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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. If I had a Mac I would milk Logic to the max. Cubase is losing ground to Reaper. I have that and maybe I should invest more time in learning it. Some have went to Studio One because they like the layout.
  2. It will continue with those .5 upgrades. The wise part of me that I never listen to says to avoid it. It would be another DAW with more license restrictions. It would be tied to one machine since I hate moving dongles. Meanwhile my other DAWs are on at least two machines. I have to wonder if it's a good idea to get another DAW despite how good it is or use that money (credit actually) to get more toys for the other DAWs.
  3. Acid 7 still working for me. So many developers still install 32 bit without your choice and this is for Acid. All of me newest VSTs work in it.
  4. Seems like I'm a prophet now that Cubase crossgrade is $170.
  5. That more than a crossgrade price for a real DAW.
  6. It should be called Acid Pro Next to Stupid. Who ever though of this idea?
  7. My update price on my Melda and Image Line plugins are free.
  8. Not so much native but there was the separate program called the VST adapter. I still love that old 2.2 GUI.
  9. $120.99 to be exact. The only thing I don't like about it is getting more EQs.
  10. That doesn't always work. I tried moving IK VST Mic Modeler to another machine and had to install it for some graphic reason. I also use Disk Tree to see what's bloating the app folder. I still keep 32 bit just for Acid Pro 7. Still waiting on a decent deal for a Magix upgrade.
  11. For about $50 more when it is on sale I think I would go with with Hollywood Orchestra Gold. Then again I have the VSL SE's and I really need to use that. This one though is tempting.
  12. Post of the week. Now synths have replaced the reinvent the wheel once held by orchestra libraries.
  13. At one time I had about 7 cheap electrics and traded them in for a LP Studio. So I have a Tele and an older model PRS Santana SE. So the scenario is a bit different. But it is definitely wrong to have all of this DAW stuff and maybe use 10% of it every day. I'd like a variant of a real PRS with a wide fat neck but if I could afford one I probably still wouldn't buy it because I don't play every day. This is what happens when you get into the electronic genres. You push buttons. I have plenty of real instruments and don't play them. Not only that is wrong but now a major sin.
  14. I know they are free but I wonder if it's really worth it to install them.
  15. I've have a LP Studio. I don't play very much. Is it wrong to have an LP and not play it every day?
  16. I was interested in that. What's it like?
  17. You most likely have them if you have an account from VSTBuzz. Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra and the Ivy Audio stuff are keepers. BTW those demos of the Sonatina are great.
  18. The other option is to stop using Waves. Their authorization scheme makes one appreciate iLok.
  19. Never hurts to have additional licenses. I have 2 older machines that are still DAW capable. I have 12 licenses total.
  20. Too many knobs that would encourage one like me to use presets.
  21. I have Melda's super duper delay and that gives you about 100. Some of these delays I have are complicated.
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