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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. Unversity of Montreal recording studio classroom actually.
  2. i think we should remember - Bandlab bought the SONAR product intellectual property from Gibson after Gibson abandoned the SONAR users. and they generously provided the current "Cakewalk by Bandlab" to those aboandoned SONAR folks a free version of the updated product along with numerous fixes for that past 5 years or so. while the development team has been pretty much the same group of good people who have been managing the technical aspects of this transition, the Bandlab executives know (or care is perhaps the better word) little or nothing of the previous owners of SONAR agreements to their SONAR consumers (whom the Gibson company abandoned). so, it seems odd that people have an expectation that besides the IP bought, that the committment made by another entity (Gibson et al) was also "purchased" as an "incurred debt" to SONAR users. in practical terms, Bandlab doesn't owe SONAR users anything. but they did it anyways. for 5+ years. remind us how long Gibson milked it for the money before leaving us behind? i can say solely for myself - i'm grateful that i had a fairly stable DAW for these past 5+ years, for free. and as i decide on staying or going, i'm looking at a number of free and paid DAW products, and frankly, if i have to pay, i'm inclined to stay because when i look at the workflows / paradigms of other products, then visit their forums (and see most of them have actual mayhem going on there), i feel very confident the "grass is not greener on the field over the hill"... i especially feel bad for the Apple users who get doubly screwed - Apple in the front, DAW vendors (who "support" multiple OSes) from behind (or perhaps they simply tag team it, either way not a pretty visual and seriously not as much fun as it sounds like) anyways my 2¢. back to my popcorn, sorry to interrupt, continue the show.
  3. just as a follow on - if i'm doing multiple kick tracks (source, samples, 808 plugin etc) i'll first route those to an aux track which becomes my "kick track". same for basses, etc. note: i will do some side chaining of things at the buss level - lead vox side chained to dynamic eq on instrument buss to blend in by carving 1-2db of vox frequencies in the instruments, and perhaps some reverb/delay ducking with compression.
  4. see this reply in the duplicat ethread you made:
  5. firstly - check to make sure the boost 11 (very old plugin) isn't simply in the excluded plugins list using the plugin manager.
  6. not sure if this helps: i have my kick side chaining to the bass track(s). i have the kicks and basses routed to separate busses. i have a send on kick to the the "low" buss (which is all the basses and low synths etc) and can compress etc. as well as adjust the level of the kick there. kick is by default routed to a drums buss (as is the other drums + pdrum buss etc) which can have separate compression as well. i find this setup (for me) means the kick and bass are already "sync'd" before even hitting the mix busses and stem busses. and then in the low buss i can tweak more if needed.
  7. yeah if it's cracked software, that would be bad for several reasons, least of which is violating the company's product license and more likely that fact you'll be installing a hacking root kit and some other goodies allowing them to steal your stuff, ransomware you, and plant stuff to get you arrested when the time comes... bad enough the governments do it, but to pay for it... LOL
  8. if you're playing it via a keyboard, maybe your keyboard has options to up the velocity somewhat which should help. maybe just turning up the volume in the instrument could help - a lot of electric keyboards simulating tines etc often can be fairly soft. perhaps some expansion/compression and saturation on the audio could bring it up as well. if you're playing it via the PRV - then you can adjust the velocities and a number other controls to increase the volume levels and expressions.
  9. i told my mom "i want to be a guitar player when i grow up", my mom said "son, you know you can't do both"
  10. or reuse the full size wireless keyboard and mouse setup + the large flatscreen and neatly tuck the laptop into the corner ?
  11. i'm running windows 11 home on a laptop and pretty much always connected - sometimes i use airplane mode if for some reasons the network is doing something without any action on my part ? and except for the periodic re-running of the redistributables, it's been pretty rock solid. occasionally my good buddies at sound reference will decide to just go ahead and update in the middle of the day and then halfway through notify me the audio subsystem is now broken until i reboot ?but then i stop, save my work, reboot. send a note to them saying "please kindly f***off and stop doing it... i'm on manual updates only!!!!" but it is what it is...
