Note that after your survey, your code is generated on the survey results page. You will not receive an email with the coupon code. So, if you inadvertently close the web page down, you are SOL. Don't ask me how I know. ?
You didn't miss much. Fleer still hates WUP, Pavlov still writing TLDR missives on marketing, Abacab still pitching in with all sorts of wisdom nuggets, and Bapu is still buying and installing everything.
I've slowly been going through this:
This guy has been writing an article about every single Number 1 for several years. Well researched and written, and his opinions are quite funny.
I ended up with Drone with my voucher. Not sure it was a good decision, but that is what I ended up with.
I spent a lot this season, otherwise I may have gone with Augmented Orchestra or World Suite.
Amazing gift. Thank you @Greg Schlaepfer!!
OTS is one of my favorite sample companies - quality product, and one of the most customer friendly developers out there.