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Everything posted by husker

  1. FL Studio 20.9.1 Released Info Here NEW KEY FEATURES Playlist - New 'Quantize song jumps' Playlist Menu option. Playlist - 'Make unique as sample' no-longer prompts for a filename when the Shift key is held. Playlist - New option 'Show Peak Meters for Instrument tracks'. Browser - The Undo history in the browser no longer opens automatically while undoing. Mixer - New 'View > Always show external input levels' option to the mixer. Useful when monitoring is set to 'When armed' or 'Off'. FLEX - Shows a message in the "Free" and "Store" tabs if there's no internet connection. FPC - Added context aware type-in value support. Frequency Splitter - Added context aware type-in value support. Plugin Manager - Changed text of 'Find installed plugins' button. Unlock - Changed the text on the 'Show unlock window' button in the about window. Scripting - 9 new functions & features including: Retrieve FPC pad info, 'Bypass all effects' and 'Inverse polarity' in the mixer, Master sync status, Channel types request, Show rectangles for parts of the channel rack, Sequencer steps undo flag, Distinguish Audio and Automation Clip Channels, Allow simultaneous highlight rectangles & Detection by hardware ID is now case insensitive.
  2. Count your blessings - Steinberg would have charged for that. -A Cubase Fan
  3. I did the same thing, but man is it slow. It's been indexing it for almost 48 hours now - and its on an SSD. Wish there were some type of better indication on what exactly it is doing.
  4. Ah, had them mixed up. Thank you.
  5. Thank you - you probably just saved me $10. I bought Sononym during BF and it's....OK. It doesn't do well with large libraries either.
  6. Make sure you fill out each one completely, accurately, and sequentially.
  7. Again, I am not defending Waves or saying I have a good or bad opinion of Waves practice. I'm not giving any opinions on Waves. Don't misinterpret my simple goal of stating that WUP is not a subscription. I have around 25 years of experience in IT, and one of my responsibilities is overseeing the management and maintenance of around 700 different software contracts and licensing for for our organization. Waves version of maintenance is used by around 95% of these contracts - the others are true subscriptions like Office 365-Adobe-Box-Salesforce etc etc. What Waves does is simply not common in the plugin world, but it is everywhere else. For the last time, I am not saying their practice is good, bad, or indifferent. People can make up their own minds. I am merely stating that WUP is not a subscription. To answer your question, yes I was fully aware.
  8. I don't defend WUP, I just want to make it a point that it is not a subscription. That is all. I also don't recall ever stating I've never had problems with Waves (though it is true), so you may have me confused with another poster.
  9. I wasn't referring to you, which is why I didn't quote you. It is just a misnomer out there in home music production land that WUP is a subscription.
  10. Adobe is a subscription - you lose access to the program if you stop paying. Waves is not a subscription - you can continue to use the plugin if you do not pay WUP. What Waves sells is a support/maintenance plan - if you have issues or want the newest version, you pay for the year. All of this is standard business practice in the IT world. It is just not common in the plugin world. If Waves were a subscription, you would lose access to use the program/plugin after your year is up. Waves is not a subscription.
  11. This is huge for me as this issue has been present for a very long time. It was impossible to use the quick load, and see the various key switches on the virtual keypad.
  12. Resizable GUI? OH, sorry, I get Valentines Day and April Fools mixed up....
  13. I haven't purchased anything from JRR since that last issue, and don't plan to in the future.
  14. I'm actually in the same boat. I have the same - Horizon, Abbey Road, and some solos I want as well. I want Ovox and Kailadescopes and the SSL. Only K is in Mercury.
  15. Mine is $367 from Horizon.
  16. Was going to buy this tonight, and it now looks like it is gone! ?
  17. Thank you. I've been into this for 5 years now, and I love working on it. I love the hardware, what can I say...
  18. Been waiting for this one. Instant buy. I'm more philosophical about the VST2 to VST3 transition. I'm hopeful that Steinberg's announcement will just push devs into action.
  19. Thank you @TheSteven, I appreciate it. I don't have any Heavyocity products, so I wouldn't have been able to see that. I think it is odd that the essentials and full have different patches. I've actually been looking at Gravity and some of the essentials - I assume this is a good deal then?
  20. Does anyone know if upgrade paths are provided from the "essentials" to the full versions? They Heavocity site doesn't seem to provide much information.
  21. Clara singing "I am master of my domain"
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