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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. If you are an APD customer and want Syntronik 2, check your e-mail for a LOYALTY Code. By my math, that $5.00 more of a discount than the going-back-to-school code! $79.99 - $17.00 = $62.99!
  2. Did anyone get the APD deal on Syntronik 2 and if so, does it qualify for the IK 4-for-1 Promotion? I didn't see it explicitly excluded, but there was that issue with MP CE. PS: If you are an APD customer and want Syntronik 2, check your e-mail for a LOYALTY Code. By my math, that $5.00 more of a discount than the going-back-to-school code!
  3. If its not available on line (I am assuming you checked thoroughly) I am wondering if are willing to try to do it old school. That's what many of us used to do. Yes, its complex and takes a lot of time, but if no one else has done it and made it available on line, someone has to be the first. So why not you? Another option would be for you to ask Korg to do it. Its a long shot, but for some hardware I owned, eventually a fellow user (or two) wrote a patch editor / librarian (or two) and made a built-in feature to convert user banks to *.ins files. I don't know if there is "working group" other than mostly dedicated Cakewalk users as a committee of the whole (i.e., the forum). I believe there are documents useful for making *.ins files. Personally, I never could use the built-on tool. It was too complicated for me. It was much easier to find some examples from the product line that others did and then edit my own *.ins file using a basic editor (I used Notepad). Have you tried? Did you get any part of it working? Maybe there's just a sticking point or two that others can help you out with. BTW, if you want others to help you, maybe you can post a link to the relevant docs? PS: I took a quick look. Would this (PCG2INS) help?
  4. For what its worth, 12/8 with different horizonal zoom settings. The down side of using 8ths is the metronome. I would prefer variable ping intervals (e.g., 12/8 with a ping every 3 or 4 beats), but its not that critical because I can use a drum-based metronome. OH! I get it. Its a PRV thing. ?
  5. With 2 midi tracks, I tried changing Key/Meter on different tracks, but it changed on both. I wonder if there's a trick to fool Cakewalk and make it happen. AHA!! Using the inspector strip we can set a key signature offset for each MIDI track. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.30.html
  6. https://audioplugin.deals/syntronik-2-by-ik-multimedia/ PLEASE NOTE: I didn't double check yet, but if the description is correct, this is only for the 22 legendary instruments that were part of Syntronik Deluxe (17 +5) in the Syntronik 2 format. This does not appear to be is not the 33 instrument version that many of us got via the SYN2GB a couple of months ago. (Don't even think about asking about Multis, please!!!) I am flagging @Peter - IK Multimedia in case he wants to chime in. The APD Deal is listed for 13 more days. I suggest no one jump in on this without due diligence to see if this will meet your needs. BTW, if you are on the APD mailing list, check your e-mail for a $5.00 off loyalty offer. As concerns "For fans of the original version, all of the Syntronik and Syntronik Deluxe legacy presets are also included and sound identical in Syntronik 2." I have seen comments to the effect that not all Syntronik presets sound identical in Syntronik 2. I am not sure if that has changed since I saw those comments, if there is an issue just with tweaked / custom presets, or what. Not knocking SYN2 at all. Personally, I like it for some of the things I do. Disclaimer: I purchased / still own Syntronik, Syntronik Deluxe, Syntronik 2 CS (free), Syntronik 2 SE, Syntronik 2 [Full], and the equivalent of Syntronik 2 Max (purchased through the SYN2GB). IK Product link so you can compare versions. Recommendation: Make sure to click on the "Compare" button to see which instruments (22 v. 33) are included.
  7. For me, Program Change = Preset Change = Patch Change. It was not a mistake, SI-String Section uses "Program" as in "Program Browser." Just to add, if I remember correctly, some of the program/presets/patches are IMO defective in the sense that they do not sustain/loop. I remember a thread about this.
  8. Good question. If there were a file format document that explained the structure (including all the possible features/parameters), I'd be interested. As an old man, I no longer have the ability to mine file formats and figure out what's what by trial and error, but if there is no such document and others are interested, I'm willing to help.
  9. So, I did a handful of simple tests of the Remote Control / MIDI Learn problem I documented previously. It still exists. Until someone either fixes it (which I gave up on) or tells me what I am doing wrong, the built-in arpeggiator does not work for me. ? In brief, I found a disconnect between UI states and actual functionality. In other words, midi learned remote controls can be used to change the visual states (appearance) of the buttons, knobs and drop downs, but the functions do not change. They need to be changed by mouse clicks. This is probably not a show stopper for many, but for some (like me) it is. Don't get me wrong--I like the arpeggiator. In fact, the reason I spent a lot of time trying to make it work, and documenting the issue (and hypothesizing possible causes) is because I like it and had hopes that the disconnect would be fixed. Having looked at the Project 5 documentation recently, I suspect the code for for the arpeggiator might be derived from Project 5 and therefore is so deeply embedded (and built-upon over the years) that the issue would be a nightmare to try to fix. Just a guess. I also suspect that newer features (such as automation) are tied into the issue. Resistance to providing a midi data flow chart (so to speak) to show what happens with midi data "under the hood" goes hand-in-hand might somehow be related. Again, these are guesses. NOTE: I would love to be wrong and to find there is a simple setting such as a check box toggle or maybe a configuration parameter setting that would get rid of the UI status/functionality disconnect. So, if there is, please let me know. I would gladly go back to using CbB's arpeggiator. I had some really good results with it.
