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Everything posted by Misha

  1. I think it is safe to assume that many will flee if the deal will be "membership" only. It would be strange to assume Bakers didn't learn a very valuable lesson from Waves, when they tried to pull off a fast one and had to back peddle it within a VERY short period of time. Even after they came to their senses, it stopped me from having any interest of what that company had/has to offer. From what Noel had mentioned in the past, there will be different OPTIONS and I hope (and have faith) perpetual licenses will be available and fairly priced. If not, there are many choices of DAWs out there.
  2. I like clean + sharp looks of new UI, great job! Couple of items that I've noticed (perhaps user error) 1) Strips for arranger, video tracks... I know you can minimize them, but I don't see a way to get rid of them completely. Personally, I have no use for them and I wish you could simply make these go away. 2)My display scaling recommended value is 200% (3070x1440 native). Tools are blurry at that scale, while everything else is sharp. If I switch scale to 100%, they are sharp, but Sonar is so tiny that I can't make out text. 3) Under View>Display there is an option to disable "Display Muted takes in Parent Track".... I wish there would be an option to NOT display muted take lanes all together. Simple scenario: You have 30 take lanes, 5 of which you will use, others just keep for backup or future re-mix. Simply hiding muted take tracks would make UI so much cleaner.
  3. Ok... I downloaded Sonar... VSTs DPI scaling works well! (and also Kontakt 7 doesn't flicker) That is a good sign going forward. Now all I need is to know the release date and price for perpetual license
  4. gustabo. Yes I tried all variations in the compatibility settings starting Cakewalk and all view/scaling settings in the plugin itself. Reaper displays it correctly (without any tweaking) / Cakewalk displays it blurry no matter what I try.
  5. Hi Folks. Recently I had issues with Kontakt 7 blur flickering. Now, after doing a bit in Reaper, I realized that everything in Cake is slightly blurred. My eyes likely got used to this blurriness over the course of time. With Cakewalk itself being slightly blurred, I am sort of OK, but Plugins that many times have lots of detail are hard on my eyes when slightly blurred. I tried all settings in "compatibility" related to High DPI. Nothing seem to help it. Only when a main 100% (with recommended 200%) system scaling is set, plugins look sharp... but in this scenario everything in Cakewalk is super tiny. Native resolution of the monitor is 3072x1440. I do understand the the new Sonar will be vector based and likely will solve this issue. However I am still planning to use Cakewalk for some time, and it seems it's internal scaling of Cakewalk that does this to plugins, as there are no issues with blurriness of same plugins on the same system in Reaper and Studio One (with global scaling set to 175% - my preferred setting) I don't know what else to try. Any suggestions? P.S. See attached photo Cake vs Reaper displaying same plugin. I've tried various UI settings of the plugins too. Thank you.
  6. Don't know if it was requested before or not. I started using more MIDI edits in the past couple of years and I think current method would benefit from slight improvement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjhApm9etUc
  7. It's not so much of MY system, as in Reaper it (K7) works fine, so as a standalone. There must be something how it works in Cakewalk environment. Or a combination of things. Sonar MIGHT be different, because it will be vector based, so no funny business with up scaling or such (which I think might be the culprit) But it's only a guess...
  8. A prominent audio recording community member EvilDragon replied on another forum, that flickering is a known issue, not yet fixed (over a year!) I guess, it's system specific stuff. What is strange to me that it works fine in Reaper, but flickers in Cakewalk. My computer is 2 years old, I don't think EOL applies I am highly disappointed in NI. They have wonderful musicians & engineers working for them, but when it comes to issues, it seems you are on your own. A few short years ago they even had a customer phone service... One of the last email conversations took 9(!) days for rep to answer. Unfortunately I already bought some instruments that don't work on Kontakt 6, so only thing is left is to nag and bother their highness customer service. P.S. It seems, main feature of upcoming Sonar will be vector graphics. I wonder if Kontakt 7 will behave in new Sonar on my setup?
