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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. ? ... and just look at the teeny, tiny menu at the top left of the screen! ?
  2. Music Creator was a consumer product sold in retail stores like BestBuy, Office Depot or Staples. Sonar was a professional product not sold in retail stores. I was a Music Creator user for many years starting with MC2, MC3 (included in the USB to MIDI package), MC4 and MC6. I received a free upgrade to MC6T(Touch) but don't have a touch screen so it's never been installed. I didn't see enough difference between MC4 and MC5 to justify the expenditure. MC7 was barely released before Home Studio became available with neither available in retail stores as a boxed product. Open MC2 and MC6 side-by-side and it would be difficult to say which is which unless you bother to look at the about screen. $49 bought a box, program cd and a printed manual. Even though each edition provided all the DAW I needed and wanted I still updated most of the time because the option was available and I had the money. Support was only available through the archived forum or e-mail. I needed to use e-mail twice. Each time it took about two weeks to receive an initial response but the one time a follow up response was needed the follow up response was quick. I've never seen any of the Sonar editions outside of the archived website, forum or videos. The Sonar (now Cakewalk) Reference Manual was not available to Music Creator users. Cakewalk by BandLab is my first experience with the DAW and it has been overwhelming at times. I miss not having access to the third party content that was available with Sonar Platinum but do not regret my past decisions not to upgrade. Having said that, I'm really glad Cakewalk is alive and well.
  3. Hi Mike, Another informative video. Your video topic selections have been excellent. If you begin to run out of ideas for topics to cover, take a look at the Make Cakewalk Easy discussion in the Feedback Loop section of the forum: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/8356-make-cakewalk-easy/#comments
  4. I think we're responding faster than the electrons can sail across the ocean and be assimilated into the forum! I deleted before I read your post. I'm good if you're good.
  5. Jesse, I apologize. Your second link was not posted when I ran across the Sweetwater video and I didn't think to look if additional videos were posted. My bad, I'll delete my post.
  6. @Some Guy Is F/OSS an acronym for "free and open source software"?
  7. I was frankly surprised to see anything like the "Refresh Activation" selection added to BandLab Assistant. While Cakewalk by BandLab is part of BandLab and BandLab is part of BandLab Technologies the parts are spaced all across the globe. While the nucleus of the Cakewalk by BandLab staff is based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA the BandLab social music creation platform and BandLab Technologies ownership is based in Singapore. Even with e-mail and voice over internet communication across that many time zones and distance must be difficult. I don't know this for fact but I strongly suspect BandLab Assistant was created and is maintained by the Singapore staff. I suspect their main focus is support and media creation for the online BandLab platform. Take a look and you'll discover there is a lot of online activity happening on that side of the world. Meanwhile, for the most part Cakewalk by BandLab remains predominately a standalone product. If my thoughts are anywhere close to accurate it likely takes a mandate from upper management followed by strong oversight or a priority setting meeting for a relatively small task like getting something added to BandLab Assistant to even get placed on the priority "to do" list. Kudos to Cakewalk by BandLab for getting it done.
  8. @RexRed While the idea may, or may not be a good idea the Feedback Loop is the section dedicated to Posting your idea in the Feedback Loop will give forum members that may not frequent this section an opportunity to read, support and discuss your idea. I hope you will take time to create a thread in the Feedback Loop. Here is a link: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  9. For What It's Worth, here is a link to Steinberg's webpage focusing on game audio. It provides a pretty good overview of how the DAW and Wwise programs pass data between them. https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/nuendo/game_audio.html Here is a webpage where AudioKinetic, developer of Wwise, lists their technology and content partners. From there you can navigate to the Wwise webpages should you desire: https://www.audiokinetic.com/community/partners/
  10. @marled Thanks for taking time to create this thread. I found your observations, test and results very informative. I have no practical experience using pitch shifting so this thread likely saved me a lot of time and grief sometime down the road. Again thanks for thinking of other users! One question if I may, how likely is it that others have as many pitch shifting tools in their toolbelt as you do? I have five that I know of, the two that are included with Cakewalk, the one in Audacity I didn't existed until I read this thread, Melodyne Essentials and one that is standard with Band-in-a-Box. I was not familiar with TB_VoicePitcher by Toneboosters. I found version 3.1.8 at the KVR marketplace: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/tb-voicepitcher-v3-by-toneboosters
  11. I thought I'd throw in a link to the product: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/hammondb3x/
  12. The Sonar & Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) Resources and Utilities Content thread presently resides in the former Sonar forum which is archived, locked and can no longer be maintained or updated. http://forum.cakewalk.com/SONAR-Cakewalk-by-BandLab-CbB-Resources-and-Utilities-m3392713.aspx#3472457 Some of the hyperlinks are broken as they point to other sites where content has been removed or the site itself is gone. Other links to content like Themes are obsolete for current and future updates of Cakewalk by BandLab. As Cakewalk by BandLab advances the number of useful links in the archived forum will continue to decline. I realize the thread was maintained by volunteers and there may be little or no desire to continue the effort but it would be REALLY nice if a similar thread could be started in this forum. Any discussion or thoughts?
  13. @Joe DunCbB is an abbreviation for Cakewalk by BandLab. Somehow you mistook the "B" for a "D".
