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Everything posted by Misha

  1. I would likely do same if it was clearly announced that non-sub licenses are coming 2025. That way I would show my support and patiently wait for the promised license availability. As of now, Bandlab is doing something very murky. I have not seen anything like this with other companies. Started to dig into Studio One. Not a DAW of my choice, but the closest to Cakewalk workflow. Will wait till demo lasts before buying it. Perhaps Bandlab will squeeze some kind of answer before then.
  2. 3) On a fishing expedition. ------------- I guess I should drop my requests to clarify if perpetual licenses for new Sonar are in plans for near future. They have bluntly ignored simple inquiries. It's Bandlab's Karma. However, they should answer on approximate life expectancy of Cakewalk by Bandlab. Do people who are leaving have a luxury of time (2-3 years) to purchase and learn another DAW or we are talking months? If subscription only model(s) are on the table, I have deep regrets of putting my trust in the company which made certain vows, instead of using this time learning the workflow of another DAW. It was never about "free" to me. There was whole bunch of people (including me) who offered to purchase Bandlab's version in the beginning (and last year for that matter). If it was a long term plan to get people hooked and then offer no path but subscription, that's some deep evil.
  3. "You dyed in the wool oldtimers should be pleased." -classic You can rent a tuxedo, that's understandable, but I would not rent a pair of underwear. Show of support will come when they release normal licenses in a timely manner, after a year of secrecy.... I have zero interest in pay-per-view Sonar. If you do, go for it - dressed in tight spandex legging young timer.
  4. But you likely have the ability to contact people who are in charge of withholding clarity, so they are aware that many "dedicated core of long-term Sonar users" (Bandlab (c)) are not happy with lack of communication.
  5. Personally (at this time), I care less who owns what. What I do care about if I can still do music the way I did in the past decade without subscriptions and without learning another DAW? At least for the next 3-4 years.
  6. Where is the voice of reason - Noel B.?
  7. We do. We should also remember the letter by Bandlab sent April 13, 2018. Do we? If some "forgot", take a look here: In original April 12th 2018 Bandlab's letter, "decades" were clearly mentioned. To keep their promise, technically they have to have Cakewalk available at least till April 13th 2028. Whatever will happen to Sonar licensing that remains a mystery... and their business. If they offer licenses - I will be among first in line. However, knowing how much time is left for transition period if licenses are not planned should be made known, if it is less than what was promised.
  8. Jimbob, I don't think anything. It's my firm belief that Bandlab owes "dedicated core of long-term Sonar users" (Bandlab (c)) some clarity. Not answering those calls, again in my view, dampens their reputation as a company that made certain pledges.
  9. John, You sold your soul to the devil signed up for subscription. I respect the choice you made, but I will not do that. Of course there are many DAWs out there. Likely the closest for me is Studio One. Why I am still hesitating: 1) Two+ decades of projects. 2) Particular take lane recording that is only found in Cakewalk. 3)Familiar workflow.. 4) There is at least some truth to initial humble letter by Bandlab sent to the "core of dedicated Cakewalk users" in 2018. (See my "Blast from the past" post if you need to refresh your memory) 5)Still hope they (Bandlab) have decency to reply to numerous concerns from several angles of worried current customers. At least give some clarity on what already had been said in the past few months, so some of us can plan ahead. 6)I don't want to purchase 2 DAWs in a year, if Sonar normal licenses are coming soon.
  10. Well, so am I, but I also want to know approximate expiration of Cakewalk by Bandlab - so I can plan ahead. Still hope it's just some sort of internal locomotion and other non sub "options" will be introduced shortly.
  11. I refuse to burry that horse until it starts to smell. There is a very good chance it just needs a prince's kiss to wake up.
  12. Alternative is Cakewalk, which supposed to be "free" for "decades to come" *See my "Blast from the past post" Even if Sonar will be subscription only, clarity on phasing out Cakewalk by Bandlab should be given. To mark even one "decade" (per letter sent April 2018), technically it should work till April 2028. Will it do that?
  13. I believe I do. I don't know where Bandlab stands on their product called Cakewalk, hence asking on the product forum they maintain.
  14. And... they (finance, marketing/sales departments) should have all the PR excuses or/and answers ready (for developers and whoever else posts on behalf of the company on the public space) after 1 whole year of pickling "dedicated core of long term Sonar users". My main concern is that wording of discontinuation was present up until recently, and the way I understood: Cakewalk by Blb will be phased out after the "release" of Sonar. Seems like Sonar had been "released" as all "coming soons" are gone. It's a simple courtesy to inform users of what actually to expect to happen now (near future). P.S. I am not looking freebies. All I want is a bit of clarity. ----------------------------- I did, but answers given were very vague. I know it's a User forum and I am a user (of 20 years ) And my hope that my and perhaps numerous other voices coming from different perspectives (License, availability, pricing, tech stuff, etc.) can ring some bells of people who are withholding information.... at least on the near future (3-4 years) of the Cakewalk by Bandlab if licensing thing is still being "worked out".
  15. If they are not answering product related questions in several recent posts of concerned users - they are refusing to answer. A more modern term would be "ghosting"? Whatever you want to call it. Valid questions asked purposely ignored.
