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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Have you tried Izotope's free Imager 2? It's a reduced version of what is in Ozone, but it may be enough for your needs.
  2. Tried that and it finally worked now. Thanks! And here I thought they had forgotten me. What a total loser I thought I had become! ? But all is fine now! ?
  3. Larry has always been on fire. It is just that somedays he burns hotter than others. ?
  4. I don't know if @LAGinz has a ticket open for this since I was the instigator of the CPU problem back in September. So, I just did respond to my ticket and will post any answer I get. But to be fair, I have had back and forth conversation on this through the ticket for over 6 months now. I know you have also chimed in to support on my behalf. Thanks! But it has been a looong time and there have been quite a few releases in the past 6 months. The problem is still the same and easily reproducible in 5.4.0. Please don't blame me for being a tad discouraged. I probably spent more hours researching and documenting the problem for IK than would be required to fix it.
  5. Similar experience here but I didn't have your patience. I gave up and rolled back to 5.0.3! ?
  6. Ok, unfortunately the CPU behavior is still there. Here is the difference in CPU usage between version 5.0.3 and 5.4.0 on my PC. This is by just starting the standalone version with the default preset and giving it time to stabilize. 5.0.3 - 2% 5.4.0 - 4.5% If I do the routing switch thing, click on the two amp routing and back to the single amp routing, the CPU usage for 5.4.0 goes down to a little less than 3%. Same behavior as with all versions after 5.0.3.
  7. I'll give it a try later on to see if they fixed last summer's CPU usage issue. I'll report back.
  8. Yes, USERDAW can never be the default! You always have to select it after every power on. At least on the Oxygen Pro. The default DAW preset is selected on the first power on or when resetting the controller. But then the USERDAW does not exist yet! ?I think that is quite shortsighted on M-Audio's part. I needed to change the bitwig preset a bit to get some functionality I needed with AZ Controller. You can read about it here and you can find my preset there. I do believe that I ran into the problem of copying DAW presets to the USERDAW and it then didn't behave the same. But it has been a while and can't remember the details.
  9. I just want to say thanks to everyone who gave their input. I don't think I would have thought of this without your help. Sometimes you just need ideas from others to steer you in the right direction. ??
  10. Ok, the problem was introduced in the latest version of Arturia's Rev Plate-140. Version does not exhibit the problem, but the latest version,, does. VST2 and VST3 both exhibit the bug I mention. I will send this info through Arturia's support. If I get and answer I'll post it here. For now the workaround is to use version until this is resolved. You can find the installer on this page. Under Rev PLATE-140, click 'Show Archives' and download for Windows. If you are using the latest version keep an eye ear out to your export. If your project has some complexity, you may loose reverb volume on export.
  11. No only VST3 for now. But, I was on the Arturia's site and they keep archives of older versions. I installed the oldest version they had and the problem is gone. So it seems that this bug was introduced at a later version. I am currently trying a few versions to try and locate at which version this occurred. I will try VST2 of the current version when I am done with testing the older versions. Thanks for the tip! I will also inform Arturia's support of this problem.
  12. Thanks for chiming in with ideas. My responses: Its on a separate bus just for the reverb and the bus is stereo There are no other plugins, not even pro channel ones, on this bus. There is no automation on the reverb bus, but there is automation elsewhere in the project. I don't think it has reverted back to demo mode. At least I don't get the nag screen and dropouts every few minutes. I tested using another reverb and the problem is not happening. If all else fails this would be my fallback plan. But it is a shame not to be able to use Arturia's superb plate... Here is a screenshot of the project. This is after freezing all the tracks.
  13. Uninstalled and reinstalled, no luck unfortunately. I wonder if Arturia has older versions available, I'll check that.
  14. I froze all tracks and the issue is still there. I really thought that would help though.
  15. After reading your comment I tried a few things: I created a brand new project like you, with a single track and a bus to hold the Arturia reverb. I got the same result as you: no problem exporting and no change in the reverb volume after exporting either. I made a copy of my original project and removing all tracks except one, all busses except for the reverb one and removing all other plugins. I got the same result as you: no volume drop on the reverb when exporting. I made a new copy and this time removed all plugins except for the reverb. I figured that to provide the devs with a project showing the problem this would be the best way. I got the same result as you: no volume change. I started removing plugins piece by piece but I haven't found yet the combination of plugins that produces the problem. It seems that removing a certain number of plugins removes the problem, more than which ones. Conclusion for now: it seems a fair amount of plugins in the project are needed to reproduce the problem. But I can tell you it is really happening in some configuration of tracks+plugins. I can make available a video showing the problem and I can make my project available. But chances are I may have plugins you don't.
