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Everything posted by Misha

  1. Mark, That is an opinion or taste choice. BIAB is much more than that Because it's not very intuitive some folks give up easily. But things do change for the better. Since you have your mind set, I find it strange trying to convince you to see something beyond your formed opinions. But... Speaking of EzKeys and Ezbass and going back to initial request. If Cakewalk had a chord track that would properly re-harmonize MIDI sections, loops, riffs + Arranger that would work in tandem and a media bay that would have certain features for easy browsing/auditioning I would never look at EZ stuff. P.S. BTW. I do have EZkeys2. Yes, it is a good tool to have in a toolbox. Funny thing, I have not bought a single pack from them, because I am finding better and cheaper content from 3rd parties.
  2. "This just says 1990s music trade show to me," Xoo, you missed the point I was trying to make, attacking the software you never used.
  3. Johnny, If you didn't see difference between 2004 and 2015 versions, perhaps you were not using it right? That happens sometimes... Here is a vid of a guy making a backing track to practice to: BIAB is amazing for making these type of practice tracks & fast sketches. If you give it enough time, you can compose pretty advanced stuff, as you are not limited to the styles they are offering as examples or starting points. You can assemble your own "style" in a matter of minutes from thousands of Real Tracks. Most of people who compose with BIAB that I know usually use between 1-5 tracks from the software and record other instruments / vocals themselves.
  4. User 905133, Sorry, never had a Roland arranger.
  5. Mark, have different opinions on many things and that is perfectly fine. "some of the more modern styles are laughable once it goes outside it's lane" Perhaps it is not designed for Hip Hop / electronic music (yet). That is true. But traditional styles like Folk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues and Pop (in traditional meaning) are well represented and that is pretty much my boat. You don't have to use pre-made styles (I never do) You can assemble your own "band" and have a humble Irish harp player jam with hard rocker and add your favorite Kontakt synth to play along. BIAB is a very special software that has many purposes, besides playing demos "Cool but that's not what you originally said" The core of the request is a chord track+arranger. Combined, that will pretty much do what I am talking about. MIDI sequencing, reharmonizing performances / phrases regardless of the key they were initially written in. Styles are just set of MIDI files. It would be nice if Sonar could slice them properly, but that should be pretty easy to do manually. P.S. QY100 is a MIDI sequencer (with cheezy sound chip, yes) that reharmonizes MIDI phrases based on live or programmed chord progressions and other parts. That doesn't make it less than a MIDI sequencer.
  6. Mark, back 13 years ago Band In A Box was a mainly smart MIDI sequencer. Since then, they adopted Real Tracks, performed by real studio musicians from all over the world on real instruments of all kind of genres from Rock to Bossa Nova. Not loopy loops, but entire performances. They recorded thousands of hours of these Real Tracks and Real Drums. Perhaps, you should re-discover BIAB. Pre-baked arranger... In my opinion modern styles are very usable. They are as good as they were programmed or recorded. I have heard amazing stuff done on Tyros / Genos. Obviously they were modified for particular tune. --------- Again, the core of my request is a Chord Track that would be linked to current arranger track , where you can drag in MIDI phrases (loops) or short MIDI performances and automatically re-harmonize them based on the chords typed in that Chord Track. A real world scenario is this: you assemble your midi phrases on a regular Sonar MIDI track(s), check tick "follow chord track" on individual MIDI track.
  7. Mark, "Everything I've ever heard made with Bland In A Box sounds cheesy and terrible." I don't know what you "heard" and "where" you heard it, but I respectfully disagree. I don't follow your "something from a 90s home keyboard" comment. Midi segments are Midi segments. If they were played / programmed well, they will sound good 100 years from now. They are just instructions, just as with gazillion EZ keys MIDI "packs", that people can't stop buying, which are essentially melodic (or rhythmic) MIDI snips.
  8. Given at one point we will get a Chord Track with a combination of Arranger track (which we already have) It should be fairly straight forward connection. As an alternative a style can be "unpacked" as a grouped set of MIDI files (because that's what it is) in Media Bay that you can audition from there and dragged to chord track. With all its weaknesses I love BIAB, but unfortunately working with 3rd party MIDI clips and re-harmonizing them is a big pain. Essentially I am putting a request for enhanced Chord+ existing Arranger track combo.
  9. David, its's not too "outside" A friend explained that a Chord Track in Studio One does just that. It reharmonizes given MIDI clip to whatever you input in the Chord Track. A Chord Track is a highly requested Cakewalk (Sonar) item. A Style is just a collection of MIDI clips. So in a way it is an extension of a Chord Track request. P.S. I am well aware and a proud owner of BIAB.
