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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. I found this video that was posted by Richard Buskin. I think he took an official video and put his audio to it. I took the audio out and put my version of Because. I play instruments and do some vocals on it and @kiwichrys (from Bandlab) adds more vocals. She did all 9 vocal tracks as I also did...but she handles the high McCartney part better.
  2. I had a Texas Instruments that was smaller than an ipad. It had a whopping 16KB memory pack that plugged into it and was about the size of an old mouse. Shortly after that, I went to Commodore and never went back. I had a VIC20, a 64 and a 128. I didn't get the Amiga. My buddy and I interfaced to the VIC 20 to create an 8 bay power supply tester. He did the hardware AtoD converter and I wrote the software in machine language no less. They sold an EEPROM blower so that we could make a cartridge that would start up the program when we turned on the computer. Those Commodores were pretty powerful. I remember spending a couple of hundred bucks at Lechmere on an old dot matrix printer that printed at about 10 characters per hour (LOL - slight exaggeration). Then I got an IBM 286 and spent an additional couple of hundred on memory sticks that I think got me 8MB more RAM. I also had a couple of huge monsters from Nixdorf that ran CPM on which I was able to play wonderful amber PONG games.
  3. Lynn, this is absolutely fantastic! Great work, love it.
  4. I wrote this a while back, but updated it recently. More of a classical feel, something that fits my morose political and cultural outlook of late. https://baselines.com/?p=5827
  5. Thanks Lynn - that makes me feel wonderful!
  6. Thanks Jack - Dave can also sound a lot like John Lennon as well. He's a chap from England himself!
  7. Thanks a lot for the feedback. I agree with what you said about the tamborine, but I decided not to lower it, because it made me think of Ringo while listening! I just got the book that details each day in the studio at Abbey Road and have been reading it since Christmas - a wonderful story!
  8. Here's a cover of the great Beatles song 'For No One' from the Revolver Album. Dave Overland (@eipi) on Bandlab sings vocal on this one. https://baselines.com/?p=5833 Thanks for listening. Steve
  9. The problem is on you, not on Cakewalk. You need to put some money into your system if you are having such problems. It works almost flawlessly for me and had for quite some time.
  10. Here's a cover of Tina's song 'What's Love Got To Do With It' - Sung my @therealmadamez and guitars by @turbomaus on Bandlab. I play the other instruments and produced. https://baselines.com/?p=5822
  11. Yes it is a cover I did. I don’t know why anyone would post the original song here or something someone else did. Thank you for listening and commenting!
  12. I just finished a book about Warren Zevon. What a tortured soul. I love this song and related to him on a number of points. This is from the Excitable Boy album which I wore out on my turntable back in the 70s. https://baselines.com/?p=5816 Hope everyone is having a great Christmas or holiday season wherever you are. Keep the faith. Steve
  13. Here's another song from the Private Lightning album. I play bass on this. http://baselines.com/?p=5797
  14. The picture here is the studio where this song was recorded, with the drum setup. This was AIR studio in Montserrat before it got destroyed by a hurricane. I played Bass Guitar on this one. https://baselines.com/?p=5800
  15. Here is another song from the Private Lightning band. I play bass on this one. https://baselines.com/?p=5791
  16. Thanks a lot Mark - it was a lot of work, but it was an incredibly fun and rewarding period of time as well.
  17. I still like some of my Waves plugins, but there are a TON I never use anymore. Any new install I've done has been problematic to some degree or another. Other companies have a smooth process, but Waves for some reason is never really smooth.
  18. Eons ago, I was a founding member of a band called Private Lightning. We were lucky enough to put out one album on A&M records, but they screwed up the whole manufacturing process on it and that was that. This was the single from that album, which I have worked on to make it much better than it was when it was released. I hope you like it and I will release more over the next few weeks. https://baselines.com/?p=5788
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