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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Perfect offer to use with my $75 voucher!
  2. Need an upright bass at a good price.
  3. Isn’t this just for newbies opening an IK account?
  4. I guess they had the name of both company’s law firms. Not surprising that Fender used Gibson Dunn—one of the largest corporate law firms in SoCal.
  5. Holding out for the Lindell 50 series at that level.
  6. LAGinz


    So is the Dodo extinct? Has anyone tried it?
  7. You know it’s funny, given my complaints above, but if I were you I would get the upgrade, on maybe the 50/50 chance that they get things straightened out. I like the sounds that much-they just seem more organic and real to me than the Toontrack stuff (which is great stuff).
  8. Yeah, I rolled back to the FX 3.3. Version. Drew is a good guy, and helped me on a few things post migration. But in the end, I got tired of too many wonky stability issues. If they solve these, I’ll come back because I REALLY dig the sounds, but until then…
  9. Do you still have to be connected to the internet to use this? Are the re-authorizing issues still there?
  10. Download and install worked ok here…OTOH, overall a. pretty meh freebie, with a few worthwhile sounds.
  11. TSE freebies are definitely oldies, but goodies. The way my wife (usually) views me:)
  12. About the same here….on all counts.
  13. These guys make good stuff, but it would be pretty hard at this point to convince me I need another saturation option.
  14. Man, listening to these I’m definitely jonesing for a lap steel. Now to figure out which one!
  15. Buying nothing from these guys until they make the platform more stable. Love the sounds…reliability, not so much.
  16. Actually about 2 minutes ago they finally answered me. You were right.? Thx:)
  17. Hey Lars, curious about your source on 2, re: the freebies. I’ve specifically raised this in a support question with IK, and instead of answering it, they instead answer a question I haven’t even asked.
  18. T.here are still a few variations on this that make me a bit uneasy before proceeding, since Peter has been a bit quiet when they have been raised. They are as follows: 1. If I have, let's say T-Racks 5, showing a Transfer button, the dropdown Promotion menu shows I can select not T-Racks 5, but the T-Racks 5 crossgrade. Does this mean I can sell my first license and activate the crossgrade, so long as I maintain in my account a non-freebie with at least a $99 value? 2. Lets say I participated in a Group Buy 5 years ago for which product X was the qualifying product, and now shows a red Transfer button. If I select a duplicate of product X as a freebie and sell the original license, do I lose the freebies that came with the Group Buy 5 years ago? 3. There are a number of situations similar to 2, but where the original purchase was not a Group Buy, but rather some type of combination, upgrade or other special deal, the question being whether selling the original license undoes any of the benefits of the original purchase.
  19. The name “inflator” is pretty accurate. It makes instruments sound bigger and a bit more present. I found it especially helpful when applied to some of the old Sampletank 2 sounds, many of which always sounded a bit small to me. A bit similar to the IK “tone control” effect that’s in Sampletank and Mixbox—but a little different.
  20. Yeah, but if you select a freebie that is a duplicate of another freebie, you won’t be able to transfer either one.
  21. It looks like I can select the “crossgrade” even though I own the underlying product.
  22. What a great deal!! Because I’ve now run out of freebie options though, I had a question.: If I own multiple IK products with transferable licenses that qualify me for crossgrades, can I, for example, select the Syntronik cross-grade as a freebie, and then sell my original Syntronik with the transferable license? This assumes that I retain at least one other eligible IK product that qualifies me for the crossgrade.
  23. It’s looking to me now, with the latest Custom Shop, you can scroll through the various products under the Sampletank, T-Racks and Amplitube categories, and their subcategories. If you see a check mark or nothing next to the individual product, you have it. If you see a shopping cart next to it, you don’t. One caveat though is be careful about some of the “versions” of Sampletank, Amplitube and T Racks themselves that it says you need since you may well have acquired the individual elements from other sources. And ,of course, stuff like ARC may not be in any of the above categories.
  24. Does anyone know what’s in the RX “8.5 “ update that just popped up on my Izotope Portal?
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