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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. A bit disappointed that REX files not recognized. Was hoping it would pick up my ancient Nine Volt Audio stuff.
  2. Good guys. I remember they gave away the old JB stuff before they became Toneboosters.
  3. True. Could be worse though. At least they’re allowing for machine-based licensing.
  4. LAGinz

    Why BFD sucks

    I tried InMusic version, but then switched back to the last FXpansion version, which works pretty well…albeit with some of its characteristic wonkiness. I would only recommend the InMusic version to those willing to take a flyer that they might eventually get it right. The only reason we are even still talking about BFD3 is that it truly sounds great.
  5. Oddly enough, Program Manager updated only some of my EZKeys MIDI packs.
  6. Doesn’t like REX files.
  7. Got it. But Cosmos is only a standalone, correct? It’s not appearing on my list of plugins.
  8. I find it kind of useful actually, given the current semi-chaotic status of my samples. Does buying the $10 sampler make Cosmos useable within my DAW?
  9. Would be nice to get a 20th anniversary CPU fix.
  10. Theory seems to work for any 3. I was missing Echo, Phase and Valve….total price was $75 in cart.
  11. Interesting, I don’t see Eos on the list. Seem to recall that one was designed by Sean Costello from Valhalla for Audio Damage.
  12. This pretty much does the same thing as Soundtoys Devil-Loc, correct?
  13. I occasionally slice up stuff like this for intros, fills or seasoning in stuff that I’m doing (jazz, rock or free form) that is usually fairly hard edged to start with. YMMV
  14. I know I’m in the minority here, but I find most of the EZKeys MIDI (not all, but including the new Folk set) to have the inspirational quality of elevator music.
  15. Advise doing the free trial before purchase. This crashes the latest Studio One Pro on two different Lenovo Windows 10 Pro computers I have. OTOH others have apparently not had this problem with S1. Note that S1 is not one of the DAWs supported by Relab.
  16. Heard back from them after e-mailing them. No upgrade deal from Digital Restoration Suite 2.
  17. Yeah, don’t see one specifically from Digital Restoration Suite 2. E-mailed them to find out.
  18. I’ve got the restoration suite and like it a lot. Now if there was a good upgrade deal …….
  19. Gonna have to wait. Can’t even sign in to the Softube site or my account here.
  20. I suppose they haven’t decided to allow machine-based ilock registration with this new update……
  21. To join the apparent GUI aesthetics poll going on here…I’m with you!
  22. I generally find most Toontrack MIDI to be a bit over-done, except EXKeys which I find to be often under-done.
  23. Signed on to my account….followed instructions….no pop up….nada.
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