  16. While BL crew is refusing calls for clarity on future of Cakewalk by Bandlab or/and other options to obtain non subscription shiny new Sonar... For your amusement and entertaining a copy of original email sent to us, "dedicated core of long term Sonar users". The only thing I modified, is I underlined parts that I thought were interesting. I found this Apr 2018 email together with receipt of my donation to change.org dating February for petition to keep Cakewalk alive Time flies.
  17. Gregory, how is your question relates to my post? I believe this is a separate question, kindly ask it in a separate post. Thank you.
  18. Just guessing. You had track(s) armed, that were not supposed to be armed - the ones you have many takes on, when you were recording, so it picked up everything what you were trying to record on different track.
  19. Maybe it's a start of something beautiful, or perhaps damage control
  20. Terry, reason for asking here is because it's Cakewalk related. Also, I am certain that I am not alone who seek coherent response from someone who knows what that change in FAQ wording means. Sure, nothing is forever. But time is precious and playing on feelings is not cool. If they decided to take certain path, it's absolutely their business. I just don't know if I should continue writing tunes at my spare time, or should start wrapping up projects that already started and get acquainted to another DAW... which will grab a lot of hours I could spend doing other things. They had whole year to at least come up with answers.
  21. "Bandlab has something to tell us, they will" Terry, you probably didn't read or understand my post. FAQ changed recently and I am asking someone from the team to clarify what is the meaning of new wording. I am not asking users for opinions on this, as your reply suggested.
  22. A year in waiting for news on non-subscription Sonar passed, without any hard Yes/No evidence except for some, almost invisible sprinkles offered by Noel. Which is sad. However.... I see that the FAQ changed on Cakewalk.com. The wording of discontinuation of Cakewalk by Bandlab are no longer there. What does that mean? Do we get to keep Cakewalk by Bandlab? Will it require re-authorization every few months? Is it on a chopping block (as original FAQ hinted) after Sonar release (whatever that might mean)? Perhaps bakers can explain what is exactly is meant by: "Is Cakewalk Sonar replacing Cakewalk by BandLab? Cakewalk Sonar builds and improves on Cakewalk by BandLab, offering advanced technology, effortless workflow, and an interface that amplifies inspiration. However, Cakewalk by BandLab will continue to be free without a subscription requirement. While the software will continue receiving essential maintenance updates, no new feature development is planned as we prioritize advancements in Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar." Thank you.
  23. Craig, I am not going to pretend that I know the "reasons". That what it seemed to me - companies tried to grab as much runaways as they could in 2017. If it was much more than that and had higher meaning, great. Here is a counter argument (and perhaps BL marketing would like to hear this too) Out of all people I've talked to (7 or 8 outside this forum, that were longtime Cakewalk users pre 2017 and switched DAWs on Gibson saga... I know only one that "came back" using Cakewalk and not even full time. Not because Cakewalk was "bad". They all loved it. They lost trust. The year long silence in my view doesn't help Bandlab's image. From my reading / understanding Meng Ru Kuok is not only corporate entrepreneur, but also a visionary and a music lover. I just can't understand why create unnecessary tensions & frustrations for fellow musicians that have valid reasons to be worried. Bottom line is this. I am willing to wait another 6 months or even another year if I know for a fact that new Sonar will be available as non-subscription within that time period. If they are still unsure, this should be stated in some kind of "nice" words that make sense, so people can plan ahead . "Coming soon" is not it. ----- Larry, I hear you. Unfortunately (or fortunately) specific "tracking" take lane workflow I am after is only available in Cake. I have tried about a dozen DAWs. A couple came close, but not there yet. If it comes to switching, I will have no choice but to adopt. It's life
  24. I am certain vultures are important animals in the world's life cycle and have no issues with them, or their instincts, but: "bail out" abandoned SONAR users were hoping to gain some new users" - certainly seems like a prime reason for the gesture. Even if there was more philosophy to it, it came as a bonus. In my view there is a very stiff competition between upper dozen of popular DAWs. Lucky you (no pun intended). I was not that foreseeing. I am grateful to Mr. Meng for keeping and advancing Cakewalk all this time... I am. But now, unless they release non sub Sonar or clarify of near term plans for us, silly users, it's same fork of 2017 for me. This time it would be darker, because I will stay in the same 2017 spots, but now with over 100 projects added. -------------------------------- I am a slow learner. I estimate, it will take me 200-300 hours to get comfortable with another DAW and likely 500+ to fully adopt and start liking it. With family and work, free time is a big luxury, so just grabbing and learning another DAW is a tough call. I believe clarity is not too much to ask for from Bandlab. Especially now, since I do have more time in the summer for ventures like learning another DAW. I do spend a few hours every year test driving different DAWs there are a couple that I like. P.S. I was sincerely hoping they would release non-sub version on 1 year anniversary since announcement. They still have a few hours, but I doubt that will happen today.
  25. "totally disingenuous to tar Bandlab with the same brush." Well, they have to prove it. Providing years of development, just to say it will be discontinued giving NO details in a year (!) time for NON subscription options, erodes 75% of the trust they gained in my book. "Coming soon" banner hanging for a year will not cut it. Near future CLARITY please.
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