 Bassman.
  7. Hi:) Updated yesterday to 2004 and the only thing I had to do is install CbB Version 5.039 again, cause the Runtime Libraries are always overwritten on every Win Update:( But now works very well and I mentioned that projects are loaded even faster than before and the FlyOut Window of the PC EQ is working again on my 4K monitors, haven't used it for months, cause they did'nt show nothing but the background from the Track Window. Very happy with the new Win Release;) Bassman.
  8. HI:) You can set 1 Nanocontrol as Master and the other as Slave in AZControl and set them both in 1 Preset. But you should have different Note Ons or CCs on both NanoControls! If I know the functions you want to use I can write a preset for both. I should know the Midi Signals that both send on every knob... Bassman. P.S. I can see that there is a preset for nanocontrol 2 in AZSlows Website http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,283.msg1349.html#msg1349
  9. HI:) https://www.freenet.de/download/downloads/Secwin2-5763.html To Deactivate Hotkeys.(Temporarily) Bassman.
  10. @Starship Krupa I have made a shortcut with Autohotkey for opening EQ Flyout window, this is missing too? Bassman
  11. Hi? Cakewalk can only work as Master, not as a slave. But FL Studio as Slave should work with CbB. Bassman.
  12. Hi? I forgot opening ProChannel in Console View! Does only work if Console View is in Focus and the right Parameter of the track is in Focus. Ctrl+I for PC in the track view works perfect! Thanks, Bassman.
  13. @msmcleod Good news! Thinking to the end it would be nice to have 2 of them, 1 for opening track related Synth 1 for opening first Plugin from the track FX List (having Plugins in an Instrument/synth track) Thank you? Bassman.
  14. HI:) Some problems: You cannot open the synth from the selected track, but that's a Cakewalk problem, no solution for this, as AZSlow said. Focus_Synth_FX.spp 1 Button --> ACT_FX_Button 1 Button --> Next FX (or Synth) 1 Button --> Previous FX (or Synth) Forget the other attached Buttons, I did some other test, which did not work:( First you should assign Midi Buttons (CC, not Note) to these 3 Buttons in the Hardware TAB of AZController. Pressing ACT Button opens synth or FX Plugin of selected track. Pressing again should close the window. Does not if the opened synth is not the first synth from the rack (Perhaps Cakewalk Problem). 1. Selecting Instrument Track and pressing ACT_Button opens the very first synth, you can then switch next and previous synth in the rack by the Next and Previous Buttons. Problem: If you have a FX PlugIn in the instrument track, it opens the PlugIn and you can only switch between FX PlugIns. If you click on a Synth window, then it switches between synths. 2. Selecting a Midi Track which has its output to a synth, it opens the very first synth of the synth rack, then you can switch between synths with the other buttons. 3. Selecting an audio track with related synth on it it opens the synth from the selected track, but not the FX PlugIn. So if you want to open the synth on the selected track, you should use no Instrument track but Midi and Audio track splitted. If you want to open FX Plugin, select an audio track with no synth correlation but Plugins on it. I hope that helps:) Bassman. Focus_Synth_FX.spp
  15. Hi? I've done the scripting, but had no time to test it. Complete free day tomorrow, so time enough for testing.... Bassman
  16. Hi:) It's possible with AZCtrl and a midi controller Button. I can send you a small AZCtrl preset tomorrow morning. Bassman.
  17. HI:) Problem is that shortcuts do not work if the focus is not in the right view! Next Problem is that I cannot get the focus to the console view in the multidock by pressing CTRL+TAB. 1. CTRL+I opens ProChannel in TV from everywhere, that should be for all Shortcuts. 2. SHIFT+Enter should open ProChannel in the console view from everywhere, not only when Console View is in Focus. SHIFT + Enter does not work always. Depends from the "parameter focus". 3. Open Bus view in the console should open from everywhere, not only with focus in CV. 4. With Windows CTRL+TAB Focus should "really" change to the Multidock. It looks like it does, the window name changes to black but the focus is still in TV. So I cannot change these things from a midi controller cause it doesn't always work to open PC in CV cause of the lost focus. Thanks;) Bassman.
