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Everything posted by husker

  1. Looks generic to me.
  2. Thanks, will certainly pick this up. I do like the series, but need to get more serious about it.
  3. I really dig those Augmented instruments, but I'll wait on V Collection X.
  4. I also had updates for Augmented Strings and Augmented Voices. Interesting about a new Augmented Brass
  5. I have a foolproof method for not getting flagged. I just never actually record anything, finish a song, and certainly don't release what little I actually accomplish.
  6. Is it wrong to have both a HX Stomp and Helix Native? Asking for a friend...
  7. Wonder why it didn't work for you. I also have annual, which expires in January of 24. I was able to extend to March 1 using the code. Odd.
  8. For those who went for the Musio deal, there is an update this morning that brings most of their April 2023 roadmap into Musio. I see CineWinds Pro, CineBrass Pro, Tina Guo Solo Cello, Industry Brass Pro, and a few others that are new.
  9. Lucky. None for me, and I own Mercury, all the Abbey Road, SSL, and several outliers.
  10. Thanks you. Finally Vapor Keys 2 on sale.
  11. Yeah, that kind of stuff irritates me. Shoot, there are probably 100 just on VI that went for it. I was in the same boat - I only had one of their Kontakt libraries. If I had more, I probably wouldn't have gone for it.
  12. Shades of "Sonar For Life". I bought that and six months later came the end. I was so pissed. After thinking long and hard about this, I blew my whole summer budget and went for this deal. I mean, it can't happen to me twice, right? Musio is clearly on the newish side, but so far so good.
  13. I find it curious (and a bit humorous) that the title of this thread is "IK Renews ....Featuring more affordable prices with more accessible upgrades" - and the entire thread is about how confusing IK is and the prices being too high.
  14. @Fleer, a question for you....
  15. THanks, I think I'll check it out.
  16. Which is the big reason I didn't go for much in the Cinesamples sale!
  17. The people I feel bad for now are the folks like Fleer and others who were just giving away serials not just a week ago. They are the ones who got screwed now....
  18. If this is true, I am proven wrong. Never thought it would happen. Would be very happy about it though.
  19. I was really close to making the same (probable) mistake. I had all the core libraries in my cart, and was looking at that $400 price tag. Then I looked at my spreadsheet where I keep documentation of all my VSTs and Kontakt libraries. It didn't take me long to determine I really didn't need them at all. I did end up purchasing both choirs though. Will have a quick play through tonight, but I think I'll be happy with those purchases.
  20. Cinestrings and Voxos are two I was looking at.
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