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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. Bass players are like children. They should be seen but not heard . . . ?
  2. I've come to the conclusion that it must be me. I must be losing my freaking mind. I posted a video and message and it's gone. I'm going to post it again. If it vanishes a second time then, well, I give up. Anyway, it's Groundhog's day ... again. (Line from a movie.)
  3. As I get closer to the end zone I try not to think about it. Hah. I told my wife about him tonight. She said, "Did he do some music you liked.". Then when I explained who he was and the work he and his brother had done and how upset I was she said, "Well this is what happens when your idols are 40 years older than you.". I changed the subject to what's for dinner. BTW ... She leaves for Hawaii again for work on Monday at 3am ... for 4 weeks. ???
  4. I'd kill for a cookie. I started permanent fasting. Skip breakfast and lunch. Limited dinner. Lost 18 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Almost at my goal of 240. Been working outside all day every day in this 95+ heat here. ? Oh. Sorry Steve. Uh ... Christies, guitars, les paul. There. OT. ?
  5. What's it say? It won't let me peak 'cause I gots cookies blocked.
  6. I saw his name was trending last night but was afraid to look. I knew but didn't want to confirm. One of the best song writers of all time. There's only a few left. I did several of his songs in the first band I was in when I was 13. RIP
  7. I was surprised at the difference between the necks on the two models I tried. Unfortunately they were at different locations so I couldn't do a side by side comparison. The 5230 felt almost like the neck hadn't been finished properly. Like the edges of the frets were sticking out too far. The 5420 was perfect almost like someone took time to do an in depth setup. I'm a huge fan of Chet Atkins. I've found a ton of his LPs at the local thrift stores lately. Haven't had time to see what shape they are in. I made my own wet record vacuum system and it works amazingly well. Can't wait till I have some time to clean them up and see how they sound. Any Don Bowman fans out there? This is my favorite of his. Well that and the Ralph Emery one but I can't post that here ... but his Chet Atkins song is great.
  8. I've heard of them. There's a place in Florida called Jerry's or something like that. He sells all lefty's too. No way I can travel that far just to look at them and I won't buy without playing first. But man if I had the time and money I would love to visit both places. ?
  9. Can someone shed some light on the model numbers and what they mean? I've been looking at them because they seem to be the only thing lefty in stock anywhere besides $99.99 dollar Squires. I played this guitar today at G.C. and it felt and played perfect. https://www.gretschguitars.com/gear/build/hollow-body/g5420lh-electromatic-hollow-body-single-cut-left-handed/2516021512 I played this at another local shop in silver and while it sounds great the neck was terrible. Too thick and the fret edges were rough. https://gretschguitars.com/gear/build/solid-body/g5230lh-electromatic-jet-ft-single-cut-with-v-stoptail-left-handed/2507220506 The 5420 has a maple neck and was nice and thin and just right. The 5230 has a mahogany neck and felt thick and rough. They specify Slim U for the 5230 but don't specify what's on the 5420. There was nothing "slim" about U though imo. Deceptive marketing term to get you to overlook the fact it's mahogany? I've read that maple necks are better. They both have the same pickups. Both MIK. So far I've seen them made in J, C, and K. The only one I trust is MIJ but playing lefty I don't have much choice. Any Gretsch players out there? Any thoughts?
  10. Thanks Paulo but it's ok. If he was still around here I would but I didn't realize he left so long ago. I was looking at a black Gretsch 5230 online. It said the local place had it in stock so I just went to try it. Turns out they don't have it after all. I guess I should have verified before I asked. I was near a G.C. today and popped in. Low and behold the only lefty in the place out of hundreds of guitars on the wall was a beautiful orange lefty Gretsch hollow body. Played like a dream. Exactly what I've been looking for. But I swore I would never buy anything from G.C. again so back on the rack it went. They had a ton of right handed Fender Acoustisonics but they all had pad locks on the guitar hangers and I couldn't get a feel for the neck so I just left. Thanks again.