  14. What about this idea, modify the program so the Start window can present a selection of lens in addition to a selection of project templates? As I understand it, lens display or hide global features like control bar modules. How about an "Explore Audio" lens, "Explore MIDI" lens, "Explore Loops" lens, "Explore More Features" lens.
  15. @Some Guy, right on! Agree again! Spot on. Disagree a little. With the Start Window enabled, the first step is to load, or not load a project template. The default template selections are "Empty Project", "4-Track", "Basic", "16 Track", "Guitar Amps" and "Vocals". No project templates for midi, loops, mixing, introduction or tutorials. What's a beginner to choose? When you do not load a template the next step is a blank page, menu bar and control bar. For a new user or a beginner what's next? If you load any template how does a newbie know where to start?
  16. @Some Guy Please describe what "F/OSS package" means. I am not familiar with the abbreviation and am unable to figure out the meaning in context. I really don't know. Thank you in advance. @Joe Dun, I agree with your thought in principle. However some issues are: how to simplify and the definition of simple is different for each potential user. There are solutions to how to simplify and, as suggested earlier, lenses is one tool available. Another idea is to expand Preferences to enable or disable features but each opens another rabbit hole. Lens are not intuitive but are a feature to new users must recognize to use. Expanding Preferences means someone must decide the defaults. Other tools that can be used to simplify each have their own obstacles. The second issue is more problematic though. What is simple? It greatly depends on the intent, knowledge, skill and experience of the user. Here are some examples: A person familiar with live sound likely would have a high comfort level using the console view and possibly using some effects but may not have a clue about what the matrix view or how to use the piano roll view. On the other hand for three middle school students that want to record some tracks to place on YouTube everything is new. Another thought. What kind of knowledge and how much knowledge is needed to create simple lenses? While the steps to perform the task is pretty straight forward how does anyone decide what to leave out and what to leave in? I don't know enough about Cakewalk by BandLab features to know what is simple, what is intermediate and what is advanced. I think the video tutorials show us a good path to follow. First come up with multiple intents, starting points, or objectives like: what's needed to record and playback audio, what's needed to record and playback midi, what's needed to create and playback beats, what's needed to add features back into Cakewalk by BandLab. Strip down the GUI to whatever it takes to answer each question. Create videos and sample content new users can use to learn how to use the software. Simple is difficult to define and will prove hard to achieve. What I'd like to see is a group discussion that will agree on a limited number of how-to-use the software objectives. I think everyone will be surprised at how spirited the discussion will be.
  17. Do you have a production that is giving you headaches in terms of mixing and you might be on the lookout for a different point of view? Mix Challenge is a great way to hear your songs as others might hear it. Are you a good songwriter, but not that good in the mixing realm? Maybe you're looking for a possible mix engineer collaboration but you're not on a timer/rush to do a mass-online shootout? Then the Mix Challenge might be the right place for you. And the best part of it: it doesn't cost you anything. The Mix Challenge is constantly in need for new material to work with. For this, we started a Song Pool as backup initiative to always have a track at our disposal at the start of a month, or respectively the start of the next Challenge. Ideally, this pool is always filled with 5-6 mix packs to choose from. Unfortunately, the Song Pool has run dry. If you have a production to mix, please get in touch with us via our contact script: https://mix-challenge.com/pages/contact.php More information here: https://mix-challenge.com/pages/campaign/song-pool.php
  18. I updated from V5.1.0. There was a notice that an update was available so I clicked on the update button. I received a "Update failed" notification window but the window also included a download link. I used the Quit button to stop BandLab Assistant then clicked on the download link. BandLab Assistant downloaded, installed, opened and is now V5.1.1. The download link is appreciated. I like the idea of the refresh activation button.
  19. If you're not familiar with it, you may want to check out the magazine, Tape Op. The magazine is bi-monthly and is available in digital and print formats. The print format is available only inside the US. The magazine has a twenty plus year archive available but you don't have to purchase a subscription if you don't need archive access. The basic subscription is free. https://tapeop.com/subscriptions/
  20. RealiDrums by Realitone. Fills that automatically adjust to fill-in the 1, 2, 3 or 4 beats left over in a bar. Slidebar control of pattern complexity. Minimal EQ needed to set in a mix. https://realitone.com/products/realidrums Oh, I forgot to mention, presently on 50% off sale for $149 US. Uses Kontakt or included free Kontakt player
  21. @Tin Ear You nailed the description of what NKS compatability offers. However, one nitpick. The "S" in "NKS" stands for standard not protocol. Below is a link to a MIDI.ORG article with a description of NKS, video links and a link to the Native Instruments developer portal. https://www.midi.org/articles-old/native-instruments-native-control-standard-nks @JonnyS Wonderful suggestion!
  22. @Corruptinator I think artificial intelligence has a bright future in audio recording (tracking), live sound, mixing and mastering. All parts of audio production has consistently attracted newcomers but have a steep learning curve. AI is great at assisting newcomers obtain acceptable results so they will remain interested long enough to invest in the time, experience and monies needed to achieve remarkable results. Think about the products ToonTracks and Izotope offer. EZMix and Nectar provide skills in the form of presets. Cakewalk by BandLab offers ProChannel presets. They are more than a convenience, they are learning tools novices can use to obtain acceptable results while gaining experience.
  23. Steve, 144 is the largest setting Windows will let me use. That works for me. Now the laptop can be across the room and I can see the metronome. Thanks to techknot for suggesting the "BigTime" window and scook for the excellent Windows tip!
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