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Everything posted by husker

  1. Can anyone confirm these are the Version 2 of these libraries?
  2. Oui! After the Waves fiasco hit home yesterday, I boot up my Eventide Eclipse and started playing around with some of the amazing reverbs. Software is convenient though.
  3. Everything shows $124.96 for me...
  4. Non concur. In my almost 30 years as an IT professional, I have yet to see one company move to exclusive subscriptions, then move back to offer perpetual licenses.
  5. This is me exactly. I'm not really a Waves apologist, but I like the plugins, the price, and WUP doesn't really bother me. I've only "Wupped" one time, after having several versions of Waves over the past years. I've been able to get some great plugins and bundles at great prices by slowly upgrading bundles. We are only "assuming" they are going sub only - what we know for sure is that resellers will not be able to sell them anymore. Waves may continue to do so (and I hope they do). But, like others, if they go sub only, I will not subscribe. The only silver lining to me if they go sub only is that all those that have said "WUP is a subscription" will have to admit it wasn't. ?
  6. Great, yet another chess game to show me how terrible a player I actually am.
  7. What version of Native Access are you using?
  8. This is what happens when take a day off!
  9. You are more correct - it benefits the consumers.
  10. I like Waves as well and the WUP doesn't bother me. I live in the world of IT, where maintenance cost are a daily thing for me. My biggest issue with WUP is that they provide very little in return for what you pay. I've only ever paid WUP one time. @PavlovsCat has mentioned a few times that one thing that Waves has done is drive prices down across the industry, which benefits everyone. There are plenty of options out there for sure.
  11. Congratulations BTW. Kontakt is one of the most used VSTs on the planet - its certainly my most used. Quite honestly, as an application is really stinks, but it really does open up a brand new world.
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