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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. it's more for aligning clips than changing the timeline. likely you'd want to insert a meter change to accommodate or change the timing of the clip to be more aligned with the tempo / meter / measure positions. http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=CakewalkSonar&language=3&help=Tempo.14.html failing that, my original statement of using a marker instead to explicitly declare the location would work even if the crtl-up/down doesn't deliver on odd positions outside of the measure/beat positioning.
  2. Next could be a candidate for IOS like iPad. the only trepidation i would have for Cakewalk would be the amount of support needed by iPad owners (in turn robbing us of Sonar and Next on Windows/Mac support) if you check out some other DAW (DAW-like) products, you'll find their forums are full of iPad issues because of hardware versions, IOS versions not working with the hardware versions, IOS versions not supporting features that 2 weeks ago were working and now are completely dropped or changed, etc etc. having Apple rule your platform kinda sucks in 90% of the cases...
  3. @RexRed if you have all your project content in a folder (like Cakewalk Projects or whatever you chose to keep your stuff organized in): 1. right-click on the top parent folder and select properties 2. select the security tab 3. select "to change permissions, click Edit" edit button 4. select "Users (devicename\Users)" 5. check the "full control" and "modify" checkboxes (this will give users of which you're one full control over the project folders and subfolders) 6. press "Apply" if there is an option to apply permissions to all the folders, subfolders, files etc make sure it is checked and OK. 7. go grab a beverage as it may take a while to process... 8. reopen the folder properties and if read-only is enabled, then uncheck the read-only attribute, select "apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files" and press OK 9. go grab a beverage while the read-only is removed... NOTE: this will not hurt your content and project files HOWEVER if you also have applications run from the same folder, then the permissions could adversely affect those (most times no, but sometimes developers do weird things) - so make sure this is only the content and project files folders and not the applications. NOTE: all this could be for moot if somehow you have a disk dedicated for your content and projects (like i do) and the inherit permissions is set to on (default), and you're restricted at the disk drive level. in which case i would apply the user permissions to the entire drive (which is what i did) to avoid anything at the top of the drive restricting you.
  4. maybe put a marker on the spot? if it's important to find, then make it explicit.
  5. i opened it in Sonar - i only have ~1/2 the plugins though and none of the VI, and none of the audio files. i attached it as saved in Sonar in case you want to try to open it in it's partial state to see if it changes anything. Coming Again 404.zip
  6. a number of plugins can passthrough the MIDI and those can be selected in inputs across multiple tracks. Kontakt, Polysher, etc. if the synth is enabled to passthough MIDI "Enable MIDI output if available". for myself - i prefer separate MIDI clips so i can tweak them independently.
  7. have you tried the tempo track approach as that can be more granualar and intuitive for adding tempo changes? click on the + next to Tempo Track in your inspector (in your image on the left top side)
  8. well, if nothing else, as it's an audio signal, you should hear it if you set your system to listen (without the DAW) to the interface and output it via another output like your device speakers or even the IO output...
  9. likely you have a bunch of things running you should turn off. check the short list in the Task Manager "startup apps" tab and disable most of those. also, in your anti-virus - create exceptions for the Cakewalk.exe and your audio project folder so you're not scanning those while using it; and make sure you're not using things like cloud services on your file system which has the audio or other DAW related files actively running. make sure your power settings are on high performance and, using device manager, turn off the "allow device to be turned off" settings on your disk drives and your USB interface. disable any RealTek audio drivers and services (removing them will only reinstall them...) do a search for the OS top audio system optimizations as a guide for turning things off.
  10. in solo & mono, you might find it "thinner", but in a full mix where you've already done the HP filtering, you're less likely to notice. and if you listen with a single mono speaker with the track in stereo, you'll be able to assess if there is an issue. other tricks include the Waves or Boz widener plugins, and of course using the Haas effect with a slight delay and judicious panning - as with the phase plugin, check in mono with the stereo feed to determine any ill effect.
