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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. LOLOLOLOL! I'd recommend fresh fruits and vegetables for your problem, but they might be hard to find if you have a COVID-19 inspired lock-down in place. I have fresh veggies, but I am not leaving my home and therefore cannot send you any. Good luck with that!!! ?
  2. EDIT: After a number of focused tests, I highly suspect the issues I experienced and attempted to describe (1) predate any of the 2020.04 Early Access Releases and (2) are most likely the result of the interaction between my specific PC and the specific soft synths and FX plug-ins I have been using. The issues I described have not gone away; they are reasonably consistent; I am trying narrowing it down. At least with the projects I am using on my PC, they might be related to the drawing of VSTs, possibly specific VSTs or specific VSTs from specific manufacturers. Or, it could be related to some changes I did to my PC: (1) removing virtual desktops and/or (2) under privacy settings denying permissions for apps, such as camera, mic, location, etc. I rarely use screensets and have the ability to explore work arounds. I was curious when I saw the screenset issue post and found I also had it under the newest Early Access Release. I am used to other issues with Cakewalk that go unresolved, so it is not a major issue for me. The nature of bugs can be elusive--sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. I have no doubt that 99% of users might not have a specific problem. As for me, I will roll back to the last working non-early release and re-test the files I have been testing the screenset issue. If I don't have these issues, I will put a post-it note on my monitor not to accept any newer versions. If I find a work around, I might share that. So far, for me the FX VST Control Bar lock up I have been experiencing this morning can be resolved my minimizing the plug-in and then docking it in the Multidock. Unfortunately, that locks the FX VST into a cutoff mode. There are several work arounds for that--such as deleting the plug-in and inserting it again. If I can create a new project with a non-third-party paid plug-in that distributes the issues, I will share it. To be clear, as I originally stated (i.e., the reference to Project A and Project B), I have also been able to open some projects and not have the screenset issues. On my PC, it only seems to occur with some projects. I am now officially bored with trying to isolate the problem. ? Apologies to those who have no issues with screensets.
  3. If the screensets module was not in the Control Bar, perhaps (1) you have it unselected (in which case you can add it by right-clicking on the "empty space" in the Control Bar or (2) you have screensets excluded through a custom workspace (in which case you can switch to a workspace that includes screensets). Also, if you have a custom theme that wasn't updated for these EAs, you might want to try either the factory themes or one of the 2020.04 EA tweaked user donated themes.
  4. Preliminary observations: This is odd. I was on EA1, verified my current project [A] had screensets, rolled back to the previous version, updated to EA2, loaded the same project [A] and found the screensets module did not seem to work at all. I loaded another project and found screensets were there. Then I switched to the first project [A] and the screensets from the second project persisted, but I was able to switch them and get the screensets from the first project [A]. It does not seem to be a user workspace issue because my workspaces is set to "None." This is odd. I will try several more times. UPDATE 1: I reopened project A. Hovering over buttons in the screenset module shows names for screensets, but the buttons do nothing. I will test for the effect of a custom theme as the possible cause. UPDATE 2: I closed project A and reopened it. Same problem. Looked at preferences; I had been on Mercury. Switched to Tungsten. Screenset 1 showed in the top bar and the buttons worked. Switched back to Mercury. It was a problem again. Will do more testing, but I don't think its your error. UPDATE 3: I tried switching to the Advanced workspace and then back to None (still using project A and Mercury). Same problem. I am very reluctant to call things bug (much to the chagrin of other users who insist on things being bugs), but with this preliminary testing, if someone called it a bug, I wouldn't argue with them. Definitely unexpected, though (IMO). I hope others (esp. staff and power users) can look into this before my OCD kicks in. UPDATE 4: The problem occurs with some projects, not with others. I then switched to the Advanced workspace (as opposed to None) which has the Screenset Module collapsed. I experienced a consistent problem switching to Screenset 1--the UI switches, but the name doesn't show up. Not sure if the issue is with screenset 1 or the name I used "2020-04-13" or something different. Under "Misc." for EA2, I thought the following statement was a fix: but after loading files under various conditions, maybe its more of a "known problem" in EA2 they are still working on. I thought perhaps the problem was caused by files saved under EA1, but I do not want to roll back and then try saving files under EA1. Maybe when I re-boot again tomorrow morning it will have fixed itself.
