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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. If they [Mixcraft] take their "spaghetti code" and marry it with VM's virtual cabling UI, to me that might be very worthwhile. Using VM interconnectivity with CbB is amazing (MIDI and Audio), but if a DAW (like Mixcraft) had fully integrated patchability (i.e,, being able to connect everything via cables) it might be more intuitive for others, too. With an overt system of virtual cables, maybe music software users would "get" all the connections that are not readily apparent because those connections can be seen.
  2. BTW, according to this page, "KONTAKT 7 requires graphics hardware support for Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher. If your graphic adapter does not support this requirement, KONTAKT will open with a black window and will not function." While DXDiag shows that both my displays support Direct3D DDI 11.1, my highest feature level is 10_1, not 11_0. You might be able to save some time by running DXDiag first (that is, before trying to just download and install this "freebie"). It would have been nice if NI had checked first instead of failing to download/install Hypha several times and giving me the "not enough disk space" error for several of those failures. I get it that they are giving away Hypha as a marketing gimmick to sell Kontakt 7, but maybe they could have had less drain on their servers if so many of us hadn't wasted so much time trying to download and install it. Clearly, I should never have gotten the "not enough disk space" error message.
  3. I remember back in the days of SONAR giving up on NI with all of the installing/updating/debugging required. Having spent hours trying to download and install this so-called "freebie", and then once it downloaded and installed at last trying to get it to work, I agree: for me this was a huge waste of time. Thank goodness I had coffee handy!!!
  4. Thanks. Evidently its popular: NI Access is now connecting for me, but I am getting . When I first saw it I wondered what the weeds overtaking the synth imagery was all about. I don't want my music making tools being made obscure by weeds. Perhaps its a sign that their HYPHA promotion is spreading exponentially and over powering their servers? hy pha - noun: each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus UPDATE: It took a while for NI Access to connect, authorize licenses, and then download and start to install Hypha--enough time to grind coffee beans, boil water, make the coffee, and do several other household activities (more than usual, but not 24 hours, yet). After maybe 35 minutes, NI Access switched from "Installing" to the "Oops . . . " message. NI Access now says Hypha is installed, but the Kontakt 7 Player (Standalone 7.0.11 ) shows a solid black window. Earlier it showed products I had. More Info: 15 minutes later: Logging out of NI Access and trying to log back in doesn't help. Reconnecting takes more time than usual (logging in, loading products). After about 6-8 minutes (more than enough time to read the manual), NI Access shows products with Hypha (and Kontakt Player 7 installed). After 20 more minutes Kontakt Player 7 (standalone 7.0.11) still come up with a solid black window. File > Options > Libraries says the Hypha library folder is present. Thanks for this detail. I have NA v 3.0.1. Will try reinstalling NA 1.11.0 (2019) on previous audio PC. Trying NA 2.5.0 first: Hypha Download failed. NA started Kontakt 7 Player downloaded/installing; Hypha queued. Task Manager said both Windows Installer and NA were active. Kontakt 7 Player allegedly installed; Hypha still queued. Kontakt 6 Player still works; Hypha library not present. Hypha switched from Queued to Install. Tried reinstalling Hypha. Triggers web browser + NA Error Message > Not enough free drive space Webpage shows example with 552 GB required and 379 GB required Hypha installation failed again; no details as to why except the web page. Will look for a message that says how many Mega GB are needed for Hypha. In NA it says 1.87 GB which I have. Tried again; NA downloaded (with time remaining countdown); NA allegedly installed successfully. Not seen in Kontakt 6 player (Standalone 6.7.1) Kontakt 7 Player (Standalone 7.0.11) opens and remains with a black window. Ran *.msi and *.exe for Hypha installation; looked at log. Evidently it is installed now. *.exe give the option to Uninstall Conclusion: My PC cannot use use Hypha. Opinion: I have enough that does work properly without getting a new graphics card just to run NI's so-called "free" instrument.
  5. UPDATE: Thanks @ralfrobert . That linked worked! "Your All-Access Pass will end on January 6, 2023." ? Your All-Access Pass will end on January 6, 2023.
  6. Thanks; good advice. I actually saw a music book bundle probably less than year ago. It was one that had far more sociology and other academic-oriented books than this one. Not sure if that's the one you got. Given my academic background, that bundle might have been better for me than this one. I did actually check the sample pdfs in this one and the other one. In both collections I looked at, the quality of the content varied. Addendum: The Foley Grail, Website. Info about the book; not the text from the book; includes supplementary materials (several clips from videos not included in the bundled book version). From the pdf in the bundle: "Accompanying the book are online resources featuring video demonstrations of Foley artists at work, video tutorials of specific Foley techniques, lectures from the author, and more." You can see some of those at the Website. No need to answer questions about what words are on any of the pages from the book! ?
