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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Double Match: Bleed & Stone! ? Triple if you consider Mick Jagger a heart throb.
  2. I only posted an example of a Type 1, multi-track file above. Here's an example of a Type 0, multi-track file.
  3. Just an example of what it looks like: File > Open [99091301.MID (a midi file from 1999)]:
  4. B0 is a hexidecimal (base 16) number, Bn refers to a hex number where n = (midi channel -1). So, B9 0A 32 is a midi continuous controller command on midi channel 10 in hex. When people write CC10, that's usually shorthand for Continuous Controller # 10 (in decimal). Some people prefer decimal numbers; some people prefer hexidecimal numbers. Many (not all) midi reference manuals will include both. The Novation manual is nice in that it gives you both. Cakewalk's Event List uses words (Note On, Controller, etc.) instead of either decimal or hex numbers and has the additional bytes/numbers in columns. If I remember correctly, Sysex commands can be hex, but the others are decimal only. (Not 100% sure. It's been a while.)
  5. From the manual, it seems there are some Bn 00 xx commands to change the unit's state AND there are sysex commands for other individual changes. Did you try just sending a single Bn 00 xx command from the Event List? If I had a unit, I'd try that first. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.27.html#1122094 If that doesn't work, perhaps you can use one of Cakewalk's bank switching modes to send out the CC0 command. This might work if the unit will ignore CC32 + patch. I did not see CC32 or program change commands in the Programmers Reference manual. So if the unit ignores them, Cakewalk's bank switching options might work for what you want. If I had a unit, that's what I'd try if the single CC0 command didn't work. Maybe a staff member or a power user can help with this.
  6. Are you trying to use the bank switch CC? Cakewalk can do that. Lemme see if I can find that section. Maybe this will help: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Dialogs1.13.html IIRC, you send the CC 00 command, the CC 32 command, and then a patch/program change based on the method your gear understands. If you are trying to switch banks, see also http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Instrument_Defs.07.html [Change language parameter as needed--e.g., language=1, etc.]
  7. I had a similar problem a few years ago--no sound when SONAR did not have my PC's focus. So I unchecked the option in Preferences "Suspend audio engine . . . ." Not sure if that will work with your issue, but it might.
  8. TY for your suggestions. Recently I haven't been using my Workspace that places a full screen Console on my second monitor, but from when I did IIRC, the Console was in exactly the same place (monitor 2) with the same status (full screen) for any projects I used it on. I don't ever remember having to reposition it for any projects, but that could have been a result of the projects I was using at the time. So, now I am wondering and when I use it again, I will look at the issue and suggestions here. Maybe I had the problem described and never noticed it. Anyhow, thanks for raising the issue and for the suggestions.
  9. From what I understand there are better programs than Cakewalk for large orchestral scores. You might want to try those. Evidently the previous post was about tracks, not scores with staves on them; ergo, comment was unintentionally OT.
  10. The visibility of widgets is (in part) a function of the Track Control Manager. Changing the Widget Filter / Track Control Filter to "All" is probably quicker than changing Workspace.
  11. Thanks for raising this issue and for the various comments. It has been a while since I systematically ganged multiple midi channels on one DAW/sequencer track--certainly before take lanes and probably the current system for setting different record modes (e.g., Sound-on-Sound). I did not look at the Console faders, so to a certain extent what I did based on this thread is off-topic. However, what I did relates to the comments made in discussion. I share my attempts to recreate an ancient workflow only insofar as it relates to the discussion. After the first attempt, I found I needed to change the takes behavior and the record mode since those did not allow me to use the ancient work flow. I only mention this in case these settings also impact what the faders seem to do, not to derail the topic. Then using a usb/midi keyboard I played an external multi-channel synth module in effect through Cakewalk so I could record data from three different midi channels on a single Cakewalk track and then playback them back. The first three passes were (for the most part) note data. With three more passes, I also recorded CC data. Thus Track 1 (the only track) had note data and CCs on 3 midi channels. As expected, when the Channel Widget was set to None, the three midi channels played three midi channels on the sound module. Also as expected, when the track was forced to a single midi channel (with the Channel Widget), all three midi channels played played the sound module only on the forced channel. I don't know that I will ever develop a work flow using this ancient method in modern Cakewalk, but if I understand the discussion points raised above, this little test might have some implications. PS: Chappel shows the widgets in the Inspector pane; to force all track data to a single midi channel, I used the channel widget in the track pane. (It shouldn'y make a difference, but if you don't usually use the Inspector, its another option.