  16. Jacques Boileau


    Hi Spool and welcome!
  17. I don't know if this is new to this version, but I came across a major problem with Arturia's Rev PLATE-140 and Cakewalk when exporting. When I export a project that uses Arturia's plate reverb, the volume of the plate is reduced extensively by the export. Not only is the reverb barely audible in my exported mix, but that volume drop is also kept afterwards when I play the mix back in Cakewalk! I need to close and reopen my project to get the volume of the reverb back to normal. Other than using another reverb, I haven't found a workaround this. This problem happens at the start of the export. If I start the export, cancel it and start playback, the volume drop is already there in playback.
  18. Great write up @Jesse Wolfe! It may seem easy, but in fact it is quite complex to get the controller section of these to work nicely with Cakewalk. As you may know, I have spent a lot of time getting my Oxygen Pro 61 to work nice with Cakewalk. Luckily for me it ended up being a complete success but with a lot of trial and error. Here are some remarks I have after reading your post: Don't hold your breath waiting for M-Audio to respond. I did put in a ticket about a month ago and the only response I received was a survey to rate my interaction with support. Of course I took the survey and gave them the lowest mark on everything and added in the comments that I had never received a response. I never got feedback from the survey either! It seems everything is in place to receive support inquiries, down to the survey emails, but no humans behind to respond. I also found that the Bitwig preset would get you the closest to perfection in their list of preset AND that if you copied it would not be the same as the original! But I still ended up creating my own to get more things working. But since you need to choose which preset to use when you configure the controller and that 'UserDaw' doesn't exist then, you can NEVER have it as the default. Arghh! (that was my question to support) Although there is everything available under the hood in Cakewalk, the GUI that is provided does not give complete access to the underlying functionality. I hope that the devs have some time some day to improve that. The only solution for me was to install the AZ Controller Plugin that opens up all the available functionality, albeit with a not very intuitive user interface. But when I finally got the hang of it, I could do anything that I wanted. I was able with it to get PAN control perfect. The knobs on the controller give 100% rotation of the pan in Cakewalk and when the knob is centered, the PAN in Cakewalk is always centered. I could never get that working correctly with other means. I also like the fact that I was able to get the select knob, the one labeled 'push to enter' to move the WAI focus one track at a time. The bank buttons move the WAI by 8 tracks, but that is not always optimal. So with the select knob moving the 8 WAI tracks one track to the right or left I can focus exactly on the tracks I want to work with. Personally, I wanted to control the output volume rather than the master fader, but with the Cakewalk plugin I could only chose left or right output fader. AZ Controller enabled me to control both output faders, left and right, with fader 9 on the controller. I do think that what you ended up doing is very close to perfect using the default and easier to use interface. This should probably suffice and be much easier for most people to work with. One thing you didn't mention is the use of the preset mode to control plugins. It also works pretty well using a second controller plugin, the ACT MIDI Controller plugin, for these. Then using the ACT learn function you can get it to learn a plugin's control and control them using the M-Audio control section.
  19. The keyboard and the controls are two different things on these controllers. The keyboard is always easy to get working, but the controls is a different matter. The controls work similar to a control surface. You will have to check out the Cakewalk documentation on control surfaces and ACT. I have an M-Audio Oxygen Pro 61 controller and, after quite a bit of learning, trial and error, I was able to make it work to my satisfaction. I would suggest you read through this thread. I am sure it has some answers for your particular model even if the thread is for the pro model. Also, this guy has done work for the M-Audio Oxygen 49/69 Mk3 https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,247.0.html Good luck!
  20. You can roll back to version 5.0.3 Pros: No trial nag screen Much lower cpu usage Cons: No mesa 2 No x-gear
  21. Same numbers of letters, 3 even the same, can we really call that a full mistake! ?
  22. At the current rate of exchange, if you buy direct from SSL in euros, 17.68 USD. ?
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