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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. You reminded me of a song I used to listen to but haven't heard in a while, "Flakes" in which one of the "characters" Zappa impersonates says "I'm a moron and this is my wife. She's frosting the cake with a paper knife." and so on in a classic social commentary lampooning style tune. Thanks for reminding me; it was fun re-listening to it.
  2. Thanks for posting the link to the installers and asking for opinions. I gave it a quick try (approx. 20 min. total), and for my needs FM8 for $10 at a current/recent sale is a better value for my money ($10 / £12 / €12 through September 6). Rather than share details of my preliminary exploration of octasine, I will plan to verify my observations in some additional hosts. One of my first testing places for new plug-ins is Voltage Modular (using the Plug-In Host module) which sometimes has issues when plug-ins have idiosyncratic UIs. I have plenty of plug-ins (paid and free) that don't have major issues UI in VM. So, just briefly, in my admittedly limited tests I observed (1) higher than usual CPUs needed for the graphics and (2) GUI instability leading to a VM shutdown crash. I suspect (1) might be an issue in other hosts but (2) should probably not be an issue in other hosts. Since its v.0.7.0, perhaps the GUI instability will not be an issue once it gets to a v.1.x.x release. Disclosure: I will have to check my PCs services, but this: "Synthesis is SIMD-accelerated in many cases (SSE2, AVX)" might be part of the two issues I experienced since my PC is a "legacy" PC. Update: A basic test of Octasine in Cakewalk on my PC confirms (1) Octasine causes a higher than usual CPU usage as compared with several other plugins (free and paid)** and (2) the GUI instability doesn't happen. **For this test Octasine was compared with FM8, Odin2, bloo, Surge XT, Proclethya, Cardinal Synth, Syntronik, plus a few others. MSoundFactory CPU draw ranges greatly depending in specific instruments/device, so I tested 5 MSoundFactory Instruments with "FM" in the name. One had the less CPU draw than Octasine, 4 were either comparable or had higher CPU draw. However, closing the MSoundFactory's plugin window reduced CPU draw far more than closing Octasine's plugin window. On different PCs, with different tests, results may vary. Also, the CPU draw might not be an issue for some users. Hope this helps.
  3. When I first discovered IKM here in the forum, I just assumed it meant they put the needs and interests of musicians first ahead of anything else. Then I decided that it probably means they are musicians. I also started to wondered if they have jams at meetings, etc. In any case, I assume they all share a love of music, not as listeners, but as people who do (or have done) music: that is as musicians.
  4. Talking about Norton, that brings up memories! Peter Norton had a whole line of computer books. IIRC, when new editions came out you could get the older editions at pop-up book warehouse sales--barebones stores in little mini malls with rows and rows of tables piled with books. (At least that's where I found them.) I think this was before someone started the trend of ripping off the covers of old versions of books. I am sure I had some Peter Norton books (with covers) from that era. Not sure if they were ones he wrote or just published.
  5. NOTE: I don't do videos, so I am not sure this is the reason why you cannot open the video. I am only showing how to change to the advanced workspace. I hope it helps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Workspaces documentation. Tip: In Cakewalk, the Workspaces drop down box is in the upper right corner. Note: I edited the theme colors on my PC so it jumps out at me. This is from a default theme after I chose "Advanced." When "None" is selected, the box says "Workspaces." Clicking on the downward arrow ("V", upside down caret/insertion mark) in the box opens the menu list.
  6. Not sure if you are familiar with Screensets (a per project UI layout tool) and Workspaces (a UI and features availability tool that affects all projects). There are benefits and drawbacks to each and users have their own personal workflow preferences. I am very biased towards using Workspaces. I have made extensive use of custom Workspaces even though I only learned enough to be able to do the things that motivated me. In my experience, there are many curves over hilly and rocky terrain in learning to use Workspaces. For me, the time spent doing a deep dive was worth it. But Screensets might meet your needs here. There are many posts in the forum with excellent advice on how to use both Screensets and Workspaces.
