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Everything posted by TracingArcs

  1. I bought the mini for £10 last week. Had an email today offering an upgrade to full for $70. The expansions are cheaper at PB than on Lunacy Audio site as thay added 20% VAT
  2. Ben is heading for superstardom (if he isn't already knocking on the door).
  3. Thanks DaveT2. Appreciated !
  4. A track illustrating a new sample pack up on Pianobook. In SFZ format - Upright Acoustic Bass by Larry Seyer. This is a track I did a collab of a few years ago with the artist Melusi (a great voice/talent). I reworked the bass using the sample pack. A stillness at its centre is how I might describe it.
  5. Well that's a non-starter! I was really hoping for something this year as good as the BDT/eDNA/Piano of a couple of years ago (see Fleer post).
  6. Free - Skydrones Pads is a double-layered ambient pad library for generating atmospheric sounds. It was designed to produce soft textures that fill the entire space. Need to create an account in order to download. Kontakt full 6.7.1 https://zaksound.com/skydrones-pads/
  7. Here's something to fiddle with. Not sampled but interesting all the same if you have NI Reaktor 5/6. Boscomac has his Wurlitsar instrument for free download. Won't fool experts . But still fun. Plus you get all the rest of his freebies. http://boscomac.free.fr/
  8. I have the full version of Vektor. And can recommend it. The cello is very useful (not if you want a legato solo cello). With some interesting cello noises and artics. It's easy to produce new sounds. And to dig in and create new ones using any combination on the four slots. Perfect for ambient, soundscape, weirdness. etc. I've spent more on other instruments and got less.
  9. Agree with the King. There are some very complex and very simple instruments in there. If I had Kontakt and was new to Rigid Audio. It is a deffo no-brainer.
  10. Thanks Reid. Reminds me of my first "Pro" synth back in the 90s - Korg Wavestation. But on steroids. Will buy.
  11. Interested too. I appreciate it has limitations (no user file import e.g). Would like to know if the cut down version limits it to the usual EDM blips and blops.
  12. Blasphemy!!!!!!!!! Go to your room and think about what you said...........
  13. Ah. Born in Somerset. The west country accent. Origin of the American accent I believe.
  14. It would be no problem. It has USB C out. And comes with both USB C to C and USB C to A cable. Plus I think when checking it out (but may be wrong) the circuitry was also improved re: noise floor etc.
  15. Backing up what Simeon says. You have close to 900 extra free presets available. And Stefano has started a group on FB and is very hands on with all.
  16. I have the studio 26C and can recommend it (It has a better headphone output) for not much more. Plus all the freebies you get with it.
  17. I picked up Nebula last year. Hardly used it. I'm sure it's ok. Just seems to lack "something". And when you have Vital synth free. Union seems a non starter.
  18. Thanks MichaelJohn. Yes, titles are difficult. I've found working to an imagined visual helps a lot in giving ideas. Not made specifically for H. But at the back of my mind ?
  19. I recall someone very recently on VI- Control who had bought the fire trumpet. Saying it was a pig to use (I think it was regarding the artics). Would be worth a search there for it.
  20. Stefano has put more free presets for the great Elements Scoring synth "Nightmare". The K6 version is available at Zero G https://zero-g.co.uk/pages/free-elements-nightmare for K6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14gw3r8d2_c for MSS K7 Thanks Stefano for the continued support
  21. Thanks ! just picked up originals Intimate strings for £20.30. Plus the voucher (hello BF here I come).
  22. Nice mix of visuals/audio. Deffo has that 80's synth vibe.
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