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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. That is a visual metronome but, I made the font as large as it will go and it still isn't as big as it should be. I changed the default Ariel font from it's default font size to 72 and the visual metronome still only takes up less than a third of the screen.
  2. Discussion on Github indicates it needs a training data set of isolated sources to accurately provide stems. It has some pretrained models but more are needed. Truthfully I don't see where it would add value to Cakewalk.
  3. A large, visual metronome could be useful for live recording too. A good idea.
  4. @Mad Musicologist You can access your Sonar online account here: https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Login Once you've logged in you can access "My Products" to download products and retrieve serial numbers or registration codes. You can also download the Sonar Command Center software management application to manage the installation of newer products. If you do not have an online account you will need to use whatever Sonar installation media you have on hand. Since Pentagon is a plug-in accessory you'll need to install a software package that contains the Pentagon plug-in. Once it's installed you can uninstall the package and keep the plug-in. Another point of concern is if the plug-in is 32 or 64 bit. It will need to be 64 bit to work with Cakewalk unless you use bit bridge or Jbridge.
  5. @CosmicDolphin Good observation and great suggestion.
  6. One way is to hover your mouse cursor over a user's name. A pop-up window has selections to message, block or find other content the user has posted.
  7. @User 905133There's a good chance the pc does not need to be recycled. I recycle the pc as part of my uninstall process to make sure no "program fragments" remain in memory. Since ram is dynamic memory it is flushed when the pc restarts. Just an extra precaution I take. I'm glad you didn't need to. When a program fails it is running in ram and the failure is in ram so I want to make sure the failure does not remain in ram.
  8. My BandLab Assistant refused to update when I clicked on the update button. On multiple tries it either ignored the button or closed down when the button was pressed. Having said that I've had similar issues in the past so I uninstalled the old, downloaded and installed the new. When I ran the V5.1.10 BandLab Assistant (in Administrator mode) a permissions pop up window appeared with two check boxes. One checkbox was checked by default while the second was not. I checked them both. I don't remember what the permissions were. Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall BandLab Assistant. Restart your computer (to flush memory). Download, install and run BandLab Assistant.
  9. There should not be an issue using a fresh install of BandLab Assistant. Your description reads as though you may have received a corrupted download of BandLab Assistant. My suggestion is to uninstall BandLab Assistant, download and install a fresh copy.
  10. Hi, I like the song, your vocal and the mix. Reading through the thread I see some suggestions were made and followed. I think the mix is right about where it should be. I didn't hear anything that I thought needed changing. The frequency balance, panning and dynamics sound pretty good to my ears. Thanks for taking time to give your thoughts on the the lyrics. The visual aid of a rose sitting in the dark helps me understand where you're wanting the song to go.
  11. Hi, I'm not sure what's wrong but I'm not able to find your music on SoundCloud using the broken link above.
  12. This is the first song I've seen you post. I'm sort of surprised. Lucky for me it's a song I've hear before so I have something to compare against. I'm impressed. The mix and arrangement is good. Your vocal is kinda' buried in the mix but I feel that is by design since the rest of the mix is spot on. I'm glad this forum doesn't have an issue with cover as I like hearing old tunes made new again. You represented the song well. I hope to hear more.
  13. Jim Fogle

    Blind Boy Blues

    I hope the operation was able to improve your eyesight. My wife is legally blind so I have great empathy for your issues. Your playing is precise. I imagine any guitar sounds good in your hands. This is a good sounding track.
  14. @kitekrazy, You may want to open a support request to ask your questions. I don't fellow forum members can answer them with authority. The answers would just be guesses. Here is a link to open a support question: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  15. Thanks for sharing the video. I don't have SampleTank 4 but still found the routing and layering examples interesting.
  16. The serial number should be in your old Sonar / Cakewalk account. You can sign in here: https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fMy-Account
  17. Thanks for posting the video Simeon. The timing is so strange as I am currently performing a similar experiment to learn about using Melodyne's audio to midi engine.
  18. Here's a 21:50 minute video that walks through Windows 10 settings that help your computer perform better when using the computer for music. The video was created by Mike with Creative Sauce. I hope forum users find this video useful. There is also a link to a pdf file that summarizes the same information.
  19. ^^^^^ This! ^^^^^ Perhaps a lens versus screen set comparison.
  20. When making a video tutorial I must agree that the quote above is a key consideration. Having said that I admit I did not even remember the availability of the Export Module until Noel mentioned it. Perhaps Mike can append the video or add a comment in the video description to add a note that there is an Export Module.
  21. Another winner Mike. Thank you and please keep 'em coming!
  22. I found this article on the Reuthers News Service https://www.reuters.com/article/us-fender-tech/guitar-maker-fender-hopes-to-rock-revenues-with-digital-song-learning-app-idUSKBN1X11S5 According to the article, if you place songs on Apple Music and your song is selected by the app, you get paid.
  23. It's not a dumb question. If you don't know ask, that's what the forum is all about; users helping users. Some effects are designed to sound better in stereo than they do in mono. Chorus is a good example as it can accept a mono input signal but the output is almost invariably stereo. I'm sure others will chime in with their thoughts.
  24. The easiest way is to use the smart tool to perform slip editing. Click on the track pane to move focus to the track. Move the cursor to the top corner of a clip. The cursor changes to a straight line with arrows. Left click and drag and a fade line will be drawn. Right click on the fade line to choose from a selection of fade types. Note: see pages 361 & 362 of the Cakewalk Reference Manual pdf file. That's where the photo was copied from. The reference manual is available for download by selecting the fourth link under the "Cakewalk by BandLab" tab at the top, left of each forum webpage. It's a great resource. I love how easy Audacity makes trimming a track. Cakewalk's about as easy, you just got to get used to it. One way is just like your doing, take one task you always perform in Audacity. Learn how to perform the same task in Cakewalk. Perform the task in Cakewalk until it's second nature.
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