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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Another developer that could increase sales with more how to videos. These shouldn't be about recording but working with VSTs,
  2. Not gonna happen. I'd expect NI to do the same but it aint happening. I've decided to blow off any Izotope sales. I give Hornet, Waves, and PA sales far more attention.
  3. Some of us missed the sarcasm. I doubt Pro Tools will ever be attractive to a first time DAW user. They usually have to be brainwashed in a school for that to happen or being misled by a clueless person working for Guitar Center. Licensing needs to improve and the industry needs to move away from pushing subscriptions. Sure that works for the Rent-A-Center mindset.
  4. At first I thought there was no sound. Very slow attack on these. The reality is I don't need more strings but always fall for the free plus it's ProjectSAM.
  5. This is always worth a bump. I think with young users something like mixing has become a rocket science. Look at the endless tutorials about mixing.
  6. What ever happened to OMF? Cakewalk was a forerunner in promoting that.
  7. It might be a good time for me to unplug the router. I have too much.
  8. They only Augmented is Voice and Strings included.
  9. People here try to turn it into a competition and their deals they post are half assed in getting it right. I leave it up to Larry.
  10. Neither is augmented piano. Basically 149 is what you'd pay for some of those upgrades individually with the new product thrown in.
  11. No on both accounts. I would be getting upgraded and 3 that are not in v8
  12. I translate that as f... Waves.
  13. Got the email from Arturia. It's tempting. I'm on V8,
  14. Should I delete Sampletank and Syntronik for this?
  15. It was my first thought when I seen 96k as in someone beat me to it. I'm not into large file sizes. Some of the stuff in Komplete is going in that direction. Higher bit rate is overrated. Some ISPs will now cap your data limit. Imagine if all developers started going with higher bit rates.
  16. 96KHz is not going to impress anyone except those in storage sales. I have the 8dio VIP versions of their libraries. I switched back to their lower bitrate versions because I would delude myself thinking there was a difference.
  17. You caught someone being two faced before the edit. You should get an award for that.
  18. Am I the only one turned off my Izotope wither their odd pricing and throwing in other developers plugins with different licensing? I guess if I were to spend more money on not really necessary and too much stuff it would be Fab Filter.
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