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Everything posted by Misha

  1. Craig, that's an interesting take, but I will hold of my reply till tomorrow - a "One Year" anniversary since announcement
  2. As mentioned earlier in this thread, tomorrow will be exactly one year since the "change" was announced. Could it be that tomorrow "anniversary" will be the day of release? That would be sweet... However, my patience is running extremely thin. A full year after announcement to come up with pricing or at least approximate "release" day/month, is more than enough. Why marinate those folks who are not interested in subscriptions?? Seems a bit cruel. It would be OK if they stated that Cakewalk would be yours to keep regardless how they decide to offer Sonar, but since it was stated that it will go away... Feels a bit like like dejavu of 2017. Fortunately or unfortunately Cakewalk has a very particular "takes" workflow that for now is only available... in Cakewalk. The unfortunate part is that 2017 version had a bug (that I reported during Gibson time) that was only fixed in Bandlab's version. So if SHTF, I will end up using 2017 with that particular bug until learning another DAW. Hopefully it will not come to that. I guess, the main point of my reply is this: Bandlab, if they care about integrity, keeping trust of people who didn't leave in 2017 when vultures were offering sweet crossgrade deals on the former Cakewalk forum, should either release Sonar ASAP or the least offer clarity if normal licenses are expected in near future, so people can make informed choices. P.S. If you leave the Cake in the oven for too long, it will not be edible and people will Walk out.
  3. If it only relates to a single project, you can try opening it the way it worked for you and try to save AS in a different location. I can only think of 3 instances if you eliminated sick plugin(s). a) Actual Cakewalk file is somehow got corrupted (Saving As resolved issues for me in some instances, not only in Cakewalk) b)File location has some permission issues c) One of your Audio/Midi files is corrupted. P.S. Not sure about this one, but once you have project running, you can try saving it as Bundle file and then try opening it. If you can open it successfully, re-save it as normal.
  4. Not the first one.... Kind of a brutal & autocratic way of selling the sizzle, but not the steak. (There is a person that comes to mind that locks people up for speaking out) But hey, it's their reputation at "steak", not ours - dear loyal followers > future customers.
  5. I love Cakewalk, but whoever stands behind the decision of not publicly releasing basic information on future licenses & release time frame (season/year?)are just acting a bit distasteful and cruel. Most of us here remember 2017 very well. And also remember that it was said that Cakewalk will be free. I am pretty sure most of us stayed not because of the "free" factor... I see no benefit of keeping folks in the dark for so long. All it adds is repeated anxiety of 2017, especially when death of Cakewalk was announced some time ago in FAQ. I just hope it will be a Happy Death with reincarnation of shiny Sonar perpetual licenses available at fair prices. P.S. I recently installed my last Gibson Sonar version, everything is working fine.... A few bugs unfixed in that version do annoy me, but not to the point to be depressed or sign up for subscription. I am glad I have this plan "B" which should last for a few years if things go sour with BL.
  6. That is one funny Etsy seller Yeah, they definitely should consider amending that Wiki page. Today, we are one month shy from 1 year since initial Sonar/Next announcement was made. I hope there will be some clarity given within the next month.
  7. David, I think there's a some kind of bug with that 4track "factory" template, I have no issues when I use the one I that mainly use. Expanded or not, my custom template works exactly how Record options are set. No surprises.
  8. 57Gregy, Thanks for clarification. I've done some digging and it seems happening with a generic (factory) "4 Track template", which I use rarely, but is (was) a quick way to do sketches. I've used my custom template that I used for 3+ years and it seems issue of Take Lanes merging is not present when using it. Another strange thing was... It was merging everything to Take lane #1, so for testing purposes I deleted that lane (with content). Well, on the next rec take it created Take lane #1 and placed it on the top. Ohh well. My guess, BL will keep Cakewalk alive for at least several months, after the BIG announcement. If perpetual licenses will be offered - smooth ride, previous and current Cake projects are opening fine in new Sonar and it doesn't have this merge issue. If Sonar will be subscription only, it should give me enough time to finish a few projects that I've started already and move on. I will not investigate deeper as I found a workaround (using my template), but will not mark this as resolved as the issue is present.
  9. John, thanks. So there's no way to revert to previous build? "It must be something else." With rec settings: >Mode: Sound On Sound., Take Behavior: Create New Lane with New Takes on Top "checked". And only the parent track armed, it should not place new take lanes on muted lanes at the bottom. Last time that was doing that was under Gibson, until BL took over and Noel fixed it in the first couple of months. It also seems it's inconsistent. Sometimes it would create a new "take lane on top", sometimes merge to muted. So just by observing this behavior it's a bug in my book. I am hoping I can go back to previous build, so at least for sometime there would be a working copy on my computer until they sort out the things with Sonar licensing.
