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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. did you re-scan the plugins? i would be surprised the VST dll weren't also installed but maybe you just need the plugins refreshed.
  2. that would explain it. the preview files only showed up the first time i exported from Sonar even though the boxes where unchecked. and now, checking after the same project and several other exports - no preview files. so that's the answer. still, it would be preferably to never exported them unless checked... ?
  3. yeah, my Alvarez K Yiari DY-85 is going to get the treatment next. just need to spend sometime to find the right parts...
  4. well without more details it will be tricky but for #1 -if you open session drummer and then select in the programs list, the kit, and it loads: then you should see the kit and related parts in the session drummer settings. this should be the kit you then hear if you use the MIDI track to play the kit, or using the step sequencer to write the MIDI, or import MIDI clips, etc. as far as why you are getting things out of sync - no idea without more details.
  5. nice! one thing i highly recommend, i put this on my 2003 MIM Strat - the zero fret ("zero glide") nut. really gets your action down and intonation is excellent now. i did a bit of filing on a couple of frets to get it just right. so even with old fingers, it easy to play and enjoy! https://www.stewmac.com/luthier-tools-and-supplies/materials/nuts-and-saddles/zero-glide-nuts/
  6. if you got the Fender Squire tele, then you could afford the b-bender and some humbuckers too.... ?
  7. John -- you gotta start charging more at the gigs to cover your winter hobbies ?
  8. i believe the asset files were something in a version of CbB and then in a subsequent version were no longer used. so some projects may have them. but as far as i could tell there was no detriment to removing the them.
  9. unfortunately LUNA is still just a beta on Windows, just ran the update today and now some things work better, but i suspect it will still be a while to stabilise for it to be fungible on Windows for more serious folks.
  10. yes, and some other products, like several audio editors, do not respond well to improper vst3 plugin development. and it's easy to spot ? a bunch of the VST3 plugins with the new .vst3 folder extension work fine in CW, and a bunch don't.. then suddenly they work after an update from the vendor... dunno. i do know bugging the vendor (repeatedly if needed) seems to solve it in many cases...
  11. so might be a bug - generating the files when the project preview is unchecked, in my example, in both the WAV and MP3 export settings. unless the preview files are generated regardless so the start screen function. one interesting thing - when i first open the dialog the preview box is grayed out. when i did a "recall settings" for each task, the box was then "available" - however - this only occurs by default on all source settings except entire mix. otherwise it's grayed out until you recall the task settings... so busses, tracks, clips etc exports the box is grayed out. makes sense if i'm exporting anything other than 2-tracks...
  12. it's because not all developers have correctly updated to the new Steinberg VST3 spec so some apps work fine and a bunch do not. so follow the advice from Outrage to remove the .vst3 on the folder and rescan, and bug the plugin company to fix it.
  13. no, in the box VI don't need an audio interface per se - but you likely want to hear things - so some interface even if it's only the built-in audio IO is needed for monitoring. for example in a recent project w/ 8 VI and 22 tracks (mostly drums) i simply arm all the audio output for those instruments and press record. sip some beverage and then it's done, disarm the tracks and voila! 22 audio tracks.
  14. and i would note wrt the "customers" - Bandlab didn't seem obligated to keep the older SONAR site and etc up and running - but did at their expense and presumably because yes, they were looking to keep the customer base as intact as possible - makes really good business sense. does anyone think Gibson would have kept the product site and forums going after they took the money and ran?
  15. after doing an export last night, i found 2 uuid-like named files in the audio folder: 23080334-ae85-4925-b57d-be5b930eea6f.wav 23080334-ae85-4925-b57d-be5b930eea6f-52e0fc564dabce02a0322847fe187ea9.wav i exported a WAV file and an MP3 file. if i had to guess, these files are generated before creating the final destination file in the target export directory. when i listen to them, they appear to be identical to the exported mix, and the date time stamps are the same, and when i ran the export this morning the files show as "accessed" - presumably updated to reflect the last exported tasks this morning. Q: are these supposed to be cleaned up at the end of the export process? or are these tied to the export tasks (i.e. the internal task id is used to name these files) and they're preserved for subsequent task runs? Q: are these kept as part of the audio file collection if i make a copy of the project w/ copy files set on? meaning when i archive, will this come along, or they're only "known" to the export tasks?
  16. i'll be trading in my Slate subscription which is also around $15/month. not really a hardship as i don't really use a lot of it anyways unless someone sends me a project with them already in it. so - 2 in the past 2 years? the VSX and microphone stuff are all perpetual so i'll be good. as far as a fixed price? i'd suggest $375USD new, or with any major release upgrade / cross-product at $199USD (so about every 2 years or when you trade in PS 6 / Mixcraft ? ) it's like people who lease automobiles or buy mass-transit subscriptions - steady fixed (hopefully) monthly outlays, so for a continuous development and maintenance, subscriptions help to fund that vs, a single payment with the expectation of ongoing long-term support.
  17. if you've been doing anything with room measurement software (e.g. REW or ARC etc) you might be able to use REW to measure your headphone response and create a usable EQ curve to flatten it (something akin to what the soundid reference product does (and which i believe has a lot more supported headphones etc).
  18. it took some hours before deciding to get the $104 membership on BL. but i waited a month before downloading the latest versions of Sonar and Next because of all the reports of major issues. then installed updated versions a few days ago. and now some reason the Softube FET compressor Pro Channel is now working... LOL. otherwise the Sonar has been rock solid even running projects i was getting a bit twitchy response on in CbB (a rare thing). we'll see how it progresses before i decide the stay or not, but for $104 for 8 months to try it out - not a big deal at the moment...
  19. simple way is to set the percussion track/instrument to some other MIDI channel. i like to set my MIDI tracks not in use to an external MIDI channel i'm not going to use and that reduces the chance i'll inadvertantly trigger it from another source, including an insutrments which might pass MIDI through.
  20. this is the valid CW legacy product site. the "htm" at the end of the file name causes me to wonder... when i go to the legacy product page, the expansion packs have this URL: https://cakewalk.s3.amazonaws.com/support/Instruments/DM1/Downloads/Dimension_Pro_Free_Expansion_Packs_1-3.zip.zip this URL seems normal and, like Lynn, i've never had a problem downloading from the legacy site. just make sure you're not doing something like right-click and save-as and the type is coming up as HTML...
  21. the FET compressor still crashes CbB and Sonar (tested yesterday) - this is due to the size of the FEWT compressor UI which is not conforming to the PC UI sizing (i'm guessing it tries to scale it and then the Softube PC hits some protected memory and voila, a hard crash). if i use the FET compressor in the FX chain, and open it - no issue - just like any other plugin. load the PC version and open - waits a few seconds then complete crash (i.e. closes without any warning etc). it's been that way for many years now. using Version: 2.5.85 - these were the updates from Softube just 2 weeks ago... never mind. for some reason the 2.5.85 is working... as a note i installed Sonar and Next yesterday and today... this is in CbB: in fx chain:
  22. MRE all the way baby and a deep well! air filtration too!
  23. "chance favors the prepared mind" - for the past 10 or so years i've been archiving - projects, track WAV, MIDI, lots of documentation, etc etc so if i had to revive an older project and the software wasn't available i'd still be able to reconstruct in something else. if you're unsure of "when" the current product will go belly up, i'd just suggest "prepping" by getting your projects archived properly in case we're nuked...
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