  9. OutrageProductions, thanks, I believe openGL is one of pre-requisites of Kontakt 7. Strange that this only happening in Cakewalk. I tried various High DPI options, reducing frequency from 120>60hz... nothing seems to help. Super annoying, like starring at those monitors from mid 90s. Also, I found it strange that screen capture looks fine... So I took a short clip with my phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncbT7c-IWHY
  10. Overall Kontakt 7 so far was not a happy ride for me. While I figured out most issues, this one I can't. Kontakt 7 flickering, becoming blurry, like Jello in Cakewalk. Only in Cakewalk. 1)Kontakt 7 doesn't have this UI issues in Reaper 2) I don't experience any such plugin UI distortions with other VST makers in Cakewalk. 3) A Standalone Kontakt doesn't have flickering issues. I've read that people experiencing this flicker with MacOS or if they have Nvidea GPU. ( talking about disabling g-sync, whatever that means) I am on Windows 11 and use Intel iRISx for graphics, not nvidea. P.S. Another clue is... When I tried to capture screen to show this blur/flickering, recording didn't reflect that, while I could witness it on my screen while recording. Was this mentioned before? Is there a cure for this annoyance? Thank you in advance!
  11. If my memory serves me well, tiers were mentioned, just not the details.
  12. Ohh yes, not only I, quite a few people requested that over the years. Request has strong support. S1 has this feature only at the highest tier of the program. So that is the point I was trying to make in initial post. I would gladly upgrade to highest tier of future Sonar if it will have that feature (and the price will leave me enough money for bread and water) In Cubase and S1 it works somewhat similar to EZkeys. It reinterprets / reharmonizes MIDI phrases based on chords you chose.
  13. No, a chord track where you can type in (or select) chords and it will reharmonize track that have "follow" engaged. At least for MIDI. I am not interested in workarounds (existing feature). I already have a workaround that I use It has to be similar to S1 or Cubase way of dealing with this.
  14. Compared to many other software titles, Cakewalk team was great with bug fixes. I have no desire to switch to anything else, as my workflow has not changed significantly in last 10 years. Cakewalk has 90%+ of what I need, with exception of a Chord Track Actually I was very surprised they put development of "arranger" track ahead of a Chord Track. In my view, it should have been the other way around.
  15. John Vere, Thanks for the suggestion. I was early adopter of Chord Pulse when it came out. Developer is a great guy. I had a few conversations with him in the past. Unfortunately Chord pulse is limited as far as integration goes. I am a huge BIAB fan (same goes for Cakewalk) . PM me, I will guide you through a few ways / types of MIDI you can export from BIAB> Cakewalk. ----- Hoping for an integrated Cakewalk Chord track. Even barebone MIDI without Wheel or suggester. It was requested on quite a few occasions. Time is ripe.
  16. It had been over 6 months since the announcement... From my understanding new Sonar will have several tiers. What will make me consider the "highest" tier: 1) Chord Track - that allows re-harmonizing similar to Studio One, Cubase and couple of others. That would be likely #1 reason, even if it will be for MIDI only from beginning. 2) Permanent activation option., to be absolutely sure nobody will pull a plug for one reason or another for foreseeable future. ------------------------------------ I was seriously considering Studio One PRO specifically because PRO included Chord Track option, but I hate the way they designed "comping" / takes feature for audio tracks which is highly important to me and works amazingly well in Cake. With more and more generative / phrase based plugins emerging, I see a chord track as a "must have" feature.
  17. Thank you all for replying! I programmed Stream Deck for key switches and other functions, but it seems triggering what it not supposed to trigger. This is a big project (over 30 tracks), I don't want to screw it up as I have most of MIDI programmed the way I want. I will have to do a test project of just MIDI modules and see where I made a mistake. P.S. The idea of using Stream Deck is great, as you can customize in a very flexible position, function, color, etc., but unfortunately I didn't figure out yet how to reprogram global midi channel yet on it. I might need to duplicate whole panel and do individual templates, so each template has it's own MIDI out channel.