  5. Footnote: Some reading matter: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4643&context=gradschool_dissertations
  6. In any synths I have used there is a pitch bend setting for range which can be set to different values--0 for no pitch bend, or any number of semitones, intervals, or octaves. The full range of the wheel's movement is then mapped to the pitch bend range. For example, I can set the PB range to a perfect fifth. In that case, moving the wheel up full bends a note (or notes) up a Perfect Fifth and moving the wheel completely down lowers the note(s) by a Perfect Fifth. Likewise if I set the PB range to 2 octaves or 3 octaves, etc. the wheel changes the pitch based on the range set in the PB range parameter. EDIT: To see what midi data TTS-1 responds to (such as PB range) see the document available through TTS-1's HELP button. Never mind; I don't use PRV and evidently the PRV has its own set of rules for handling MIDI data.
  7. I opened this in both SONAR 8.5 and Cakewalk by Bandlab. Neither opened up the project with any soft synths, just midi tracks. Are you using hardware synths? If not, did you assign the tracks to any soft synths? UPDATE: I opened it again in Cakewalk and the tracks are now assigned to and playing Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. I inserted Cakewalk TTS-1 and pointed each track to that soft synth instead of the basic MS GS soft synth and it plays. As you might know, MIDI files don't have sound, they just have instructions which midi hardware synths and software synths use to do things like play notes, change patches, etc.
  8. Thanks for mentioning this. I was getting nauseous (like motion sick) in the default mode. I found in the settings I can set the zoom increment (5% works for me) and can set up the X and Y dimensions of the lens. I like that I can do Ctrl+Alt+ Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out.
  9. Thanks for taking the time to share your sample library choices and your recording/production insights and for the links to your wonderful music.
  10. Do you know what method(s)/tool(s) were used? Thanks.
  11. (1) Are you disagreeing with my agreement with slartabartfast? (2) Are you disagreeing that the solution I found to translate the linguistic conflation works for me?
  12. Ooops. You want to set it up as a default, not on a folder-by-folder basis.
  13. I am not sure if this is the kind of thing you have in mind or how to do it in the new arranger (if possible), but I would like to be able to take soft synth-based loops that I create in individual projects and arrange them. If that is possible with the new arranger, could someone create a mini-tutorial (written steps for each part of the process) to lead me through the process? Thanks.
  14. I don't know if its the quickest or best way, but if you have the console in the Multidock, you can have the Synth Rack in another tab in the Multidock and just switch tabs. I tend to have the synth rack or the track view available, rarely just the Console. Others might know better/easier ways.
  15. My problem was solved by following the advice posted: (1) Revert back to the previous version, (2) Run the revised EA installer. After that I had the PC Presets. Would it still be helpful to know additional details? I did get a Windows message saying some components could not be rewritten, but I didn't save a screen grab. If I would be helpful, I can revert/update again to capture the message, though I don't recall it specifying what couldn't be written. Like Windows Defender, AVG also flagged the program, but each time it did a scan and said no issues were found. I assume they will also be adding it to their database.
  16. Are you changing the initial presets in the track header--the B [Bank] and the P [Preset] widgets? If you are just changing them in the TTS-1 UI, when you hit play, the track settings might be changing them.
  17. The use of "Rules" threw me off yesterday, too. I believe it refers to what some people might call guide lines--the lines that separate octaves. Similary, I believe "measure rules" are the lines that separate measures.
  18. Thanks for the quick rebuild. It let me see the PC Presets as well (using the new next and previous buttons). Thanks also to those who spotted that and reported it. This will encourage me to use PC Modules!
  19. To grab screen shots of dialogs, mini-windows, panes, etc., I usually, (1) make sure it has focus and (2) press Alt + Prnt Scrn. That places the image in the cut-and-paste buffer. For things that disappear when alt is press, I grab a full screen shot, paste it into MS-Paint, and cut out the section(s) I need. There are other methods, too. If you are handy with cut-and-paste shortcuts (esp. Ctrl + V to paste), this method might work for you.
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