  11. I can confirm I had the same conversation. The mods can't delete a thread. Only lock. But I imagine they have direct contact with those who can delete and can request a deletion. I choose to believe they would not do that.
  12. I am planning on buying a guitar soon and wanted to ask him about some custom graphics I wanted painted on it. I know he did amazing work on guitars. Or any other input would be welcome. Thanks.
  13. Oh. So it hasn't been dead here lately, they've just been deleting all the threads again. I give up trying to figure out what's ok and what's not because like you said ... the censorship is not equal across the board. And that doesn't bother me at all. IOW I'm not sitting herr crying that Billy can do x y z but Tommy can't. I just post what I want and say what the ***** I want and let the automatic censor and admin do what they want. I've had a lot going on lately that I'd love to tell you guys about but it's not music related so I can't. But it's why I haven't been around.
  14. I know. It's bad. Well somebody had to say something. It's been like a funeral around here lately. Gee wiz.
  15. I loved XP. Yes you are right about the re-imaging. It was a pain. I made what they call a slipstream disc. It was an XP install disc with all the latest/final updates plus other utilities. It worked great because you didn't need to spend 3 days downloading and installing updates in the correct order. You could even embed your install key and didn't have to deal with that either. It was all legit. I think you can even do that with the current versions of Windows even from a thumb drive now. XP was very customizable and DOS application friendly. That died once they shelved XP. I really miss it. I hate Win 10 and the whole forced app thing and talk about constant updates. Uhg.
  16. I used XP until Windows 7 came out. I skipped all of the funky dunk in between. A friend of mine used Vista and said he liked it. The only complaint he had was the constant updates but he said he really didn't have any trouble with it. And yes, I recognize that that goes against everything I've ever read about Vista. It's been a while since I did installs on office copier/scan/printer systems but I seem to recall Vista causing extreme install problems causing some people to have to get rid of 5-6 thousand dollar and higher MFP's. Something about the drivers. Something about it forcing you to use 64bit drivers and the hardware manufacturers flipped them the bird iirc. Vista was a nightmare in a lot of ways.
  17. Damn. I was scrolling down reading the post titles and came up with Fart guitars. Scrolled down a little more and ya beat me to it.
  18. I agree about the jigsaw body style. And yeah that kind of veneer finish on an LP or Ibanez hollow body would be awesome. The action on this guitar was the best on any guitar I've ever touched. I don't known if it's due to the zero fret and or headlessness but it was the smoothest neck I've ever wrapped my hands around. That almost sounded creepy. Lol. I'm checking out some Gretsch guitars now. They don't appear to be leftyphobic and have a very nice selection of lefty's.
  19. I stopped at the other guitar store in town yesterday. I'm friends with the guy that works there and he showed me his new guitar he just got on Amazon. It's an Eart Headless GW-2. $327 bucks. Free shipping. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's one of the nicest guitars I've ever seen. It has a natural finish that's beautiful. Real wood. He said he didn't have to do a thing to it. It was perfectly set up from the factory in China. I plinked around on it a little but it was a righty. The best action I've ever felt on any guitar. No noise at all from the pups. Intonation was perfect. Unreal for $327 bux. Tried to order a lefty ... yeah that didn't work out so well. ? It's readily available on Amazon.
  20. Awesome! I hope it doesn't get taken down before I can watch it. All the various ways I knew of to download from there have been removed the net. If you know of a way that works please let me know. Thanks!!
  21. So I actually just watched this. I've been seeing people post it all over because of the fantastic music in the video. But not being a fan of them at all I passed until now. All I cam say is rather than screw with the easy target of those trying to save others, misguided as they are, grow a pair you little ***** and go do that in front of the house where all the guys wear Acme vests. Yeah ... didn't think so Dave.
  22. I admit nossing. Nossing at allll. Sorry. It's the only thing that came to my feeble mind.
  23. Hope it goes smoother than Ed's bass delivery. I get attached to PCs too. I still have my old 286 with DOS 6.22 and loads of DOS games. Haven't touched it in over a decade but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. Kept my old DAW and plan on making an NAS server out of it if I can find the time.
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