  18. mettelus, Thank you! Yes, all VSTi's. That what I thought... To be more specific. I have couple of instances of Kontakt and Ujam. Selecting Ujam and triggering phrases, triggers Kontakt instance too, while it already have automation written. So likely I hit Echo on one of the Kontakt tracks that I don't want to touch by accident, right?
  19. Hi folks. A question please. Scenario: (Cakewalk) I have several plugins that use same MIDI in channel for physical MIDI controller. Is it possible to shift the focus from one plugin to another, without rechanneling to other MIDI channels or setting all others to "none"? It's unorthodox "Midi controller" with individual keys programmed to specific channel(1), I can't simply set a global channel for it to use for specific track/plugin. I was wondering if there is a simple way to do this instead of inverting selection(s) manually for all existing plugins? Meaning, if I want to control one, all others are not "listening" to that MIDI IN channel? ---- If it's something that's not possible, another question please. If I freeze all synths in "Synth Rack" except for the one working on... When frozen, new input should not alter midi events if I use midi controller on a different plugin with same "midi in" channel as frozen, after I am done with active track and unfreeze it? Right? Thank you!
  20. Concerning that leaked video... Surprised to find out that person claims he signed up and he got it right away, while I signed up same day of announcement and never got the invitation. Am I that unworthy? Ohh well. There are surely other venues I can spend my free time on. P.S. It better have full classic mercury skin
  21. I had a powerful computer at the time of release of Nectar 3: i7 /12 core/32 ram blah blah. I really liked Nectar 2, so jumped on Nectar 3 vagon as soon as it was released. It was a nightmare... The amount of time I spent trying to tune PC and Cakewalk to make it work was ridiculous. All other heavy duty plugins worked fine. Time came to upgrade Hard Drive and original was swapped to Samsung 980 PRO. So I tried Nectar 4 thinking that faster hardware and new released N4 addressed issues. Same deal. Audio engine would stop every 3-5 seconds. I gave up. Finally upgraded my 5 y.o. computer. Still i7 (not i9) Specs are better, but it's not a gaming machine. I had Nektar 4 on hand, as it came in a bundle that I have. I tried it, and it worked without any hiccups. So, for laughs and giggles I added another instance, and computer pulled it off. My conclusion is that plugin fails on certain computer hardware or cpu architecture, speed is minimal factor.
  22. Mark, BIAB is a creative tool. It is what it is. Some people that I know use it only to map out chord structure, some use it to teach kids music theory, some sketch out backing tracks to practice to, there is also a community of vision impaired folks who compose their tunes with BIAB, some do sketches for the bands, to re-record live. Hundreds of musicians from all over the world recorded Real and Midi tracks for BIAB program. Some are great, some are not. Just as everything in life. Could it be better? Sure! But I am happy it exists. Ok, back to topic. Chord track linked to existing arranger in Cakewalk->Sonar :)
  23. Missing which point exactly? You are talking riddles. Anyways, I thought that my Bandlab is connected to this forum ID, I guess not. here you go: https://www.bandlab.com/bluebeat13 Tunes I make are ~1/2 BIAB. Before you go bashing my stuff.... I am immune to "quality control" remarks, my stuff is mainly for friends and family. But I 've met enough people who (unlike me) produce radio quality commercial stuff in good part using BIAB., and I would pick their music to roughly half of musical "content" pumped on local stations.
  24. "in the world of production music, having a taste that resonates with an audience isn't just a preference" Well and here is your answer. Unlike you, I don't "work" for or try to "satisfy" particular strata of audience. I tinker with music because it brings me joy. Like hiking, reading, etc. BIAB has a lot of genre material that is close to my taste / that I can relate to. Likely not your "type of music". "I've never heard any of your music" Is that kind of statement: "My mic is bigger than yours"? If you are that curious, I post things on Bandlab from time to time for friends and family, you are welcome to to take a peak.
  25. The: "I hear", is exactly what makes this an item of "taste". I am certain, many will politely or impolitely disagree with you
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