  12. @Noel Borthwick it's almost a bummer the project files could be XML or JSON with compressed binary sections where needed and the rest is just a compressed data file - given all the pictures, audio, and possibly (if desired) MIDI content as files ? would leave really the metadata and the project settings... then creating extracts of plugins and whatever settings they share (you know so the state of the plugin is saved with the project ? ) would, imho, really set the bar pretty high as the ability to fully document the project is, well, erm, already done for the most part ? and with multiple cores, concurrent writes to an in-memory object writing streams to document sections would seem very feasible...
  13. while it does display the tracks, track notes, and files, it doesn't display the plugins except "grooveplayer" (maybe the "core" of SONAR and CbB?) and "melodyne" (if i has left it enabled in a project). so, it probably needs some refreshing of the code to get into the plugin section of the files after v28 properly and of course it would be really handy to have not only the plugin, version, but any of the stored plugin settings ? in the newer file, i know i have at least 10 plugins - all but 2 (VST2) are VST3 - so that may be one thing to address. screenshots of pre-v28 file and really old files e.g. v12 - mostly show up as "unknown" in the plugin column... ?
  14. or spend $9... https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Keyboard-Computer-ChromBook-Calculate/dp/B0871J67HD/
  15. usually each full Ample instrument is 5x that bundle price - so if it's legit then i'd get it. i have 8 ample instruments (basses, guitars, slide, banjo) and they're excellent. not sure what the differences are between lite and full - think some are # of samples, round-robin, and some articulations. i also use the AAS strum, and rarely, the UJAM silk2, mellow, and amber2
  16. well, the creative stuff is one thing, the post project cleanup, documenting and archiving is just a bit of work. of course if you decided to have 10-12 special FX on each of a 200 track project, then it might stifle your next project schedule a bit... LOL
  17. or go old school and keep copious project notes in something like a text file (e.g. notepad++) ... ? then the Windows search can find it... also useful for later when your plugins "age out" and are no longer available in that project you just opened 15 years later and the settings you wanted to get are not to be found... except that one time you wrote them down so you would remember that really cool effect you used on the ... sometimes lately i've been taking screenshots and pasting into Google slides as a record as well as my text files. not searchable per se but still handy.
  18. possibly because that's the old Cakewalk by Bandlab product and people ending up there from a search engine or other links might not be aware of the new Sonar and Next products...
  19. always a good idea to future-proof via your archiving process convert all MIDI tracks to audio consider exporting tracks as WAV files separate from the project - the export dialog makes this fairly easy. a. consider exporting clean as well as effects-printed tracks - more storage but more future options then make a new ARCHVE (copy files with project set on) of the project into a new (in my case sub) folder and copy in notes, lyrics, etc, so it's all fresh and current with your latest mix i do this on each project, regardless of whether i think i'll be using CbB, or Sonar, or PT etc sometime down the road (if i live that long). i wish i had adopted this 20 years ago (instead of 10) but c'est la vie
  20. MS Edge and a number of other products don't respect the "my updates are turned off" settings...
  21. dude! it's right there * clear as day. you have to squint slightly and cross your eyes (apologies if you're a pirate)
  22. what else happened? windows updates? other software updates? (MS Edge for example)? i'd re-run the CW redistributables to make sure nothing got changed during your connection time if you bypass the sound reference ID and go directly to the IO unit does it produce sound?
  23. why not make both the clip and the project tempo the same? ? also, assuming you have the original clip lined up correctly on the time line, myself, i simply split the clip on an empty spot (say 1:01) and on the end. clear off the ends. then copy and paste or crtl-drag the clip to the next #:01 mark. so if i have a clip from 1:01 to 12:04, then a place my next clip on 13:01. and if the tempos are correct, then it should align.
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