  7. Is this typical for these book bundles? $1.00 get 4 books (25 cents each) $10.00 gets 10 books ($1.00 each) $25.00 gets 18 books ($1.39 each) My bad (in part). Now it says $18, not $25 for the whole bundle. It seems to default to $25.00.
  8. This is what I thought of when I first saw the Topic: Ujam Dandy To The Res-cue! I had a college housemate that was into Black Oak Arkansas like they were the best band in the entire world. Those albums are permanently ingrained in my auditory memory! Brings back memories of fun, care-free, reckless times and activities. I held off looking for the song to post yesterday to avoid those "flashbacks." Oh well. ?
  9. Are you talking about Key +/- in the Inspector Panel? For me the PC mouse wheel does +/-12 and Shift+mouse wheel does +/- 1. Are you talking about a different slider? The documentation says "Enter a value (1 = a semitone), or press the + or – key to change the key by a single semitone. Use the [ or ] key to change the key by 12 semitones (one octave)." If you are talking about the Transpose MFX, I was able to enter values by clIcking on the Offset value box. If you are talking about Menu Bar > Process > Transpose, [ & ] still work for transposing by 12 and plus + minus still work for steps.
  10. For years I wanted some audio device tied into my phone that would make con artists and identity thieves posing as telemarketers, software problem-solvers, etc. **** in their pants, vomit uncontrollably, have seizures, lose the power of speech, etc. Now that every industry is moving towards using AI to affect consumers of all sorts of communication, how about using AI to detect con artist callers, e-mail spammers, fake website developers, and other evil people and fry their electronic devices? That's my thought on using AI to make trailer music to subconsciously affect consumers.
  11. Thanks for the additional details. Re: Plugin dropdown v. Plugin Browser: If you are referring to Menu Bar > Utilities > Cakewalk Plugin Manager, yes, I am referring to something else: Menu Bar > Views > Browser > Plugins Tab where the dropdown arrow has the option to Sort by Manufacturer. When I do that, and have Instruments selected in the Bowser Pane, my expanded IK Multimedia folder has the Hammond B-3X plugins as well as others IK Instruments. If you don't have an IK Multimedia folder listed under Instruments when sorted by Manufacturer or it doesn't have the B-3X inside, try typing B-3X in the plugin search bar (right below the Audio FX | MIDI FX | Instruments | ReWire buttons) case it got placed in a different folder. You can also try sorting by Category. My B-3X is under Synths, but I sometimes Instruments get put under Uncategorized. If that doesn't help, I will defer to other users who have more experience in addressing your issues now that some of the easy diagnostic stuff has been addressed. I know there are tutorials, other threads, and online documentation that spell out the steps for properly installing plug-ins, but others are better at locating those than I am. As for having Cakewalk see the MIDI Input from the JX-3P, double check to make sure have you selected the usb midi in device properly: Edit > Preferences (the default shortcut is P) > MIDI > Devices. If it is checked, but no MIDI data is coming into Cakewalk, it might be helpful to know more about the usb MIDI interface you are using.
  12. Thanks for your workflow details. Other users here might be better to help get you through the steps to make sure IK's B-3X is in your VST list. Just a few thoughts: Are the paths for the B-3X's plug-ins listed correctly in the VST scan list? You type 1K here (One Kay), not IK (as in the first letters in "Indigo Kale") I almost always use default paths which for the IK Hammond B-3X is on my PC are: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins for the *.dll version [Hammond B-3X.dll] C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 for the *.vst3 version [Hammond B-3X.vst3] Your paths might be different, but if it were me, I'd start looking there. Cakewalk generates a VstScan.log text file. Mine has entries including: 106: c:\program files\cakewalk\vstplugins\Hammond B-3X.dll 428: c:\program files\common files\vst3\Hammond B-3X.vst3 These items tell me the vst scanner found them. Later entries tell me Cakewalk knows where to find them and there are no errors to loading them. Is your Plugin Browser set up to view plugins by Manufacturer? Out of curiosity, how are you getting MIDI data out from the JX-3P and into your laptop. 1983 synths had 5-pin DIN connector, not usb/midi connector. MIDI is a digital form of communicating between devices; its is not sound.