  10. Installed is 2024.02 (Build 098) One of my favorite features in Cakewalk, "take lanes" seems to have some sort of bug that I didn't experience since Noel fixed it around 2018... In record options I have: Mode: Sound On Sound., Take Behavior: Create New Lane with New Takes on Top checked. Sometimes "take" recordings works like it should/did for years, some takes are merged to muted lane on the bottom. Very inconsistent. I have no desire to troubleshoot this as likely 2024.02 might be the last version. Is it possible to revert to previous version, so I don't get stuck with final version that has a major issue (for me) or this is the end of the road? Thank you.
  11. "stressing over things out of our control is truly a waste" Yes. Stressing things that cause dissatisfaction of perspective paid customers and questioning strange / delayed release tactics is OK. So the company is aware that some are not happy about this and have a valid reason to be concerned. I don't view this as "circular" debates, but a reminder. Some companies tend to care what users have to say, some don't. I have no illusions about it. I think it's simply unfair to keep in the dark those who put trust in the company in the last 5 years. Those who could of learned different DAW in that time, but decided to stick on the premise that Cakewalk will be around, which seems is not the case going forward. I am not getting younger and it will be more challenging for me to get used to another DAW than 5 years ago. Subscription model is out of the question for me. BandLab please define "COMING SOON" P.S.I have this strange feeling that BL is at crossroad at this time. They can make things amazing (which I am sincerely hope for) or take path of companies like Reason, Waves and a few other murky players. I guess we will find out "SOON"
  12. Noel B said: "Yes there are plans to have purchase options outside of backstage pass which was intended to be the quickest way to get it right now. When details of it are known it will be announced." I interpret this, as there will be perpetual licenses available, same as with 90%+ with all other DAWs. Why would it be different? I believe the wait game does not benefit BL, especially considering Gibson fiasco. They need to show they are different (better), particularly since coroner pronounced the death of Cakewalk. CLARITY ---- "No we ain't dead" That's a good thing.
  13. "I won’t be shocked if I never get my perpetual license. " "I am part of the user base that’s fading away." I disagree for 3 reasons: #1 - Noel confirmed there will be "other" ways to get Sonar. #2 The "fading" base is still relevant for foreseeable future. #3 Most DAWs, even "beatmaker" centric FL Studio, all sell perpetual licenses. ----------------- My take, a BIG announcement should be made before June 16, marking a year after the public announcement, otherwise it would be very strange. Just speculating. I do see that Bakers are working hard, polishing and adding features to Sonar at a very impressive pace. Hopefully unveiling will take place shortly.
  14. Heath Row, So the next upgrade will cost to you another yearly subscription. Not cheap, but fair if they have something to show for it. If Sonar will be priced similarly, I will gladly get it, and for example if next year they will come up with a clever Chord Track, I will upgrade again. And so on.
  15. Steev, Ohh, I am patient. (a user since late 90s) Been especially patient last 10 month since Cakewalk death sentence was announced and coming "soon" wording was stapled I am not worried about licensing, as different options were mentioned to be available. In my view delay and unnecessary secrecy of release simply frustrates people. Also seems BandLab doesn't move fast enough to capture DAW audience it needs, while others do. P.S. If BL offered similar deal to Studio1, I would be first in line. In a sense I am glad that S1 done this promotion. Hopefully it will ring some bells to speed up release of perpetual Sonar licenses.
  16. While I will not sign up for subscription only plan which is the only available plan at this time... I do checkout new features and workflow on un-activated copy until proper licenses will be available. From the last set of features, I love that you can change custom display scaling independently of Windows, right in the program without restart. While it says "experimental", it seems to be very stable. Great that mouse cursor items were fixed too! I wonder how hard it would be to have a custom font setting to "thicken" text/fonts without touching display scaling? To me fonts are a bit too fine.
  17. Sorry if it was asked before... New Sonar seem to add a node in automation (volume, gain, etc) by double clicking - Cakewalk adds a node on a single click. Is there a way to change Sonar to get add a node from single click? P.S. Maybe double clicking is "natural" to some, but I find it counter productive to have this as a default setting in new Sonar. UPDATE: Must of been a glitch of some kind. Maybe a shortcut triggered dbl click behavior? Restarted Sonar, everything works as expected. Single click adds a node!