  11. according to @Noel Borthwick Sonar has been in production 2 months? i've been using it for about 45 days and it's pretty solid, i had to pull up some old plugins which i knew might crash it (and not to disappoint they did) but other than trying to deliberating crash it, i only had one incident where it crashed (an update from Karzog) which when i updated the plugin went back to working.
  12. you probably should do a lookup on your OS for optimisation so your system isn't running stuff that can cause the cracks and pops ? sometimes it's as simple as turning off the network while you're doing stuff - making sure your apps are all off, no running discord server etc. ? gaming, etc can all make audio work tougher than it needs to be. the MME is not a good thing to run esp as the UMC204HD is a good interface (i'm running the UMC202HD at the moment on my laptop) via WASAPI shared (most times) or ASIO when i need to record audio.
  13. many times, having some details can more quickly result in getting things running. for example, is your "epiano" using audio or MIDI when connecting to the "interface"? my guess would be you have the stereo audio output on your epiano connected to the interface, and the interface is connected via a USB cable to CW. you note that CW recognises the interface - good sign. are you using WASAPI shared or something else for the interface? is it selected in preferences? is it selected in the audio track you are recording to? have you "armed" the track to record?
  14. i am on their blogs almost daily via the newsletter. even though it's a PT and UK focus on a lot of stuff, i find a lot of useful information on products, techniques, etc is there and sometimes a new plugin to explore as well.
  15. no, GE would have taken 10 years with 40 revisions ? each requiring contract extensions, new purchases, and more training on soon-to-be legacy revisions LOL. cheers! now, Boeing on the other hand...
  16. thanks Craig, as an enterprise architect for many years - when you factor in all the variables and if you're trying to make it real, then the bureaucracy seems to build on itself however the best of intentions and dedications. just the nature of organizing people, institutions, external forces, and then the communication complexities, in way all can understand and [co]operate. i've been eagerly following the work since early 2020.
  17. check out https://midi.org/midi-2-0 sign up for the newsletter. it's taken many (like eons in internet years) to begin getting traction [snark removed] it still has some ways to go to sort out oh, i still have my Alesis MIDI 8-track recorder....
  18. quick review ? you need to calibrate your system. input and output levels to a steady source, then match levels in the applications (DAW, media players etc) and your monitoring - speakers, headpones, etc and using stereo and mono sources etc. once you get the hang of it and you do it periodically, it's quick and you can avoid a lot of surprises. then take the mp3 to you car etc can set those levels so you know what level you get with your phone and car audio - with the car i like a flat setting and a "pop" or "classical" setting to compare esp for too much bass.
  19. yeah it's definitely one of the nicest freebie orchestra products out there.
  20. until they get the bar low enough with most people loving AI "created" content and AI "mastering" it... judgement day is coming! ? (actual some folks having been claiming this already happened due to the 1980's)...
  21. valid concern giving other companies dealing with users. i think for Bandlab, it's somewhat different as they're part of a well-funded media product holding company. but like anything in the future, nothing is guaranteed. Studio One could go under, Apple Logic could eventually become a proper DAW, the programmer of Reaper could decide to take the riches and retire.... ? so, much like anything else, only you can decide if your wallet and risk tolerance is balanced in a way that says "yes, Sonar makes sense for me", or simply acquire another product which does provide the balance.
  22. note: you can use articulation maps for creating the patterns in instruments which support keyswitches (or expression maps - you can import those from another DAW). a screenshot of articulation map (paid product) from Art Conductor for Cakewalk
  23. you might try to compress the duration of the clip to 50%? before setting = Process - > Length after
  24. maybe drink less coffee? maybe spend more time using the DAW and creating content and skip worrying about how much social media a product is using (e.g. how many times have you visited the "off-topics" area? vs tools & techniques?) one thing - if you are wealthy and can afford to suppliment the bandlab developer salaries, i'll bet it would be win-win -- you could become less anxious and they would have more money for cars, hot chicks, and better guitars.
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