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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. 200mb and sounds pretty good. Maybe developers are getting away from the large library footprint.
  2. Not a fan of their player or downloader but their support is excellent.
  3. I wont upgrade unless they have a deal like on BF where I got it for under $70. I got too many DAWs and it's getting to the point where buying upgrades is getting too costly.
  4. I thought it would be interesting if someone changed up the lyrics for corona. Like one roll over the line for toilet paper hoarding. Where's Weird Al when you need him.
  5. I gave Linux the boot years ago. Well said. I don't need to feel special because I know something about Linux. I'm not a tech person. People who primarily use Linux don't know how to communicate to a non tech person. Delusional at best. There's always someone who want a Linux version of a DAW and one developer said it best that they wouldn't waste time on something most of the planet doesn't use. You hit it on the head. Linux is not great for commercial use. As a anti Linux person I wish it eren't so.
  6. Some people just feel the need to take their soap box everywhere even to recipe forums. There other places for this. Some must think those at the Bandlab forums live under a rock. The virus thing can't escape from being political. This also invites incivility among forum members. There is someone always testing the forum rules. I participate in 4 other music related forums. 3 of them seem to not have to boundaries tested. If one is into posting stuff like this on a music forum site go to Vi Control. They have such a place for this. Prepared to be challenged about your views unlike this forum which is very, very, small.
  7. I've probably downloaded that much free stuff during the virus thing. I think I might have to start passing on a lot of stuff.
  8. The Kontakt ones are basically hard drive filler. You probably wouldn't use them.
  9. I may be getting there. I may download stuff then archive it.
  10. Is is wrong to have Realivox Blue and The Ladies and have not made much use of them yet?
  11. A developer worthy of support. I guess the EQ 31 is popular.
  12. I had Auto Theory Pro but not 5. So no upgrade pricing either. They have to come down on the price for me to consider. The plus side is it no longer uses iLok.
  13. There is this eye candy movement in just about everything. I find it annoying looking at PC parts like fans.
  14. This kind of stuff to a degree has been in FL Studio for quite some time. I have Riffer and Chtuhlu and I rarely open them. I'm so use to using my head or using midi files.
  15. They only have four products. I doubt their company is a full time gig.
  16. I've heard Gibson owners claim it's not a real Gibson until you break the headstock.
  17. It might be handy if a CM subscriber waits on it and the code is needed later on they can find it in their issue. That was the same code from the magazine and I downloaded it a week ago.
  18. BTW that code was taken from the latest version of CM.
  19. Considered getting this since it's a great price but I haven't even cracked open EW Choirs Gold.
  20. The scary part is it has HP on the label and it's not a printer. The reviews say stay away.
  21. I decided that after collecting so many EQs and compressors that I will forget to use it was time to collect channel strips. Me along with me ears are not smart enough to know the differences between all of these plugins.
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