  12. Thanks for the reply; makes perfect sense to me. I tried to reconstruct your usage based on the description and the screen shots. I am not sure I followed your exact steps. It looks similar, but not 100%. With the steps I came up with, after opening up a project that was saved with the staff view showing and positioned under the Control Bar, I got the following--but it obviously was not constructed with the same steps you used. Working on trying to figure out your steps. EDIT: On second thought: I closed the minimized icons and used Menu Bar > View to switch and now it looks closer to yours. EDIT: I set mine up with the Console showing under the Control Bar, saved it, closed it, closed Cakewalk, reopened Cakewalk and the project. The Staff View under the Control Bar came up (with a minimized icon, too). Next, I close the project without saving it and opened and closed it 4 more times with no changes. When Cakewalk created the UI, it seems to alternate between Staff View under the Control Bar and then Console under the Control Bar. This was not what I expected. It is almost as if the UI creation project doesn't do the same thing every time--not based on the project file or the "None" Workspace, but either randomly or based on something else we don't know about. I am still not sure I have re-created the same steps you used, but to me it seems I have re-created a possible anomaly that is similar to yours--namely, that the project UI construction is doing its thing in such a way as to violate user expectations. Just a guess on my part. UPDATE: At least in my case it could be that saving a project with the Staff View showing causes a problem for Cakewalk (not sure). I have gotten "not responding" several times when saving and loading with the Staff View showing, but not with the Console showing. I have also gotten the sluggishness when the project UI reconstruction sets up the Staff View. Once it decided not to open with the Staff View, it opened to the Console View and 3 times thereafter had no trouble opening up to the Console View. FWIW, I have tested saving a temporary Workspace instead of using "None" to preserve the last state UI configuration for a specific project. IIRC it seemed to work as long as I remembered to resave the Workspace. Not sure if the results I got come from my PC (I don't have a non-MoBo graphics card), if my results relate to your result, or if others have similar issues when closing and reopening projects that have the Staff View showing when closed. I hope this helps others to sort it out.
  13. I have played around with different designs for my Workspaces that use primarily the staff view. So, this caught my eye. I haven't tried it yet, but I am wondering if there are reasons why you use the "None" Workspace and not a custom one of your own design. Also, I am wondering what happens when you save your preferred state as a Workspace. Do you get the same problem? Just wondering as I have a number of Staff View oriented Workspaces myself.
  14. Newcomers to Cakewalk don't have all the plug-ins and other content that came with the paid versions; no need to feel bad or guilty (in my opinion).
  15. I am not a legal expect, and I faced a situation years ago where from an EULA it was unclear to me if I could use material commercially for my own music. I wrote the vendor, pointed out relevant sections and asked a very specific plain-English question ("Does this mean I can or can't . . . ?") I got a very nice reply explaining that yes I could . . . . I looked at this terms you link because I was curious. There are other sentences where it seems that using the Assets is only OK for electronic applications/digital media. ? There is also this: To me I think the legalese is trying here to make a statement about the Assets themselves [as Assets] as opposed to original music which uses the Assets. With live and recorded performances that are non-digital, there is no need to distribute/transfer the Assets themselves. The quote you use refers to "a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual license to the Asset to integrate it only . . . ." To me (not a lawyer) "a license to the Asset to integrate it" is less clear. But I would hope that "integrating" an Asset refers to distributing the Asset as an Asset. If I were planning to use the product for any purpose, I would ask about this. (Like many people, I detest legalese. Its EULAs like this that inspire my reaction.) EDIT: I think the difference between (1) using the product and (2) distributing/transferring the digital Assets as Assets is warranted by this: In other words, permission is explicitly granted to use the Asset per Section 2.4 of the Agreement [after the Terms]. However, people who agree to using the Assets seem to be agreeing to corporate censorship: To me, by implication people who have purchased a license to use the Product and its Assets are allowed to use it in any non-explicitly "prohibited" ways without violating the agreement. DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer or any sort of legal "expert" and I have a strong bias against legalese. Needless to say, if you write to the company and they say you can only use the product for digital/electronic media (i.e., not for performances and non-digital/electronic media), that overrides my opinion.
  16. You posted the website, not the app. See link immediately above.
  17. From my browser's url bar, I copied and will now post the link directly as opposed to using a hyperlink: This is the hyperlink method.
  18. I never pay attention to tooltips and I only have the English version; however, I gave this a try hovering first over the Inspector pane and then in the track header pane. My tooltips showed correctly. By any chance do you have your monitor or windows to display at a size other than 100%? I just tried my display at 150% and tooltips still showed up properly.
  19. I don't use the PRV and I don't zoom via mousewheel and mousewheel + Alt, but FWIW here are my results from playing around a few hours ago: Respectively, these are 0, 1, 2, and 3 single mousewheel + alt clicks. At least on my PC the scaling is not linear. I do not use this and have no idea what Windows, mouse driver, or Cakewalk settings impact the relationships between the zoom and the PRV. I did notice that with the mousewheel + alt clicks, the zoom widget also showed more of a change from 0 to 1 than for later clicks. Maybe this will help?
  20. Update [2020-05-05]: The short answer: "Track Pane." @Jim FogleI stumbled onto that mini track header pane a few months ago and have found it handy to have in some UI configurations. I just thought of it as a mini track header pane but maybe someone knows the official name. I seem to recall I found it in the multi dock; not 100% sure. EDIT: Evidently I found it useful (among other places) in some of my staff entry workspaces so I didn't need a large track pane. ADDENDUM: When my main view is in full screen and the multidock is undocked also as a full screen, "D" is a quick toggle between the two. I think the following shows why I started calling it a mini track header pane. Maybe @Colin Nicholls has the official name in his theme guide? FOUND IT: In the current theme guide, its in Section 5.1 "Track View | Track Pane." Looks like it could be called a "mini track strip."
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