  18. Seems S1 is also listening to the ground.... Tempting. C'mon BL. 10+ month is not "coming soon". Child is born in less time. Time to roll out those perpetual licenses. We saw the goods, we want them. No falling asleep. Your competitors are pretty much awake and alert
  19. Seems OP was able to get away without ASIO for years. Hopefully this was just a glitch for him. Different Cakewalks for different folks.
  20. Frequency / bitrate mismatch? ------ "except Chrome" that might be a boo boo. For testing purposes I would try to avoid using any "browsers". Did you disable FX globally (FX button on upper bar) or individually? Some synths like Sonic (Halion) had given me headache in past few years because of it's license manager. Would hang Cakewalk completely. I believe they fixed it last year, as it was working OK since, but if you have older version... or similar synth in project that calls for "something" that might be issue too. I've given up on Waves plugins mainly for that reason. Make a copy of the project, so you can use it as a sandbox to pinpoint issue. I would start by deleting first 1/2 of the tracks with their FX straight down (on a copy of course). If project plays, do Undo, grab first 1/4 of the tracks.. delete, etc. Deduction.
  21. Jon, any plugins are a part of this equation? Simple way to check is press FX button on upper bar. It will turn blue, telling you that all FX are disabled. Try to play project again. I had some pretty interesting (not in a good way) experience with some plugins. --- What happens if you start a new project and try to record just a few seconds of test audio. Does it play? P.S. Almost forgot... You mentioned WASAPI. Anything audio active on background? A player, Youtube?
  22. Hi Peter. I've likely spent couple of hundred of hours in trying to minimize / eliminate Dropouts &Stuttering during past decade on several machines. Spoiler* my problem went away completely when I bought new computer. My previous PC was decent enough (i7 9000 series 12 core, nvme, 32 ram, etc) , but still chipset/cpu where causing certain I/O bottleneck scenarios that played badly with DAW + Plugins. Biggest offenders in my case were certain VSTs. Especially the ones made by Izotope after about 2015. From EQ to Ozone. I've sent them numerous emails, corresponding with a couple of their coders, etc. They confirmed the problem, but could not fix it. Also some plugins from IK and if I use several "look ahead" plugins. At the end everything was solved by a new computer with different processor & chipset. Have you tried pressing FX button on upper bar to temporary disable ALL FX on the project to see if plugins are the cause? If everything runs smoothly, start introducing plugins one by one to find offender. P.S. Nvidia has a reputation for being a problematic with audio recording. There are a few guides available how to adjust it's specific controls to maximize performance for audio recording.
  23. Max, My BC is version is 2.67 (there is an "i" symbol on BC UI, it shows the version) Glenn, Thanks! Seems I got same Win11 and 23H2 patch. Mystery... I emailed Fred at BC, hopefully he can shine a light on this. BlueCat is an awesome plugin and I hope I will figure out why dragging tracks in Cakewalk doesn't work for me. I have plenty of "sounds" via Kontakt, Halion and few others, so chaining EZK Midi Out>to various synths + FX works very well for my use. I just save presets like EZK>Sonic, EZK>Kontakt and recall them via one click instead of prepping tracks each time. What is also extremely helpful that BC allows for multiple VST windows to be opened and closed in one click. And of course switching to another audio program(s) and get whole chain just as you left it. P.S. Glenn, I listened to a few of your tracks on reverbnation. Good stuff!
  24. Glenn, I've just recently got BC Patchwork. Yeah, but you and Max don't have this issue I opened a ticket with BC with all the info. (Including a link to this thread) P.S. If it's not too much of a trouble, can you tell me please your BC and Windows versions? Thanks.
  25. Max, Thank you for testing! Mystery.... I tested this scenario on two different machines. Win 11 / Win10 Cakewalk by Bandlab (latest, run as admin) + BC Patchwork - latest 2.67. Both VSt2 and VST3 version of the plugin. Saving EZ keys session and re-opening brings a blank project. ---------------------- Done more testing... This time around I've used (Kushview) Element, which is in a way similar to BlueCat Patchwork. Same deal. When midi track is dragged over from Cakewalk to BC>EZK2, it populates cells, but not the chords. So it seems, Cakewalk doesn't transfer data correctly to a plugin that resides inside a "shell" such as BC or Element. But since you and Glenn were able to drag MIDI track from Cake to it successfully, I really don't know what to make of it.
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