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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. The spdif from the D-Box or the Apollo? I'm looking at the manuals and it looks like you use the D-Box "Summing Out" into the Apollo In (they suggest using 7 & 8 ) Basically just what Sheens suggested... I guess you create an Aux track that is feed from a send on the Master Buss. t
  2. Gary, first I’ll admit I only took a quick glance at both pieces of gear. Based on that I would send the AES output from the D-Box into the Apollo and record that. Question; the D-Box sums 8 analog tracks. How do you get the 8 tracks in? I don’t see 8 analog inputs. They come in digital? Then the D-Box does the D/A A/D ? t
  3. Fixed! t safe travels Lars...
  4. I love it Freddy. But I got to say one thing; white bread. Its true to the Everly Brothers cover, but they were NOT Richard Penniman! t for the youngsters out there
  5. <mock outrage> My Gawd Man! Mick Fleetwood (maybe one of the top ten rock drummers of all time, in what is maybe one of the top ten rock bands of all time) annoying? (I'm giggling.....) </mock outrage> This is NOT a Buckingham/Nicks Fleetwood Mac tune btw... rather a Weston/Welch collaboration. Mark you've done a great job on the vocals and guitars. Could it be remixed? Sure why not? If I was going to do a remix, I would heed noynekker's recommendations and concentrate on the kick, toning it down a bit (a lot) yet keeping the original intent (hows that for subtlety saying "man that kick is annoying" and "I don't know what to do"?). Performances; outstanding ?'s. Mix: good. t ok, a little truth here; I don't own Mystery to Me (actually the only FM album that does NOT feature Peter Green I own is the 2 CD; Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits) I've always thought this was Stevie Guitar Miller; you may laugh incessantly now. that is all...
  6. Surprised that Dave @bitflipper hasn't weighed in (maybe everything he uses is covered). One of the best slide/steel players on the forum. Does it all on the keys... t
  7. No. I tried it for stereo guitar and mandolin. what is the “back” diaphragm in mono , is never as hot a signal even when “off axis” for a stereo capture. I was not impressed (with the stereo results). Interesting piece of kit, but I don’t think you’ll get the results you are looking for. At least I didn’t/couldn’t. They have some tutorials online, I inquired about stereo , if I remember correctly, “we’re working on it “ was the reply. Maybe the software has evolved. I don’t see how the discrepancy in the captures could. But maybe… t
  8. Hey Ed, I did not find the L22 useful for doing stereo recordings. Instead I replaced it with a n AEA R88. YMMV t
  9. @Jesse Screed Billy Gibbons used a peso. Brian May a six Pence.
  10. In Tulsa, pretty “bored” this morning… t
  11. I’ve used the Fender “teardrop”,(medium) since the early 70’s. Never drop them. Tickles me when I see picks taped to every available surface. Are you spastic? The only time I need to change is if I do a bunch of “scrapes”. Then I clean it up with an emery board and put it back in rotation. I still have some from what must have been a gross of them I bought in the 70’s. Came in a cute little square box with the Fender logo… t
  12. What scale length? Trouble with P-bass, for me, is the long scale. I have a Hamer Slammer. There’s a used one on Reverb $199. Think I paid 125. Decent instrument. “Short” scale. YMMV… t
  13. You can say that again (wait, maybe I have)! As always Nigel, you’ve knocked it out of the park! I had the jump on the rest of the forum as I had already purchased the album (perhaps I was the first PayPal purchase?) It is work like this that gives the “songs forum” the gravitas that I believe it enjoys. ??? t
  14. I had an ES-225, bacca burst, back when. That rosewood bridge and I never got along. I’d “whack” it, and it run across the top; ouch. “Just didn’t seem to have no finesse “ Me, not her.
  15. <humor> almost as good as when Henry acquired Cakewalk? </humor> t btw, did a year with Slate, realized I could live, was living without it. The FG-X can get a track loud, fast. Too bad it’s abandonware…
  16. Select the track, “k” on your keyboard will mute it (“k” again to unmute) or click the “mute” button if pulling the fader to all the way down is not silencing the track you have a routing issue. A pre-fader effect send most likely. HTH, t
  17. Oh I get it. I should have included, I never listen on my phone unless it is bluethoothed… t
  18. We’ll $99 sounds like a no-brainer deal to me then. Thanks gents! t done! thanks again…
  19. It’s my understanding that if you need good midi support; best to take a pass… Cakewalk on a PC, Logic on a Mac. t
  20. I always find Warren’s YT videos informative and fun. Is it worth joining? TIA t
  21. Bluetoothed to cans or my bose speakers. Both hype the bass, but sound better than the system in my Caravan.
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