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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks. A few years ago I started compiling a list of plug-ins I had acquired with all my Cakewalk purchases over the years in order to go through them all to see which ones worked with the latest version I then owned. I seem to recall discovering that somewhere along the line bought-and-paid-for plug-ins no longer worked in newer versions (if I remember correctly). So, thanks for sharing your list! Steve
  2. Thanks for the detailed reply, Matthew. The clarifications and confirmations of what can be changed and what can't (as of yet) as well as the how-to explanations are helpful. Earlier, I used M-Titanium to search for and test drive a simple tweak using one of the "Background (collapsed)" module buttons. Knowing that M-Titanium had those overridden was very helpful in finding the parameters/elements. I'm not sure I like what I did or if I have the stamina to design a whole set, but it is making sense. Oh yeah, I used an old standby--MSPaint--mainly because of familiarity (no need to learn a new tool). Perhaps the other graphics tools mentioned will give crisper results. Again, thanks for the help. Steve
  3. Thanks for raising this issue and for the insightful replies. I, too, have been struggling with readability and had been hoping there were font/text parameters that could be changed (i.e., tweaking light grey letters on a dark grey background). Evidently (if I understand the discussion correctly), it cannot be done with font/text parameters; rather, it seems that every place there is text, a new graphic would have to be created. Steve
  4. Thanks to you and to others who have contributed themes and made insightful comments about editing themes. As of yesterday, I am new to CWxBL. My use of TTS software dates back to the '90s, but I only discovered there was a non-website-based version of BandLab yesterday. Evidently, I didn't see the standalone version back in April 2018. With recent vision issues (thanks to a former workplace), I have trouble reading Mercury and Tungsten--even after I make my display larger than recommended. Some color combinations are extremely difficult for me--such as light grey on either white or black/dark grey. Other colors distract my mind--such as vibrant red/orange, neon green, etc. I have played with the editor a bit today and understand the basics. I have downloaded some user themes and have no issues with loading them. I can probably figure out which parameters are which and which ones I need to tweak but only after after a lot of trial-and-error, and I just want to get on with making music--not searching for possible parameters to tweak. So, I am wondering if you can point me in the direction of some parameters which would let me get started. After I get these basics, I might want to tweak others, but these are the most problematic for me at the moment. Thanks!
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