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Everything posted by husker

  1. I picked up the only guitars I didn't have - Vintage Gent, Django Jazz, Rubber Bridge, Dry Relic, and the Bluegrass Banjo. Special thanks to @Greg Schlaepfer for adding the Evolution Complete Bundle in the middle of the sale. That greatly helped out some folks (like me) who had an odd combination of products going into the sale. It makes it super easy to support a company when they look out for customers like that. I'm really a bit frustrated though. I've never really played the strumming patterns, and I started to play around with the rolls on the Bluegrass banjo. They sound nothing like the demos. I was trying to follow this simple example: I watched carefully - it really seems he is just hitting the three notes, as well as the strum string. My results sound nothing like a banjo roll (on any of the roll strumming presets) - it sound just like some odd combination of the keys I hold down. I need to look into it a bit more, but I've really been struggling with the strumming. I agree with the above posters that some simple midi files would really help learn the products.
  2. Yeah, but we have Larry, and they have (cough) Mike Greene...
  3. As a Nebraska farm kid, I don't care about Kansas...
  4. I actually just ordered a new DAW from Jim
  5. Good Karma to you for the Def Leppard example. Every time someone checks Lep, the world moves one step closer to true peace.
  6. I'm the same way about IK. I ignored them for several years, but really bought in during the last group buy. I kind of regret it now. I'm not sure I'll ever buy another IK product. Its such an odd company - the products seem great, but they just seem to have strange bugs, and their product rollouts seem to be the worst in the business. I mean, they are just disastrous on occasion. Look at the IK threads here - confusion on the processes, updates not working, the list goes on and on. I don't think I've seen a smooth rollout from IK yet. And their update credits for existing customers are bad. Really bad. My experience with their support has been poor as well. Look at the Native Instruments or Arturia rollouts - simple, easy, clear, and they "just work." Hats off to Peter, he comes here and tries to help, but what he has to deal with certainly isn't easy.
  7. Where do these presets come from. I've updated to 2.04, and they don't show. Also, nothing in my Sounds downloads in IK Manager.
  8. Husker: The SOS part is right as I can use all the help I can get making music buying more plugins.
  9. Best mag in da biz! (Boom. I beat him)
  10. I joined last year to pick up the handful I didn't have...then forgot to buy them.
  11. My favorite thing is the whole moral argument they are having on this sale over at VI Control...
  12. I never thought about that. Maybe I should hold off. I would just hate missing out on these pricing errors.
  13. I put it in my cart, but didn't purchase. Looks like it would still work for me since it is in my cart. I only have the Elements versions of the big products. Decisions, decisions...
  14. I think they are going to move $29 out of my wallet. I mean, if I spend this now, future upgrades will be cheaper. Given the current rate of global inflation, this is the smart financial play here. Right?
  15. Does this contain all that was in the first iteration?
  16. Alright guys, I'll take one for the team. About to start individually getting these. Hey, its my lunch break at work, and I'm a sucker for free samples. I'll pretty much go through the process of download any sample if it is free.
  17. How many kidneys would one have to sell?
  18. I spend WAY too much time on Groove 3...
  19. Don't feel bad, I didn't know either until someone on the forum mentioned it a few months ago. Release notes man, release notes...
  20. They are a Scandinavian company that consistently update their products with no discernable differences or release notes.
  21. husker

    Sonar X1

    I joined right as the "Sonar For Life" campaign started. I bought it for $500 and thought I'd never have to spend another dime.
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