  10. Done this request a while back. With the arrival of new Sonar on horizon want to revisit this wish. I think it would be neat to have a MIDI style based arranger baked in new Sonar. A software version of something like Yamaha QY100 or Roland backing modules, etc. Likely with tens of thousands free and paid multi part / multi instrument styles available, there is no shortage of content. Styles can be used for many different proposes, such as complete backing tracks, partial tracks to replace a "missing" musician, practice, assembling arrangements for keyboards, composition companion, good source for retro music and less common genres MIDI content not traditionally found in content sold as MIDI loops, etc. The only professionally written (but limited) software option that I know of was a Yamaha Mobile Sequencer. Unfortunately it's only on iOS and was discontinued this year. All others don't come remotely close. I am aware of likely most of them. P.S. Similar to what EZkeys does with MIDI phrases following MIDI chords or chord track. Everybody love it...like it's something new, while root technology existed since 80s. if not much earlier. Thank you for considering.
  11. Hey, thanks for trying. I never experienced this particular behavior (with several 4+ interfaces) in the past 5 years . This started with this last Cakewalk update. ------------------- Update Uninstalled Cakewalk. Installed Nov 2022 version - No issues. Reinstalled Early Access patch, everything is working fine now. Hopefully just an isolated glitch of some kind.
  12. The install of last version was smooth... but there is in my opinion a serious issue (Sorry for double post if it was reported already) In earlier versions (last 5+ years) when a resource hungry VST was a culprit, you would get "Stopped Audio Engine" toaster and playback would stop. What happens now is it would play through without any warnings (No stopped Engine toaster) , with audio and performance meters unresponsive and no sound coming out. Restarted Cake, restarted computer. Issue still present. See video:
  13. mettelus, It worked like a charm, following your instructions. Thanks again!
  14. mettelus, Thank you very much! I will try this later today after work. I understand the theory behind what the guy in the video is doing, I am just a bit confused how to do it in Cakewalk. Hopefully with your walkthrough it will do the trick (It seems it should). Thank you for your time! I will follow up either later today or tomorrow. Hopefully someone else will find this useful.
  15. Hi Folks. I watched the video (see below). Can somebody please walk me through step by step if I want to do same in Cakewalk, with lets say stock FX? I am a bit confused about two buses (an the rest of routing for that matter). The way I understood... The initial setup in Cakewalk would be to create two buses, Lets assume Bus A and Bus B. The vocal track output would go in "Bus A" , "Bus A" output would be set to "Bus B" and "Bus B" output would be set to Master.... Thank you in advance!
  16. Hi Folks. I was recording. Saved project, but left Cakewalk opened (with project on screen). Computer froze at later, with non music related issue and had to be force - rebooted. I re-opened the project, but the waveform graphics are gone. Lanes look "flat", while audio is present. If I freeze track, waveform is visible... If I unfreeze, they are gone. I don't want work with "frozen" tracks. How to get that waveform image(s) back? I tried opening/closing Cakewalk, different workspaces to see if it will refresh gui, saving project "as". Closing/opening project without closing out of Cakewalk. Is there a straight forward fix for this? Thank you for your time!
  17. Thanks! ALT works beautifully! I still like the idea of option at the bus, to force color of that bus to tracks that have other or no color selected belonging to that bus
  18. As a workaround, you can use t-shirt. P.S. BTW There are plenty of 3rd party samplers free, cheap and great. It would be "nice" for Cakewalk to have it, but there are choices. I think most fanboys/girls (including me) would agree that workflow is one of the main jewels of Cakewalk. I believe my request is valid in sense that it contributes to workflow with relatively minor add on. A "dialog which forced all strips connected to the bus to be the same color"
  19. Both are useful, but... If you have a set of tracks that have custom colors set already, changing Bus color will not overwrite these colored tracks. So you will still not know which Bus they belong to unless you expand and search individual tracks. It seems the easiest way to solve my request is to have an option to force color selected at the bus to all related tracks, even if they have other colors set.
  20. No crying in my thread. I am out of tissues.
  21. Thanks, that would be ideal. I've thought about that and actually tried it yesterday, didn't work for me maybe a glitch. I will try on another project when I get back home.
  22. Mark, thanks... Not looking for workarounds. I would prefer it exactly as I described it. P.S. To be fair, I tried the method you described quite a few times in the past, but it just doesn't fit my workflow well.
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