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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Make sure you hold shift to access the pads function, what is written underneath. They work for me using the Oxygen Pro 61 Cubase DAW mode and the Cakewalk Mackie Cubase mode. 'SAVE' and 'UNDO' work as they should. 'DEVICE' and 'SEND' do not seem to be doing anything. Strangely enough, the 'VIEW' toggles 'Metronome During Record' option in Cakewalk. I assumed 'SEND' would let the knob control the send of a track, but no. I haven't tried 'QUANTIZE' in a project where it could mean something. Try holding shift and pressing the bottom first pad labeled 'PAN'. This could get your knobs working the Cakewalk pan. If you have pressed either shift-DEVICE or shift-SENDS, this will effectively disable the pan and the knobs do not do anything then.
  2. When rolling back in the past I had similar behavior. I solved it by uninstalling the drivers from add remove program, making sure nothing was left under Program Files and reinstalling the version I wanted. Then it worked as before.
  3. And we could let the GB finish before worrying too much were the multis are. Just saying...
  4. It depends on what is wanted. Using Bus will control the master fader and affect the level of any export done afterwards, unless there is something I am missing. Controlling the master reduces the level in the monitors and/or headphones but not what will be exported. I looked but haven't found any setting high or standard resolution. But since I was able to make the pan work perfectly well using AZ Controller I won't research more. I have my pan knobs rotating from -100% to +100% and when the knob is centered it is always at 0 in Cakewalk. I have done a few other things with AZ Controller that are not possible in what is offered in the Mackie Control Surface Dialog. If you are interested you can read what I have implemented here: Preset for the M-Audio Oxygen Pro 61 One other nice feature, apart from the pan working correctly, is mapping the Oxygen Pro selector knob to increment the movement of the WAI focus one track at a time, so I can more precisely focus the tracks I want to work with. AZ Controller works well for me and I will continue using it. The new Mackie Cubase mode is a great improvement and will help less technical users I am sure. My goal here was to help you test the new Mackie Cubase Mode on a piece of equipment you didn't have. It is a success on the Oxygen Pro. I hope my time spent doing this was helpful to you.
  5. You might want to dip in a second time to make sure we get there! ?
  6. I played more with the Mackie control Cubase mode with my M-Audio Oxygen Pro. It works well. With very little effort the controls behave mostly as expected. For very little configuration, you can get a working control surface out of this keyboard controller. Even the loop button, which was not working before in my attempts with any combination of presets both in Cakewalk and in the Oxygen Pro, is now working. Here are a few limitations. These were there previously and are not new to this release. The only way I was able to circumvent them was to use AZ Controller. But it is much harder to setup. The master fader of the Oxygen will control only one side of the output fader. You can only choose one fader and they are separate left and right faders. But you can circumvent that by linking the faders in Cakewalk (padlock above the faders). A bit annoying but liveable. The pan do not behave as expected using the knobs on the Oxygen Pro. The range is half of what the pan in Cakewalk can do and the center of the knob does not correspond with the middle of the pan in Cakewalk. It seems kind of random, but I am sure there is a pattern, just haven't found it. The pan sometimes goes from -64% to +63%, sometimes -27% to +100%, etc. All in all, a great improvement in getting an Oxygen Pro working with Cakewalk.
  7. Dang, you are right, I used the wrong midi interface. It's actually MIDIIN3 that controls a DAW for the Oxygen Pro. Thanks, it works now. I'll play around with it and report back. With AZ Controller I was able to use ACT alongside it by using both DAW mode and Preset mode on the Oxygen Pro. The Preset mode would control the plugins through ACT. Worked rather well actually, but with quite a bit of tweaking.
