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Everything posted by Shane_B.
I bet playing leads was a nightmare. When I very first started to play I played my brothers right handed Ovation upside down. High E on top. He eventually bought me a left handed guitar and told me to keep my greasy paws off his beloved Ovation and I had to learn how to play all over again. And to this day I greatly dislike Ovation guitars.
No need to be sorry ya big meany! ? J/K. It's not a normal guitar. It's not really meant to be played like you would an acoustic. And it sucks bigtime just sitting playing without being plugged in. It's for recording and playing live through a PA. It's a modelling guitar that emulates different acoustics plus a clean and dirty Tele, like the Kemper's emulate different amps. I don't like the video's where guys play it through a guitar amp. It's really not meant to be played that way and sounds pretty crappy. It's best through a PA or DI in to your DAW. I plan on using it for live gigs eventually and recording mainly. I'm hoping the sugary liquid place will work with me on returning b .. i. a . b. so I can put that toward it. If not then it's a no go. I want to get the Acoustisonic and one of these a Lefty Gretsch 5420. Then sell my Martin (MIM) 000 and my Epi Sheraton II and then I'm done. It's getting harder and harder to play acoustic guitar necks and this Acoustisonic should be just what I'm looking for. That Gretsch by far has the most comfortable neck I've ever played. I demo'd an orange one at G.C. but I want the black one. I was offered $100 more than what I paid for my Sheraton by a local shop so I figure I'll throw it on facebook marketplace when the time comes and get the full price for myself that they were going to sell it for. ??
I looked in to it this morning. No, you cannot buy directly from Fender. They direct you to a dealer. The ones that came up for my area are the ones I've already been to that told me it wouldn't be available until the middle of next year. Odd how some online dealers have them. The storefronts don't seem to be able to get them. EDIT: I'm confused now. I can't tell exactly where things come from. I thought only the custom shop guitars came from them but I may be wrong. I'm not sure if the guitars come from directly from them when you place an order on their site or if it's redirected to a dealer.
I hear ya. Not once in my live have I EVER searched for a right handed guitar. It's always, "Left Handed Gretsch" "Left Handed Epiphone" ... "Left Handed *fill in the blank*", yet I keep getting bombarded with ad's for everything but, a Left Handed guitar. LOL
I don't know. I never tried to contact them directly. I was told by my local dealer it as well as a lot of other guitars are not available until the middle of next year. Plus I want to try and send this non-functional software back to get credit toward the guitar and I can't do that with Fender direct. My only chance is the place I bought it will see what's going on and take it back toward credit for a guitar from them. But I completely understand if they won't. It's been months. I should hear back from them in a couple days. They are contacting b. I a. B. directly to see what can be done. When I called about a possible credit they asked me to give their tech support a try so I did. They knew about the problems I ran in to and said there's no fixing it.
A lefty Fender Acoustisonic may be in my near future. Some of you may remember my fiasco with B. i. a. B. The whole major chord key change thing. I chucked it in the drawer after 3 failed song attempts and decided I'd give it another try a couple nights ago. Same problem, different song, new problems found, and now it's crashing S1. Essentially I haven't been able to do one successful song using the samples I paid $500 bucks for. So I called my rep at the sugary liquid place where I bought it from. Long story short this is a known problem when using Real tracks aka samples. It doesn't happen when using midi and it isn't just me seeing this. So buying the hard drive with all the studio quality samples is a waste of money/kinda a rip off if you know what I mean. The problem is, so much time has gone by that it may not be possible for them to return it. I mentioned that they finally got a lefty Acoustisonic in after months of waiting and if they could work with me I'd hand them my C.C. # immediately. Waiting to hear back. It's doubtful and I completely understand if they can't after so much time, but it was worth a shot. Fingers crossed I can make this happen.
And his shoe size. They are like size 20 Narrow. ??
That's pretty cool! I've only known one musician that killed himself. BTW ... Sweet Sweet Connie just passed away also from the Grand Funk song. So did the original bass player for Bill Haley and the Comets. Connie was only 66 but Bushy and the Haley bass player were pretty well up there. Still sad. It feels like history is being wiped away. Today it is not like it was going from the 50's to the 60's, 60's to the 70's, and 70's to the 80's. Pretty much after the mid 80's it's been completely down hill in my opinion with a few exceptions. The creation of music changed in the late 70's and the whole digital thing was still new in the early 80's. It hasn't mutated very well in my opinion.
They be droppin' like flies man. It's so sad. https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/obituary/9621879/iron-butterfly-ron-bushy-obit/
You are a great bass player Ed. And a great recording/mixing/mastering engineer.
People are horrible human beings. Most, not all. But most. I quit a job once. I was there 10 years. I was the assistant service manager. He took a job as a VP of service and I was next in line. A salesman with zero service experience who was always below his quota applied and they had to give it to him ... I quit 2 weeks after. He ended up losing 6 of their top 10 accounts in 7 months. They couldn't fire him so they put him back in sales selling maintenance contracts over the phone ... at the same salary. Good luck on your new adventure. If things get bad keep the dog and throw out the wife. ?