  10. Congrats!!!!! Enjoy. Looks like a nice FX unit. PS: Please mark the topic [SOLVED] . Thx.
  11. I will take a look since I am not familiar with that hardware or manufacturer. It used to be that both CC#00 and CC#32 needed to be sent followed by the Program Change (Preset) command. If someone else has specific, I will defer to them. In the meantime, I will look through the manual. UPDATE: I see what you are saying. OK. I see the table. 1, 0 = 128 etc. So, its the value of CC#0 * 127 + Program Change number. Looks to me like CC#32 is ignored. Did you try selecting "Controller 0 only" for Instruments that only respond to Controller 0 bank select messages?
  12. Does the AX FX III Manual tell you how how knows to switch banks? (I am assuming you want Cakewalk to switch banks in the Axe.) Update: I found a manual on line. I hope its the right one. (Current as of Axe-Fx III Firmware 20.x Original, Mark II, Standard and TURBO versions July 2022.) Are you using its PC Mapping Mode?
  13. For the Beatles, you might want to listen to Todd Rundgren, esp. Deface the music (but also Faithful, which is more copied than original), and The Rutles, esp. the first album. Both albums use a variety musical elements to create sound alike music. Please, don't ask me to try to enumerate on which elements are used to call to mind associations that remind listeners of Beatles music . I think a solid listening of the albums should help them jump out and grab your ear. Also, some songs by Billy Joel have very close "borrowings." There's also early Julian Lennon I only mention these because decades ago I did some academic-style explorations related to how musical elements tap into audience associations. I am sure other avenues would be just as valid. "I have always thought in the back of my mind: Cheese and Onions. . . . . Do I have to spell it out? C-H-E-E-S-E-A-N-D-O-N-I-O-N-S! Cheese and Onions . . . . ." "I just want to touch you . . . Oooooo--Ooooo . . . " "Take It Home" What elements are borrowed? How are the elements varied from the original/well-known Beatles tunes? How have they been combined so they are not stolen but used creatively in new compositions copyrightable on their own while taken as a whole, reminding listeners of the Beatles? Warning: Laura uses an F-Word variant that some might not want to listen to.
  14. Thanks for the clarifications. I will defer to others here who use the PRV and those who use it with drums.
  15. Are you talking about Some clarification / diagnostic questions: (1) Which instrument? (2) Have you tried it with different instruments and if so are the results the same? (3) Which "MIDI View?" Do you mean the PRV [Piano Roll View]?
  16. This thread is more about keyboard bindings becoming lost when Workspaces aren't used. After others brought up Workspaces, I suggested using Workspaces as a possible workaround. My bad.
  17. Thanks to everyone for chiming in with their AD2 preferences. So far, I have only selected one** of my AD Packs from the bundled promo we got way back when. Thoughts on singles and patterns would also be appreciated because I will have 3 each of those on account. **I was inspired to get Mallets by this:
  18. Me, too--well, at least since the time I first started using SynthMaster. Glad to see this fixed and the other changes as well!!! Thanks @abacab for the heads-up about the update. You have me beat by a couple of months! I only raised the issue mid-March 2021. But in fairness to KV331, I found my own workaround and didn't "badger" them. Thanks for your follow-up!!!!!!! Update: I now have 18 devices listed! ?
  19. This is the first time I can remember having an issue with normal usage. I am not sure the presence or absence of the no-sound issue tells whether or not TTS-1 was set up properly.
  20. I seem to be getting something consistent with 8.5 on older Win10Pro PC. Condition 1: Loaded Annabelle's version. Cleared CC3 assignment on Master Fader in TTS-1. Slider up full. Saved using Save As (renamed). Upon loading this version, slider is still up full, but TTS-1 doesn't sound. Pressing play (I am using the spacebar) a second time kicks TTS-1 into playing. Condition 2: Loaded Annabelle's version. Upon loading this version, slider is down, and TTS-1 doesn't sound. After slider is moved up and spacebar is pressed once to start play, no sound. Pressing spacebar a second time kick TTS-1 into playing again.
  21. Looks like I have SONAR 5, 6, and 8.5 on my Win 10 PC (in addition to X1 and/or X3). I might also still have them on an XP SP3 PC (not X3). I took a quick look at the CCs. There's a bunch of CC121 and CC64 in the beginning. Later on I saw RPN PB Sens. several times preceding Wheel. I have heard of JAWS, but no idea what goes on under the hood. Could that be automating TTS-1's Master Volume on its own (independent of what on the tracks)? Could the version/build of TTS-1 make a difference? 32-bit TTS-1 (XP) v. 64-bit TTS-1 (Win 10)?
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