  7. Not sure this is what you are looking for, but there are Cakewalk and third-party MIDI Effects (aka MFX) such as Cakewalk's MFX Velocity. You can find that in the Browser Module > Plugins Tab > MIDI FX Button. See also Variorum's Velocity Compander and MultiCompander. Some related discussion:
  8. Thanks for the tip! Using the mouse wheel to change the filter mode is much easier!
  9. HUH????? Are you saying IK upped the price to $/€49.99 so it could be included in the BOGT promo at that price point? Say it isn't so!!!!! My bad. I was logged in when I clicked on the link, so I saw the upgrade/crossgrade price 9.99. After I logged out I saw it was 49.99.
  10. In this case the replies that I saw were not offensive. At worst, they quoted either too much or inappropriately reveal too much about the issue which had been handled respectfully (in my opinion) by regular forum contributors prior to the troll. I will admit that my reply was far more assertive that I usually am: Mine was the first reply. I tried to be very judicious about what I references I chose. I was very offended by the post for several reasons. In retrospect I should have just asked for the post to be removed in hopes that it would be gone before anyone else saw it and replied.
  11. I left clicked-and-held inside the knob and then moved the mouse upwards and downwards. Not sure if that's a universal or if I set up AT that way. I tried standalone mode and the VST3. For me it works in a host I use as well as CbB. Note: click-and-hold was done in the knob's face, but hold-and-slide (up and down) went beyond the knob itself.
  12. LOL. I just got done reading that and saw you posted a link!!! I would recommend it to others, though.
  13. This is a comment, not a new video to change the the chain of associations. I heard the band's name before, but never their music. So watching this video gave me a excellent opportunity to listen and find out more about the band. I was struck by a comment in the following clip. An audience member tries to defend the band with an interpretation of another song (Kill the Poor). I can relate to the subsequent comment made in response about the neutron bomb. I had a very similar reaction to the neutron bomb when it was being put out there as a potential new weapon. (Its cued up to the questioner (2:16)); its a short Q&A (goes to 2:56).
  14. JMO: I think its a bad idea to repost the posts of forum members taken from other forums like this, for example to make a point about the activities of a forum member. However well intentioned, I think it opens up a can of worms.
  15. I agree Tom, Craig. I just took a look at the now-closed thread. So that readers of this thread don't go looking, the troll's rant and everything after has indeed been deleted. Not sure if the troll has been banned.
  16. JMO: I could be wrong, but I suspect it was locked because some [expletive deleted by choice] posted a message tirade that was totally inappropriate given the love the rest of us were sharing and amounted to a diatribe tirade against all participants in the forum. In short, one inconsiderate, self-serving [expletive deleted by choice] ruined it for the everyone else. When I read the post that lambasted everyone on the forum (to put it mildly), it occurred to me that the intent of that post was to get the thread locked. We should have heeded the "Ignore the TROLL" heads up.
  17. I cut and pasted https://stream.radioparadise.com/aac-320 into Winamp 5.6666 which I have been using for a few years. It works as I would expect. Hope this info helps. EDIT: The above link is the first one from what you have listed as "New site." I also tried this from the section that says for older player like Winamp. http://radioparadise.com/m3u/aac-320.m3u . Both work on my version of Winamp 5.6666 . I have no idea which versions I had over the years. When the proverbial you know what hit the fan, I took opted for 5.6666 and it has work for me for playing files, internet radio stations, ad hoc concerts/performances, etc.
  18. One Cheap Trick deserves another!!!! Ain't that a shame. ?
  19. User 905133

    NI FM8 for $12

    Even though its a *.dll plug-in, it looks like there are about 600-800 parameters exposed. I just tested a handful in Voltage Modular with CVs and the ones I tried work. Although some are just switches, it looks like many provide for fluid control of parameter values. I suspect that many parameters change the sound at trigger time (as opposed to real time), but there seems to be a whole lot of sound shaping options. Even with the "vintage" look and functionality, this appeals to the sound sculptor in me. Thanks, @Frank for posting this. ?
  20. LOL. This is too funny! I'd rather have Jam Points than duplicate licenses. In fact, a number of times I have thought of suggesting they give Jam Points instead of duplicate licenses. Congrats to you guys who get both. EDIT: Oh. This explains it (I think). Thanks for the explanation.
  21. I don't need it, but I want to see if doing this will get me on the IK mailing list I keep hearing about. ? Also, redeeming it stops the pop-up from returning. ?
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