I need to stop watching "pro" engineers & producer gear interviews
Shane_B. replied to Bapu's topic in The Coffee House
I usually see something by ART in pro studios too. One or both of the items in my forum signature. Expensive is no guarantee of greatness. I love these ART units. One is a rare "high end" version they made a limited run of. To be honest I had a standard one and I couldn't hear a difference. The only change was allegedly higher grade tubes and blue LED backlit VUs. And an extra label on the front that says "Reference Series". -
I had no idea what he was talking about until I accidentally turned the TV on this morning to an over the air station and saw something about a hurricane in LA. I never watch the news anymore and block it on my various internet feeds. Sounds like Base 57 is one of the smart ones in being ready to split to safety quickly. I'm sure they'll be fine. That said, humor is how I deal with things and I would have responded the same even if I knew what he was talking about. My first instinct is to make people laugh during times of tragedy. Hey, if you get tired of hurricanes, join us in the Midwest where you have 0 to 180 seconds warning of a tornado if you hear the air raid siren. No big deal, it's all over in 15 ~ 20 minutes. Survived 3 of them so far. ? My order of importance during those situations is grab the dog, yell "Honey, follow me.", and tuck your head between your legs in the basement. Got hit by one while driving one time. Ended up pointing the wrong way on the other side of the highway with another car facing me bumper to bumper but we never touched. I have no idea how all the cars sliding around missed each other. Some ended up upside down in the ditch.
One man band, head cook and bottle washer ....
Shane_B. replied to Paul Bush's topic in The Coffee House
I've been thinking of doing this as a solo act. Winery's, mom and pop places, hell even farmers markets around here have 1 man acts. I don't ever want to go back to the bar scene. It's one of the reasons I want to get one of those Fender Acoustisonic modelling guitars. They are designed to plug in DI or a PA. All I would need is a modest PA system. I'd work in my keyboard as well but I'm far better on guitar. Every time I sit down to start the process of getting started it's so overwhelming I just shut down and walk away. -
Dude. That's horrible. Of course he's taking the dog.
One man band, head cook and bottle washer ....
Shane_B. replied to Paul Bush's topic in The Coffee House
My wife travels for work. On Monday they sent her to Hawaii for 4 weeks. I've had the house all to myself. Daw right in front of me. I fire it up every night and I'm like ... meh. I don't have the energy. So I just watch youtube a few minutes and go to bed. Honestly, it's 4pm here. I could go to bed now. -
Could be. I'll never forget Sister Estelle. The copier was in her office and I used to go there regularly. Super nice and always told corny jokes. I walked in one day and she was at her desk laughing and she said come look at this! Someone sent her a card with a picture of 21 nuns on the front shooting guns in the air and it said something to the effect of here's your 21 nun salute. But the gals at the schools. Whew. At the retirement homes it was like you were walking in to the light. At the schools and the hospice homes it was like you were walking in to the darkness. Complete total opposite. I could physically feel the energy difference. It actually frightened me to go to those places and not much scares me. "Mother Superior jumped the gun" ...
Lol. I know right. Extremely complicated. ?
Here's all the options ... https://shop.udiscovermusic.com/collections/the-beatles?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=in_feed&utm_campaign=LetItBe&utm_term=AF&utm_content=Artists
I was listening to Classic Vinyl on XM a couple weeks ago and they played this. The DJ told the story of the song. The leader of the group caught the bass player moonlighting with another band and wrote this about the bass player. The opening is a bass solo.
Yes! https://smile.amazon.com/Let-Special-Super-Deluxe-Blu-ray/dp/B09CRTQ9N5/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=The+Beatles+Let+It+Be+Special+Edition&qid=1630099976&sr=8-6
I used to service office equipment back home in NJ. I've been to a lot of C. schools and several retirement homes for nuns. The ladies in the homes were some of the nicest people I've ever met. The teachers at the schools were terrifying. I was a grown man and I was scared to be there. It must be intentional to mold the children's behavior so they can have pudding after they eat their meat.
Amanda Peet on Keyboard and The State of Education in Ameirca
Shane_B. replied to Bapu's topic in The Coffee House
Here, let me translate that for you ... I see a high maintenance keyboard plus higher taxes for all. -
I was on a work/vacation trip with my wife in Colorado one time. As we were driving to her job site I saw a sign that said Aspen and I said hey lets go make fun of all the little rich boys driving their daddies BMWs. After spending 15 maybe 20 seconds there I headed out of town. Gerbil boy comes whipping across several lanes of traffic on a bicycle pedaling as fast as he could right across the road in front of me like he was the only person on the planet. I almost ran him over. He never looked waved or slowed down. Just kept on going.