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Everything posted by husker

  1. Unfortunately, my newsletter is active.
  2. If you buy it twice, does it sound twice as good? If so, your Eventide bundle ought to sound amazing....
  3. Bought 2 more Ark collections this year, but no email code for me. ?
  4. @cclarry Appreciate the Karanyi posts. Been waiting on a sale for Vapor Keys 2, so if you see it, please let us know. I've been trying to check each day, but I forget some days.
  5. I get really concerned about AI, only for the ethical issues that inherent to it. At its core, AI must be programmed - and that programming may have long term consequences out in the wild. Think of a self driving car. Self driving cars are becoming more and more aware of their surroundings, then make decisions based on that data. Consider this example: A self driving car gets cut off by a car on a narrow street, and has to make a decision on what to do. A group of nuns are on the sidewalk to the left, and group of school children are on the sidewalk to the right. A school bus is right next to it. The car has to make a choice (albeit a horrible choise) on what to run into. At some point, those "ethical" decisions have be thought out during coding.
  6. I left Loopcloud when they stopped allowing user content to be included in libraries (I think version 6). It was a nice product until then. I actually sent them a message about how much I thought it was a bad decision. They actually had the gall to respond to tell me it was a "requested feature" to remove the ability to have content outside of Loopcloud in the app. I told them they were full of crap, and that I would never buy from Loopcloud becuase of it. (Get off my lawn!!!) I bought Sononym instead.
  7. Its so nice to hear stories like this. I really struggle to even finish a song. Its been awhile since that actually happened.
  8. 1.1.5 Added resizable UIs for all Clockworks Bundle plugins: H910 Single/Dual, H949 Single/Dual, Instant Flanger Mk II, Instant Phaser Mk II, Omnipressor, and SP2016 Reverb Added resizable UIs for all H9 Plug-in Series plugins: Blackhole, CrushStation, Crystals, MangledVerb, MicroPitch, Rotary Mod, ShimmerVerb, Spring, TriceraChorus, UltraTap, and Undulator. As a result, the Source dropdown in TriceraChorus was moved from the preset bar to the main UI panel Fixed a crash in Physion Mk II, SplitEQ, and Tverb in Studio One and Cubase when changing a mono track to stereo with the plug-in UI open Fixed a bug in all H9 Plug-in Series plug-ins in Studio One and Cubase where changing a mono track to stereo with the plug-in UI open would not update the plug-in's meter layout Fixed a bug in all plugins where "Copy Support Information to Clipboard" was missing information regarding sample rate, buffer size, and channel layout Further optimized spectrum analyzer code in SplitEQ Further optimized waveform drawing code in Physion Mk II Fixed a bug in Physion Mk II where "Info -> Webpage" incorrectly linked to Physion v1
  9. Stefan did announce this on VI Control. It is legit (and it did fix the problems).
  10. So you are saying that Dream Theater probably doesn't use BIAB?
  11. I had the same issue. Wasted about 10 minutes. All it did was remind me I have a lot of Waves plug ins.
  12. I know how you feel. I was kind of in the same boat a couple of years ago. This is my problem - I love researching things as much as I love playing with them. FWIW, that is what they now call "non sustainable." I've gotten so much more "picky" about what I get. I keep a spreadsheet of things that I know I will pick up at some point, and the price I am willing to pay. All that info comes from research, reading manuals, and this forum. Members here are so helpful in that regard. Shoot, a couple of years ago, I was looking at keeping my Gothic Dronar collection moving along. I posted what I was planning, and @cclarry sent back this super complex process in like 87 steps (slight exaggeration), that actually got me more libraries at a lower cost. I still can't believe he went to the trouble to figure that all out for me. That list keeps shrinking every year, and at some point I'll be like @bitflipper and a couple of other sage members who just don't buy anything. There are only a couple of instant buys for me. Any new Ethera library. I know I'll pick up the year's collection from Samples From Mars. Past that, I'm now super picky about what hits Paypal.
  13. I think a Cobalt 8m to join my Argon 8m. Then one of two others: 1. A Guitar Center about an hour away from me has a pristine Fractal Axe FM III Mk. II that they've had in their used rack for a few months. I've been bickering with them on the price for two months. I think they are about to cave. (or) 2. An Elektron Analog RTM 2. I've got plenty of hardware synths, but I don't really have a good drum machine. I've been researching them for quite awhile, and have about settled on this one.
  14. 8 Dio Intimate Studio Brass, Strings, Woodwinds Dorico 4 Elements Finished out my Metropolis Ark Collection Ethera Atlantis 2 BBC Symphony Pro upgrade from Core Sample From Mars (2022 Collection) Melodyne Upgrade to Editor (which I actually feel pretty good about. I got Melodyne Essential for free somewhere, I had a $20 coupon at the Celemony store which I used to upgrade to Assistant, then used Everyplugin to upgrade to Editor. So, I have a grand total of $132 to go from nothing to Melodyne Editor. ) And as @Nick Blanc says, the hardware comes next month.
  15. OO! Love that thing. I played with one several times at Perfect Circuit in LA. I'd love to get one some day.
  16. I have both. Now where can I buy the talent? Any Cyber Monday deals on that?
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