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Everything posted by TracingArcs

  1. I have this. Brilliant for soundscapes and very versatile, lots to dig into. Got this last week. And importing own samples into it is easy - drag & drop. Plus it is NKS standard so download from NI and it appears in your Libraries tab. https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/waverley-instruments/synthetic-materials
  2. For anyone interested. Ben has done a big update for this ,in 2023. 02/03/2023: V2 Brand new interface All the combinations of instruments have been rendered down, both single and with stereo doubling. This makes it possible to layer instruments together without so much memory and cpu. Voice limit halves if only one pattern has rhythms in it. This saves memory. Fixed intonation on high violin and cello samples Custom keyswitches are restricted to a specific range, which simplifies their use. Added Drag and Drop for simple and intuitive experimentation. Fixed Legato Works with Kontakt 5.8.1 and Kontakt 6 - Full versions only - not for Kontakt Player 02/03/2023: 2.1 With legato turned off, samples were delayed. Fixed now. 02/03/2023: V2.2 Available for Kontakt 5.8.1, with click-to-add functionality as a substitute for drag-and-drop. Hover Info help for the map button updated from V1. 02/03/2023: V2.3 Fixed issue with Legato, where overlapping notes would sometimes get out of sync.
  3. This is available at Cinematique for free on Kontakt. Don't know the difference between the two.
  4. A combination of the name Skynet. And that the download was in Russia. Was enough to trigger all the Arnie films. And me to back out of the download !!!!
  5. Try 99 Red Balloons........
  6. Just had the email as well with the code. However I bought it at Loot originally. So can't use it. But maybe someone who doesn't have Sospiro could try it.
  7. Loot Audio have a big 65% off Sospiro Strings by Ben Osterhouse. Plus if you are an existing Ben Osterhouse customer you'll get an email with an additional 5% off. This is a V good deal anyway. And Sospiro is an excellent instrument I can easily recommend if you want to put extra texture into your strings. It has Ens and individual elements. For Kontakt full. https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/ben-osterhouse/sospiro-strings-ben-osterhouse-kontakt
  8. This is not a killer issue. But has been happening across various iterations of Cakewalk. I insert a new instrument. Name it after whatever Vsti (eg Kontakt 6.1 - Session Horns Pro - Mellow Horns) hence Vsti/Instrument/patch. And save it. And do the same with any midi clips associated with it. It does not have to be Kontakt. The issue happens with any Vsti. I can reload the project a few days/ weeks/ months later and the naming has reverted to the initial status ie track 5 etc. Sometimes it's just the instrument name or the clip or both have reverted. It happens very randomly. So I can't say when or which ones it will happen to. As I say not a killer but frustrating. Anyone else experience this ?
  9. Sipping my Rum ?A good new year to all
  10. If you have the great Elements by Stefano. There is a free update to V1.06. For both Kontakt full 6 & 7. This will add an X-Y pad on the GUI for you to play around with the positioning of sounds. And the movement can be recorded into the track. Full details and link in the YT link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISL4RxzDPHc
  11. Very, very kind of you. Thank you so much.
  12. Xperiments by Dark Sky Audio (Kontakt full 6 & 7) is now available. https://www.darkskyaudio.com/ Massive cinematic sci-fi sounds, huge modular and analog samples, fully fledged multi-mode filter, crazy multi-fx and more. • Easily intensify the sound with dedicated macros and modulation controllers, or dive deeper into Xperiment’s filters and multi-fx. Need to supply email & subscribe Tried it - 99 patches, very analog-y, lots of potential to mangle
  13. Thanks as always Nigel. Have appreciated your support throughout the year ?
  14. Thanks Dream Art Scientists - appreciated !
  15. Variety of Sound has released a 64bit V2 of Thrillseeker LA (Windows only). His version of the LA2A. This is a cracker for almost any instrument (along with the other 64bit updates). The vst is on the download page. 2/3rds down https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/2012/03/02/thrillseekerla-released-today/
  16. My final demo track for Pianobook 2022. And the haunting sounds of Eraphine by Venus Theory , in Decent Sampler format are used. In addition from Pianobook : EBow Piano / Choral Harp. From LABS by Spitfire : Arctic Swells / Cello Moods. And Originals - Intimate Strings. I would also like to say a big thank you to all those here who have listened, commented, liked and given me encouragement. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Love this forum.
  17. Thanks V much Dean and AndyB01
  18. Last year. Everything in the Calendar was new. Would expect the same this year.
  19. I have a feeling that Venus Theory is going to have a field day with this.....
  20. I picked up Aleatoric by Ergo Kukke on Saturday at Loot. And got Audiothing Bubbles, Mfreeform Analog EQ, Ujam synth (installed and deleted !), and the Massive presets. A good deal. Plus had an email from Loot offering 5% extra off the new Ben Osterhouse Violin. But useable on any sale if you wanted.
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