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Everything posted by TracingArcs

  1. I use 2x 1TB Crucial MX500 for sample and instrument storage. They have been excellent (1 year so far)
  2. I can recommend VG Trumpet soft (currently on sale). Plus there is a free demo version (Kontakt full). Trumpet soft sounds great with a pitch shifter and Valhalla Super Massive for that instant Jon Hassell, nils petter molvaer, Arve henriksen.
  3. You don't know how close you are. I have a 10 minute version of this. I've never heard it in full. Always fall asleep before it ends..............
  4. Illustrating the free Decent Sampler pack - Natures Synth from Martin Andrew Smith at Pianobook . Also from the free instruments at Pianobook. Air Textues by Francesco Silvestri. And The Meyer Choir by Jon Meyer. A dark soundscapey thing trying to set a mood !
  5. Oh crap! Though it's great to have Larry back. My wallet has run an hid under the sofa saying something about rehab and it's happening again. Just needs reassurance I think.
  6. I'm sure they are getting hammered. Same discussion on VI- Control. Thanks
  7. Yeah ! the site is sooooo slowwwww. Want Contemporary Drama Toolkit. But fear it could be in this years "Ton" as it has been out a couple of years.
  8. Loot Audio have Trails by Ergo Kukke at 85% off. For Kontakt full (8.5.1). It has a ton of ambient, cinematic material 12GB of samples. D/load via Pulse. Can recommend it. https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/ergo-kukke/trails-visionary-cinematic-kontakt
  9. It may be a little closer than you think. Yes the label is referring to the Gong album (they are French). Plus I live close to Canterbury. The home of what was called the "Canterbury Scene" which included Soft Machine and many others (incl Gong). And I headlined at the Penny Theatre in Canterbury and the University and trod the same boards as them, there and in other venues. And had my drum lessons from Jon Hiseman (Colosseum) back in the 70s.
  10. The free sets are numbered 2 to 10. The original Time Machine presets would be 1
  11. The first 9 are available here. The latest on the YT page. But that may appear on the site as well soon-ish https://stefanomaccarelli.com/tutorial/free-presets/
  12. Stefano Maccarelli has made available another free bank of presets for his Kontakt 6 instrument Elements. Pyramix is 100+ presets. Download link is on the YT page. He's very generous !! This makes 10 extra banks of sounds now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM_na9LZBYA
  13. https://camembertelectrique.bandcamp.com/album/a-leap-into-still-water My release "A leap into still water" is now available to download on the label Camembert Electrique on Bandcamp. It's free, just enter zero. Inspired by, and reflecting on the theme of water (I live next to the sea). 16 tracks of ambient, contemplative, cinematic work. All written on CWB. Using many of the free instruments I showcase for Pianobook each month here. Again, a free download under a Creative Commons licence. A leap into still water | BEMUSED | Camembert Électrique
  14. VoS has released an updated, and 64bit version of Tessla Pro Mk III . A saturation Vst. https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/2021/08/23/64bit-plugin-rollout-started-announcing-mkii-plugin-versions/?fbclid=IwAR0Ml0fVzepnKm0-2KbLUjvQxraw7Q-bzozolV7gbEu6d5mgQeokQRBQEmA
  15. Thanks Old Joad. That means a lot as I try to take time and care when mixing (probably my favourite part of the process)
  16. Thanks Antler. Yes there are one shot vocal freebies from Ghosthack (never enough to do a full song!)
  17. Always pleased to have your responses Tom ?
  18. Thanks Nigel, appreciated
  19. Here's a simple little thing to illustrate a free sample pack on Pianobook https://www.pianobook.co.uk/ . RJS Classic Electric by Risto Sipola. Available on Kontakt 6 (full) includes legato and chords. Amazing what you can get for free !
  20. Hi Keith. I upgraded my interface last year from an old M Audio Fast track pro (W10 borked it) and ater much reserach bought the Presonus Studio 26c USB interface. Advantages to me were it has midi ports, metering on the front, higher specs than the old one. And included Studio One Artist. Plus a host of other freebies such as Arturia Analog Lab, Output Movement, Ujam, And many others. Plus like you I use a seperate voice channel (Joe Meek) to put vocals in. It is easy just to set the mic in to the Joe Meek (phantom powered) and run a line out into the Presonus (I bypass the Presonus phanton power as prefer the sound and compression of the Joe meek). It cost me £160 in the UK. And has been solid so far. And works well with CWB and clean outs to my powered monitors.
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