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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Absolutely, and I am done comparing Sonar to 8.5. Scouts honor
  2. Did you buy the Backstage Pass? You cannot “save”, if you don’t activate. If you are on the “pass” I don’t have a clue. I haven’t had any issues in the limited time I’ve used Sonar. There’s a problem reporter in the help menu; IIRC t
  3. Other than “the earth is flat” UI. what the hey, I worked just fine in 8.5 t
  4. Liked, commented, etcetera… tried to tip, but my iPhone Apple ID is always a major PITA. Maybe because I’m a PC kinda guy? t
  5. For me the lyrics tend to write the melody. this is invariably how I work with my principal collaborator. He generally has a riff and the basic chord structure. But he knows better than to attempt to “sing” the lyrics we are starting with. He has zero sense of “meter” and canNOT carry a tune. My own stuff I think I approach the same way. Often the “germ” of the song is a lyric/melody combo from the beginning. Often that sets up, or a least starts, the chord structure. I can’t think of a single time I’ve had the chords and melody done without some of lyrics present. (could this be why I am not a successful songwriter? Heavens no!) t
  6. Yikes! I feel for you, as all here do. t my studio is still in WA, scheduled to move to my new digs in CA in the next two weeks. This raises my anxiety level several notches. @smallstonefan in my experience the “left” coast gets a “bad rap”. Enjoy your new digs in OR.
  7. That’s what the Celestion Speaker Shaper is for. Guitar >amp>speakers. Each and every component is vital. let’s not even add the player to mix… t
  8. I’m in the dark here. What is a moon muffin? t shame on me for asking, but if I visit their site it would probably end up with me buying something I don’t need and won’t use. ?
  9. Originally I asked: "So is the Sonar “price of admission” the BandLab membership? If so I’ll convert my “3 days free” to a yearly membership." What I meant to imply there was; I am perfectly happy paying $150 a year for Sonar. What I should have asked is: Will one option to using Sonar be the BandLab Backstage Pass? Noel answered this: "If you want to start using Sonar right away, backstage pass (which includes both Sonar, Next as well as other bandlab perks) is the only available option right now. There are plans for other purchase options but there isn't a known timeline just yet." Admittedly he does affirm or imply that Backstage Pass will ALWAYS include the use of Sonar or Next pwal said: "don't forget it's up to bandlab, not the bakers" to which msmcleod answered: "Thanks for pointing that out... I think people forget this!" Unless I "missed" something that's it in a nutshell. Hillmy is correct in that nowhere on CakeWalk.com is it stated Backstage Pass will always include the use of Sonar and Next. While I lean toward agreeing with Will: "Those who purchace a Backstage Pass gets an Early Access membership. This means that if you own a Backstage Pass you have the privilledge of getting the full DAW including new releases and updates before the general Public!" Only time will tell... Larry Jones has the "best" answer: "Unless you are an executive at Bandlab, you don't know this for a fact, and you are just speculating." so Bristol should have the last word... t
  10. Yes indeed, but it’s the “looking glass”! ”Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know” The Axe, in all its many iterations, is an amazing tool. I believe that, heart and soul. It just didn’t fit my workflow. @Scott dig into the forum, you’ll get your head wrapped around it… t I went from FXII to the Strymon Iridium, now I’m riding the ToneX… ” I cain’t never be satisfied”
  11. I have that, it’s called Sonar 8.5 IIRC. Meaning I own it and I have all the necessary “serial” and “key” to install and run it. Do I? Really? ?‍♂️ t
  12. I would do a "reset" to factory presets. Again, its detailed on the user forum. As Greg said above, hit the forum... Frankly I sold mine because the editing was so "deep" I could get lost in the thing and thus get no real work done. t
  13. What do you hear in the headphone output on the FXII? t
  14. I had the FXII connected via USB as well, but ONLY so I could use app. The Audio outs on your FXII need to go to the inputs on the Scarlett. You can't have 2 ASIO devices in Windows. Do a little digging, somewhere in Windows you need to disable the FX as an audio device. IIRC, there is info on the AXE forum that will help. t
  15. @Scott You’re trying to use the Ax as your audio interface? I had the same unit, but I did not use it as the audio interface. I sent the digital out into my RME UFX. t
  16. At this point evidently yes. That’s what I did… t
  17. Good morning @Ezekiel Tsman I must agree, the Sonar UI in a word is Flat! It seems like a blast from the past, namely Sonar 8.5. As to activation. Currently joining BandLab’s Backstage Pass is the only way to activate Sonar. It is one of numerous “perks” included with membership. There is a “3 days free” option. Backstage runs $15 a month. That is the option I chose. And a $150 a year option as well. HTH, t
  18. @John Vere 27" monitor here. Scaling at 100% Resolution 1920x1080. Text is the same size as SPlat and CbB. I've got some little "railroad tracks" above the docked Console view, that upon mouse over, are Arranger, Video, Bus Pane, etc. Those are tiny. Also using Mercury (no Carbon yet, but my fingers are crossed). The icons have changed a bit; annoying. Updated your iPhone lately?... Lets be honest, the UI is basically back to the future Sonar 8.5. It is FLAT.; that's my biggest disappointment, but not a deal breaker. As to paying to be a Beta tester, no one is being forced to pay. Want to "work" in Sonar, join BandLab. Want to just have a look and a quick "test drive"; no charge. Seems fair to me. t
  19. @Milton Sica at cakewalk.com there are links to CakewalkSonar and then a link to Backstage Pass. There you can select a 3 day "free" membership that will activate Sonar for 3 days (see image below). This is what I see when I launch Sonar: HTH, t
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