  18. HI:) @JoseC It's not possible in CAL to read out the momentary snap resolution, but we can set them to every resolution: You can just edit the CAL 3840 - 4/4bar 1920 - a half 960 - quarter 480 - eightth (? 8th) 240 - sixteenth 120 - 32th ... Bassman. MoveSelectionRight_16th.cal MoveSelectionright_8th.cal MoveSelectionRight_quarter.cal MoveSelectionRight_half.cal MoveSelectionLeft_16th.cal MoveSelectionLeft_8th.cal MoveSelectionLeft_quarter.cal MoveSelectionLeft_half.cal MoveSelectionLeft_1_Bar.cal MoveSelectionRight_1_Bar.cal
  19. Hi again:) Oki, here it is: MoveSelectionRight_1_Bar.cal MoveSelectionLeft_1_Bar.cal Both at 960 ticks per quarter note, 4/4 , at less resolution or other metre change the CAL (960 per quarter note)! I put them on ALT+Left and Alt+Right in the Settings/Shortcuts For Autohotkey I took Alt+Shift+Left and Alt+Shift+Right ============================ (Autohotkeyfile.AHK) #IfWinActive, ahk_exe Cakewalk.exe !+Right:: Send, {Alt down}{right}{Alt up} Send, {Shift down}L{Shift up} Return !+Left:: Send, {Alt down}{left}{Alt up} Send, {Shift down}L{Shift up} Return ============================ -->MoveLoop.AHK I like it:) Very fast to move Selection Left or right! Faster than the mouse...... Greetz, Bassman. MoveSelectionLeft_1_Bar.cal MoveSelectionRight_1_Bar.cal MoveLoop.ahk
  20. HI:) It's possible to change the FROM and TO locations in CAL language, so you can move Loop with 2 Shortcuts, 1 for moving the selection 1 bar to the right and press SHIFT+L again to move the LOOP to the new Selection, I can write a short CAL file..... Not possible to get or write the loop position in CAL but in conjunction with Autohotkey it should be possible to set 2 Hotkeys for moving right and left......that'sa nice idea:) Easier with the mouse or 2 Midi Controller Buttons! Will write back soon;) Bassman.
  21. Hi:) For first I would install and start Midi-Ox to see if any Midisignal is coming in. Start Midi-OX and under Options/Midi Devices select Launchkey as IN/OUT. Now you see Midisignal coming in and getting out if it works! Then in Cakewalk deselect Launchkey, restart and select Launchkey again as Input. See if in the Midi-Track you can see a signal if you press a key. Switch Monitor Auto/Off. As I can see in the picture, you have a Audiotrack or is it an Instrument track? Look in the midiTAB if a special Midichannel is selected. Switch to Omni. Hm.....try a miditrack (not instrument track) and recordarm it and start record and press some keys to see if signal is recording.... That's it for the moment:) Bassman.
  22. HI:) EA 1 was OK, but EA 2 has extremely long load, project loads fast then. After load doesn't matter what I do, it crashes without any notification! I'm trying rollback now and edit post........ Bassman. EDIT: Rollback didn't help, I installed "full" Version 2020.04 Build 179 and all is fine again! Waiting for the official .05 Release.... Got no error, just crash so I can't send any dump file, sorry. Trying again EA 1, then EA 2 --> let's see:) EDIT 2: After installing 2020.04 I installed directly EA 2, restarted Windows and now all is working as expected!
  23. @JoseC That's another possibility, but Shift + Right Click is imho the best option..... Thanks;) Bassman.
  24. HI:) @scook >>>>SHIFT+right mouse click toggles between the track's current and previous edit filter settings There's always something new to learn:) This is great to know! Thanks, Bassman.
  25. HI:) Dynamic Waveform is a real timesaver, it's fantastic! Just one thing: If I switch the edit filter to clip gain, I can switch(+) between track volume and clip gain. It would be very nice to be able to switch between clip edit and clip gain edit, so I can move some clip piece and with hitting "+" edit it's gain. for now you have to move the mouse a long way to the left and switch to either clip or clip gain. Bassman.
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