  13. CbB = Cakewalk by Bandlab, a Windows-based DAW [Digital Audio Workstation] Bandlab is the owner of Cakewalk by Bandlab who also owns the web-based browser music productivity called Bandlab. I have used WinAmp (including the use of multiple instances), but not as discussed above. If you are using a 32-bit PC with XP or an earlier Microsoft OS [Operating System], CbB is not for you. From what I understand, it is no longer safe to use web browsers under XP, if that's even possible. I have not tried to run Bandlab on an XP, but I would be extremely surprised if it worked. I just looked up PCDJ Red. It looks like very old software from 2008 and was discontinued at least 10 years ago, according to the 2022 PCDJ website. JMO [Just My Opinion]: If PCDJ works for you, don't let anyone tell you you have to get a newer PC and newer software. On the other hand, if you want to upgrade your hardware and software, that's up to you.
  14. I really like many of the CV-1 sounds, but it doesn't fit my workflow other than accessing CV-1 from within VM. In fact I have some preliminary VM presets that route CV-1 to some FX (IK's MixBox, some PSP sound shaping modules, among others). As well, I have test driven cabling in VM CVs using CV-1 four Macros (wish there were a couple of dozen or more CV input lines). Since I have CV-1, I am wondering are there any forums where users post original patches others can download and use? I did listen to the demo sounds in Swatches (Currents and Modular City), and I am interested in hearing the original patches done by others. Thanks. PS: One of the many nice features of AAS's software I especially appreciate is that they implement remote Program Change (i.e., not from the UI, but by external controls--e.g., CV, midi). I am always amazed to learn that some otherwise excellent software synths don't.
  15. Question of Clarification: Is the IK BX-3 being used in standalone mode? If so, use it as a plug-in within Cakewalk. As others have said, more details are needed so others can better point you in the direction of making it happen with your setup and workflow.
  16. FYI, in case some one stumbles onto this request for the ability to replace FX and doesn't keep track of ongoing updates: As of November 2022 there have been several recent Releases, Early Access Releases, and Updates which give us some additional FX bin options, including: Improvements Replace audio effect You can now replace audio effects from track or bus effect bins. To do so, right-click an effect and select Replace Audio FX, then select the desired effect. Enhancements: Quick group support for track effect bin Delete command Delete All now available in effect bin menus Thanks to everyone who requested and re-requested the replace audio FX feature over the years, to @msmcleod for following up on this, to those who suggested enhancements, and to all who made it happen. BTW, do users who make FRs mark them "Implemented" (maybe with the date of the release) on the Topic line like when problems are marked "SOLVED"? See
  17. NOTE: Voltage Modular has been updated (not a deal, except maybe for Mac users who have been waiting for support for the new Mac OS) .
  18. According to PG Music's chat desk its SynthMaster Player version 2.9 with 800 presets.
  19. https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/TRS https://www.acronymfinder.com/TRS.html OH!!! TRS Cables, not Midi TRS world. LOLOLOLOLOL. End of LOL ?
  20. I see SynthMaster 2 was free until November 1 and that Plug-in Boutique currently has it for $5.00. (1) For a lower price (free), you would have to check with KV331 or third-party resellers. (2) Also, keep an eye on the "Deals" sub-forum here. https://www.synthmaster.com/synthmasterplayer.aspx If it were me, I'd ask KV331 Audio if they will be having the free promotion again
  21. OK. I just looked at your first post and the discussion that followed. I remember my reaction and the reason I gave it a "Confused" emoji. On the one hand it looked like you were asking an honest question seeking information about CbB as compared with other DAWs. At the time I sensed your frustration but wasn't entirely clear on a number of things about what you wrote. So I gave the "Confused" emoji as I have done with others in hopes that you would re-read your post and try to clarify it. I remember not even knowing how to respond in a helpful way. Not 100% sure, but I seem to recall being one of the first to reply (by virtue of the emoji). After that, others chimed in and addressed what seemed to be an "attitude." At that point I decided to try to (1) acknowledge the "attitude" and (2) cast a positive tone by moving in the direction of seeking specific clarifications: You will notice that I ended on a positive note with an attempt to smooth out the tone of the thread: That was a sincere expression of hope which I remember struggling with to try to get you to acknowledge your combativeness and at the same time to try to help turn the tone of the thread around. As much as I'd like to take credit for all the positive, well-meaning comments and suggestions that followed, I can't. The people who chimed in to help probably didn't even read my post!!! However, my initial reply back then (a) acknowledged the hostility and (b) was intended to be helpful in a positive way. My use of the "Confused" emoji was a sincere expression of confusion. And I remember being glad when others chimed in as I predicted by "helpfully offering serious suggestions." As for the current thread, I still think you were wrong when said I was trying to make you look like a fool. Now that I re-read the first thread, I can understand the basis for your attitude. As I wrote above, our workflows are different and if the box I mentioned had been checked, unchecking it could have helped. That was and is the extent of my ability to help with this issue and I still defer to others for additional diagnostic and workflow suggestions. Peace!
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