  8. Promotion page is back baby! (at least for me)
  9. I started testing the surface Cubase mode with my Oxygen Pro. I wasn't able to get it working yet. I selected Cubase as the DAW mode in my Oxygen Pro. Then I created an entry for it in control surfaces: Next I configured it for Cubase and saved the preset: But the protocol does not seem to be saved in the preset (or loaded when reopened). Every time I reopen this dialog, the protocol always reverts back to Cakewalk/SONAR mode. Anything else I should do? The configure layout and/or the ACT learn button do not open anything. Shouldn't I be able to edit the control's in the ACT window? It has been a while since I have played with this but I remember another configuration window that I can't seem to get to now. Presently, no control on my Oxygen Pro have any effect in Cakewalk. But I do see the WAI green bars beneath my tracks.
  10. I would be glad to test the new Cubase mode with my M-Audio Oxygen Pro 61 and report back. But since I have done quite a bit of work configuring it using AZ Controller (DAW control) and ACT midi controller (plugin control), are there Cakewalk configuration file(s) I could backup so I can revert to my previous surface settings if need be?
  11. Just though I'd help you guys out and jumped in! As if you needed any help! ?
  12. But with the current sale on MODO drum SE 1.5, it seems we could get to upgrade our 1.0 full to 1.5 full using that, no? If the only thing missing is the 3 new kits and they are included in SE 1.5, it seems it would work. Or am I missing something? As said earlier, does 1.0 full + 1.5 SE = 1.5 full? @Peter - IK Multimedia please confirm so I can jump on this sale before it ends!
  13. So, no need to buy in twice, right? ?
  14. Yeah, I keep telling myself: I am a guitar player, I barely can make chords on a keyboard even less any semi fancy stuff, why would I need this? But the reality is: I shall be lured by a GB! ?
  15. Jacques Boileau

    New release

    See my responses above.
  16. Good point, I remember that now. Memory is such a forgetting faculty! But I am very interested in @Doug Rintoul question's: does Modo Drum 1.0+ Modo Drum 1.5 SE=Modo Drum 1.5 Full? If not, what would we be missing?
  17. Yep, that's what I thought, just a web site sale info not complete yet. MODO Drume1.5 is $299.99 retail on sale for $79.99.
  18. I was wondering about the cymbal pack and if it was included in SE. In fact the 2022 cymbals are part of the Brit Custom drum kit. So it will be included in SE. Seems to me SE is the best and cheapest way to bring a full MODO Drum 1.0 to a full MODO Drum 1.5. So it is a cheap upgrade for sure. What baffles me is that MODO Drum 1.5 SE is listed as more expensive than the full MODO Drum!?!?
  19. Or you could just go ahead and try it and tell us if it works after all! ?
  20. You have a good point. Seems fair to me. But you might want to check with IK or at least @Peter - IK Multimedia here on the forum first. Let us know how it turns out.
  21. I have MODO Bass 1 complete. Will installing MODO Bass 2 CS bring any of my basses from 1 into 2 in addition to the one provided with CS?
  22. No I don't think that will do it, unless I am mistaken. I am pretty sure you need to buy one of the synths at $49.99 to get in the GB. On the other hand it seems to me buying Syntronik 2 SE is unneeded here. Just install Syntronik 2 CS, buy one synth at $49.99 (minus jam points if you have some) and you will get in and get ALL the synths if this goes all the way. As it stands you already get 28 free synths along with the one you will buy. No need to spend any cash on SE with the GB. Edit: I just checked and SE is just $39.99, so I understand that you are trying to get in for cheaper than $49.99. Not a bad idea, but I doubt that it would work. Just $10.00 more to make sure it works is not that much. Edit 2: if you do try it, let us know how it worked out.
  23. The CPU usage of Amplitube 5 has been discussed in this thread. And in last summers group buy thread, if I remember correctly. @rsinger is right that changing the routing decreases the CPU usage. It is a known bug that I have reported to IK last September. It has yet to be fixed though. And in any case you would have to do it every time you start your project. There are 2 other solutions: if you are not using the latest stuff, Mesa Boogie 2 and the X pedals, you can revert to version 5.0.3 which uses quite less CPU or, as you are done with a track, freeze it before working on a new track.
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